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Comment by Nilsa Morales on November 11, 2011 at 9:04am

Existe alguna ayuda que se le pueda ofrecer a las personas que no podemos costear el examen del estudio del sueño cuando el Plan Medico no lo cubre? Mi médico me envío a realizar el mismo y por no tener el dinero por el alto costo del estudio no he podido realizarmelo y el sospecha grandemente que padezco de esta enfermedad y para estar seguro necesito realizarmelo en visita reciente le explique no pude realizar el mismo porque no cuento con los recursos economicos para hacerme el estudio.  Soy de Puerto Rico.

Comment by Paul Sweeting on August 10, 2011 at 3:59pm
New here and hello all.  Yes I would love o find a dating site for those who suffer from sleep Apnea as well.
Comment by dan brinkman on June 4, 2011 at 10:30pm

I haven't been diagnosed but am certain I have sleep apnea, however I don't have insurance and can't afford the sleep study. I was hoping to maybe find a free sleep study research in the San Francisco Bay Area. Or I am open to suggestions. I've been putting it off but I'm getting worse. Any information would be greatly appreciatied.

Comment by Kay Day on May 12, 2011 at 4:24pm
Judy, Go to, click on RLS Consultations to find the information for getting a consultation in Dr. Buchfuhrer's Downey office. Dr. Buchfuhrer is a sleep and RLS specialist who is on the RLS Foundation Medical Board of Directors. As an RLS Foundation Support Group Leader, I have participated in several phone conferences he has led and have learned much about RLS from him.
Comment by Jacqueline Dee Whittig on April 28, 2011 at 4:25pm
I would like to know, how many times you have to quit breathing in a sleep lab test, to have to get on the c-pap machine, or bi-pap machine? Is there a ammount?
Comment by Judy Lucas on January 24, 2011 at 4:21pm

After using the CPap for a year, and trying at least 5 or 6 masks, I am better but Dr. Ourmazdi is not convinced I am at my best sleep level yet.  I  feel better, have more energy and don't snore as much, but I do still have trouble keeping the mask on all night (I'm awakened by the noisy leaks), have trouble waking up in the morning and still snore, my husband reports from the other room. This neurologist says I have severe Restless Leg Syndrome which also keeps me from reaching REM sleep. The medications  for that upset my stomach.

After the last sleep study Dr, Ourmazdi prescribed a BiPap, starting at a

lower number, increasing after one month. Any words of wisdom, comfort, warning, encouragement? I'd also like to try another supply provider. Lincare was very responsive about getting me set up but less so with follow-up. Thanks.

Comment by Judy Lucas on January 24, 2011 at 4:13pm

How about Dr. Ourmazdi in Camarillo, CA? He also has a sleep lab where I've had 3 studies.


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