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Pure B.S. : A so-called herbal "remedy" for Sleep Apnea that says it addresses the underlying causes of Sleep Apnea, and not just the symptoms.

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Yes, and it's expensive $46/30 capsules - a 15-30 day supply. They left the obstructive out of sleep apnea.
I wonder why the FDA isn't going after this. Snake oil for snoring is OK because snoring isn't a medical condition, but sleep apnea is a medical condition and the treatments come under FDA control.
Maybe they just haven't been turned in. It would seem to me that their claims would have to be backed up with research -- an independent research study would show that it is misleading.
i wonder whether this schlock sells better than CPAP.

sleepycarol said:
Maybe they just haven't been turned in. It would seem to me that their claims would have to be backed up with research -- an independent research study would show that it is misleading.
nothing to do with centrals
Has anyone tried this?
I didn't try this brand, but a similar product with absolutely no improvement in numbers or subjective feelings of well being.  Thank goodnesss it was only $30.00- still a total waste of money and an act of desperation.

Thanks for replying Mary.


Folks, I am going to try this product. I'll tell you why.


So far in my struggle with apnea, I have had 3 sleep studies and:

- lost 46lbs

- gotten a CPAP machine and used it for 6 months

- had endoscopic nasal and sinus surgery.

- tried mouthpieces, nasal inserts, chin straps, and sprays (prescription and non)


The net result is that I had 11 arousals per hour on my initial study, and now have 8

arousals per hour with the CPAP after the weight loss and the surgery. I have spent

thousands of dollars on non BS mainstream medicine and the problem remains.


I will definitely buy a $35 raffle ticket at this point. It is indeed an act of desperation,

but why not try something different? My doctors have nothing more to offer now

except drugs to keep me alert during the day. If I don't keep looking for a solution

on my own, how can I expect the problem to ever get solved?


BTW, I scoured the internet for comments from people who used the product. I found

5 people who said it helped them and 2 that said it didn't. This doesn't count 'testimonials'

on the site where they are selling it. That's a much better ratio of satisfied to unsatisfied customers than I have seen for CPAP users.


Anyway, a co-worker (who has an OSA diagnosis and uses CPAP) and I ordered the stuff yesterday. We'll use it for a few weeks, and then I'll post a new thread on our outcomes.


Most likely we'll be no better off, but like Edison working on that stubborn light bulb,we will

have a more complete list of things that don't work.


Mary Z said:

I didn't try this brand, but a similar product with absolutely no improvement in numbers or subjective feelings of well being.  Thank goodnesss it was only $30.00- still a total waste of money and an act of desperation.

Yes jim hall, desperate people like you are a key target market for these thieving charlatans.

But you have to make your own decisions.

Jim, Hope you have sucess at finding good sleep without harming yourself worse. If you have lost all that weight your titration has more than likely changed .Perhaps a fresh titration is in order??? Good Sleep,Chris

I have been using Natures Rite for 3 months with great success.  Just ask my wife as I believe that she benefits more that I do.  She has been sleeping with my snoring for 43 years.  It is a little expensive but I wake up much refreshed.


i did go to the sleep clinic and was diagnosed with a mild case when I am on my back.  Have used mouth piece and breath rite strips with some success.  I still use nasal strips with the Natures Rite now.

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