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"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person." - Mother Teresa

So many people get a CPAP delivered to them, become frustrated and then give up. Others never even come to the realization that
they have a common, chronic sleep disorder called Sleep Apnea --
they think it's their lot in life to be tired, irritable,
miserable, depressed. One thing that is certain is that the outlook
does not have to be so grim. Many people have successfully treated
their Sleep Apnea through CPAP or other means and have turned
around their lives.

This forum was started by Mike and other
individuals who have sleep apnea and want to provide a friendly,
open and inclusive forum to discuss anything and everything related
to sleep apnea, a vastly under-diagnosed and commonly misunderstood

If you want to wait for "experts" to give you the information and resources you need, this is not the place for
you. If, however, you are an expert who puts your patients first or
you are a patient ready to rely on yourself and the collective
wisdom of a vibrant, intelligent community of individuals who have
sleep apnea, and who recognize the importance of treating it
properly, you've come to the right place. It's a place to ask
questions and to answer the questions of others, to find out what
works and what doesn't --- tips and tricks for managing CPAP and
other treatment options. It's also a place where we can get to get
to know each other. So ask a question, answer a question, post your
picture or share with us your journey with sleep apnea. But most
important, get involved. It's your health and nobody is better
equipped than you to get it back on track.

Have a problem or need to contact us? Click the Report an Issue

You may also write to us at:
PO Box 1696
Port Washington, NY 11050

Comment Wall (21 comments)

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At 2:15pm on February 4, 2011, Deborah Williams said…

I'M going back into hospital on 2/8 for another sleep study..i still can't sleep on my back even with my BIPAP i still feel as though i'm suffocating & tightness in my chest & light

headed as i'm lying on my back..but also on the 1/24 i ended up in the E/R as i'd sprained my right knee in my sleep & bruises on my left leg..i couldn't believe it when the dr in the E/R said that you must have done all this in your sleep..never had that before..has anybody else had anything like this? go to bed ok then wake up to injuries unknown how there done??

At 2:05pm on February 4, 2011, Deborah Williams said…
thank you for your friendship :)
At 10:55am on January 30, 2011, terry lee holden said…

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Apnea del Sueno

Que es la Apnea del Sueno

apnea del sueno
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Posted on May 12, 2009 at 7:01pm

History of RPSGTs

Re-posting this history of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (RPSGTs) from a Discussion started by Dave Hargett, who is a member of the Board of Directors of the BRPT:

"Peter McGregor is RPSGT registry number 1, from June 1979. This year the BRPT (Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists) celebrates it's 30th birthday as the credentialing agency for the RPSGT credential. In that 30 years there have been about 14,000 persons who have become RPSGTs.

My… Continue

Posted on May 3, 2009 at 2:58pm — 2 Comments

Didgeridoo for Sleep Apnea

Can playing a musical instrument, the Didgeridoo, help treat Sleep Apnea? Sounds like a gimmick, but there's actually some credible scientific evidence showing exactly that. The Didgeridoo appears to strengthen muscles in the airway, reducing the likelihood of their collapse and obstruction. For some serious scientific evidence on the effectiveness of the Didgeridoo in the treatment of Sleep Apnea, check out PubMed and the… Continue

Posted on April 7, 2009 at 1:00am — 1 Comment

What is Sleep Apnea?

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Here's a simple response to the question of what is sleep apnea: sleep apnea is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep.

Breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes. They often occur 5 to 30 times or more an hour. Typically, normal breathing then starts again, sometimes with a loud snort or choking sound.

Sleep apnea usually is a chronic (ongoing) condition… Continue

Posted on March 17, 2009 at 4:13am — 2 Comments

HIPAA Privacy Rule Must Die

The Problem

The HIPAA Privacy Rule must die. Since its inception in 2003, the HIPAA Privacy Rule has been invoked by health care providers not to protect us patients as Congress originally intended, but rather as a crutch for health care providers to fall back on when they have an interest, be it laziness, financial, incompetence or whatever, in making it more difficult for patients to gain control over our own health care decisions.

A Personal Anecdote

The… Continue

Posted on March 15, 2009 at 4:30pm — 15 Comments


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