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I was dxd with OSA in November 2003 and have been having problems with my full face mask becoming unsealed and waking me for a couple of years now. I clean the mask surfaces daily, wash my face before bed, even shave just before bed and the seal still breaks during the night even while laying on my back. I am not sure what part of that wakes me but I do get damned upset waking to that. I will usually then shut off the APAP and go back to sleep somewhat. Does anyone else deal with this and if so, what do you do that may work?

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very common problem. it could be that the mask you're using is just not especially well suited for your particular face structure, in which case it would make sense to try a different mask. tell us a little bit about what type of mask you have now -- is it the full face mask, nasal mask, or nasal pillows?
I also have OSA and my seal breaks, it is because I think when we turn we are pushing the hose in which pushes it from us, I do not use a mask anymore as there are good for that I have a Swift that kinda of works like a oxygen tube, and I have a cpap no apap hope this helps
Daniel how long have you been using that particular mask? If it has been awhile you may need a new seal. I know mileage can vary between users and the different masks. I have used the particular mask I am currently using for over a year without switching seals -- but it is a nasal pillow mask.

Have you tried other masks to see if a different style might suit you better?
My mask is a full face that I got from the VA. It is a Mirage Quattro. I got the APAP at the same time. I have had this same problem with previous machines and masks. I got the APAP for the adjustable pressure, there have been nights where I can keep the mask on for 7+ hours and some where I sleep with it only 1-3 hours. I also have been diagnosed with Pulmonary Sarcoidosis and have been on Prednisone from January 23,2009 until July 9, 2009. Not sure if that disease has anything to do with this or not or maybe it caused the OSA many years ago and just got dxd in January 09. When I was first dxd with OSA, I used a nasal mask and that worked fine unless my sinuses were plugged. At that time I was still smoking a pack per day. Since last August, I have been able to quit for a couple of months, smoke up to three ciggarettes per day, quit again and start the cycle over again. I am still trying to stay quit.

sleepycarol said:
Daniel how long have you been using that particular mask? If it has been awhile you may need a new seal. I know mileage can vary between users and the different masks. I have used the particular mask I am currently using for over a year without switching seals -- but it is a nasal pillow mask.

Have you tried other masks to see if a different style might suit you better?
Please check the reply to sleepycarol below. I also agree with the possibility of the hose breaking the seal because of the rigity of the hose. The frame of the mask could be a little different for the cheek bone areas, but how many different styles can we expect the companies to make? This Mirage Quattro is a bit different from my previous mask. Perhaps with the body pains, acid reflux, and too much cafeine during the day would be more contributers to my not sleeping well enough and then get restless to where the seal breaks. Any other suggestions? I am really trying to keep an open mind.
Thanks. Dan

Mike said:
very common problem. it could be that the mask you're using is just not especially well suited for your particular face structure, in which case it would make sense to try a different mask. tell us a little bit about what type of mask you have now -- is it the full face mask, nasal mask, or nasal pillows?
Hi Daniel, I use the mirage quattro full face also. I have tried other masks and this one seems to be the best for me. I have had problems with leaks due to high pressure 18/14. The way I solved it, after loads of trial and error, was to wear the mask very snug (I'm still able to pull it away from my face a little to scratch the nose) then I hang the edge of my face and mask off the small head pillow I use (couch size). Then I use another pillow (large size) to "hug" in front of me that I hug and wedge under my chin (helps to keep my mouth closed too) and because of that pillow I don't roll off the head pillow. In essence I create a gap so the mask doesn't rest on anything. Any time I try to sleep on my back it still leaks so, I trained myself to only sleep on my side. Was easy for me because I'm a side sleeper anyway. Sounds like a pain but it's become quite comfortable for me. Hope this helps. Good luck with the quitting!
nicotine, like caffeine, will interfere with sleep. you should avoid both within a good amount of time -- I'd say at least 6 hours -- of bedtime. wonder whether bonesigh's advice was helpful to you?

Daniel Quarberg said:
Please check the reply to sleepycarol below. I also agree with the possibility of the hose breaking the seal because of the rigity of the hose. The frame of the mask could be a little different for the cheek bone areas, but how many different styles can we expect the companies to make? This Mirage Quattro is a bit different from my previous mask. Perhaps with the body pains, acid reflux, and too much cafeine during the day would be more contributers to my not sleeping well enough and then get restless to where the seal breaks. Any other suggestions? I am really trying to keep an open mind.
Thanks. Dan

Mike said:
very common problem. it could be that the mask you're using is just not especially well suited for your particular face structure, in which case it would make sense to try a different mask. tell us a little bit about what type of mask you have now -- is it the full face mask, nasal mask, or nasal pillows?
Yes, I know that I need to stop the nico and caffeine. Especially well before bed. I have tried tightening up the mask to no avail, also, sleeping on my side only makes the leaks more frequent and weke me. Another thing that I have been doing wrong is that I do not clean the mask or my face like I should be doing (every night before bed). Maybe I need to talk to the OSA docs at VA for a different mask that may fit better.

Mike said:
nicotine, like caffeine, will interfere with sleep. you should avoid both within a good amount of time -- I'd say at least 6 hours -- of bedtime. wonder whether bonesigh's advice was helpful to you?

Daniel Quarberg said:
Please check the reply to sleepycarol below. I also agree with the possibility of the hose breaking the seal because of the rigity of the hose. The frame of the mask could be a little different for the cheek bone areas, but how many different styles can we expect the companies to make? This Mirage Quattro is a bit different from my previous mask. Perhaps with the body pains, acid reflux, and too much cafeine during the day would be more contributers to my not sleeping well enough and then get restless to where the seal breaks. Any other suggestions? I am really trying to keep an open mind.
Thanks. Dan

Mike said:
very common problem. it could be that the mask you're using is just not especially well suited for your particular face structure, in which case it would make sense to try a different mask. tell us a little bit about what type of mask you have now -- is it the full face mask, nasal mask, or nasal pillows?
Mike- I tried full face masks, but have you tried the Mirage Swift nasal pillow?>
The pillows go INSIDE your nostrels, lightly, and inflate, I can lay on either side, even on top of the supply tube side,(use 2 big pillows, each made up of (2) DOWN pillows, each put into large pillowcases, imo, you have to invest in expensive pillows, sorry if this sounds elitist, you are laying on straps, with good pillows, you are good. Any over-the-nose and/or mouth masks leak any time your cheek changes shape, the Mirage does not even need to be that tight to seal, it's ONLY sealing in 2 round places, your nose, but you have to use a chinstrap with it. Hope you do better and get a solution!

Daniel Quarberg said:
Yes, I know that I need to stop the nico and caffeine. Especially well before bed. I have tried tightening up the mask to no avail, also, sleeping on my side only makes the leaks more frequent and weke me. Another thing that I have been doing wrong is that I do not clean the mask or my face like I should be doing (every night before bed). Maybe I need to talk to the OSA docs at VA for a different mask that may fit better.

Mike said:
nicotine, like caffeine, will interfere with sleep. you should avoid both within a good amount of time -- I'd say at least 6 hours -- of bedtime. wonder whether bonesigh's advice was helpful to you?

Daniel Quarberg said:
Please check the reply to sleepycarol below. I also agree with the possibility of the hose breaking the seal because of the rigity of the hose. The frame of the mask could be a little different for the cheek bone areas, but how many different styles can we expect the companies to make? This Mirage Quattro is a bit different from my previous mask. Perhaps with the body pains, acid reflux, and too much cafeine during the day would be more contributers to my not sleeping well enough and then get restless to where the seal breaks. Any other suggestions? I am really trying to keep an open mind.
Thanks. Dan

Mike said:
very common problem. it could be that the mask you're using is just not especially well suited for your particular face structure, in which case it would make sense to try a different mask. tell us a little bit about what type of mask you have now -- is it the full face mask, nasal mask, or nasal pillows?
Yup, I would guess you are in need of a new mask, a better fitting mask. But also you should consider hanging your hose above your head. That creates less tugging on the mask by the hose as you move around in your sleep. There are even commercial hose hangars you can buy.

You can also try clipping your hose to your PJs front. That way the hose tugs during the night as you move are tugging on your PJ top, not on your mask.

There are also masks that allow for running the hose to the top of your head by providing a clip to do so.

I understand that there are some 250 different models of masks. Go to, click on CPAP Masks in the column on the left of the page and view as many as you like. I hope you have high speed internet access!!! Plenty of pics and info on each mask they sell and they offer a lot of different ones. I'd guess they have about the largest selection of masks on the net!!!

There are those of us who have gone thru 12 or more masks before finding THE RIGHT one. The RIGHT mask is THE KEY to successful CPAP therapy.

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