If you're reading this, you can pat yourself on the back. You're part of the elite, the "Top Gun" of those with Sleep Apnea. How? Largely just by virtue of knowing that you have Sleep Apnea -- ninety percent of those with Sleep Apnea remain undiagnosed. Moreover, not only are you in the top 90th percentile of the "Sleep Apnea Class," but because you're educating yourself about the disorder and trying to improve your life by actively seeking treatment, you, the members of this forum, are more likely in the top 99th percentile. If those figures don't drive home how special you are, then consider yourself in comparison to others who, like you, have Sleep Apnea.
Here's a common story taken from my own personal experience. My friend Kathy's father is in his early 60s, is overweight, falls asleep in front of the TV, snores so loudly the house shakes, has developed diabetes and suffers from high blood pressure. Kathy thinks her dad should get a sleep test done for Sleep Apnea, as do I. But he refuses to do a sleep study. The reason? His primary care physician told him that he just needs to focus on losing weight, and has never suggested it to him. "If I needed a sleep study done, wouldn't my doctor have told me to get one," is his reasoning. Sadly, as we all know, the answer is no. Most primary care physicians don't screen regularly for sleep disorders, if they're even educated about their symptoms. So Kathy's father will remain on the wrong end of the Sleep Apnea statistic. . . another number to add to the 90% of Americans who have Sleep Apnea, but who have not yet been diagnosed. No skin off the back of his primary care physician, but for Kathy and those who love this man who will likely die a little bit if not a lot earlier than he otherwise would, it's a shame.
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