Comment by Christine C on August 24, 2009 at 9:24pm
Well, she says that it looks like an elephant snout...I would much rather look like I have an elephants snout than to have my family standing over my casket...
Make ya wonder what online school she went to for her degree
Comment by susan mccord on August 15, 2009 at 8:42pm
I just watched this video for the first time. Holy crap, what is UP with these people? Did he call her "Doctor"? Sounds like a surgeon's marketer to me. Man, if that kind of stuff gets spread around, there are gonna be a lot MORE people scared of CPAP. How does such blatant misinformation get televised on a supposed news program/interview with a "medical" person? 'Course it was on Fox which explains a lot....this IS a scary video, not because of apnea but because of inadequate and irresponsible reporting.....Lord have mercy.....
They definately could have chosen some a little more qualified to represent my field.
Comment by Ruth Rayceen on March 30, 2009 at 11:47am
Thank you Sleep Guide crew. The site you have designed, staffed and cared firm is a wonderful place. It is far more than a Safe Haven for apnea patients. It is a forum where we can gain knowledge about our equipment. Understand what we can do to help our therapy be successful. Form friendships, and be grateful for unselfish mentors.This site is well designed, and as a patient, I have already benefited from Dr Park's articles and comments, and those of the sleep professionals. Thanks again Ruth Rayceen.
I have to questions for you, if I may. I tried to use the feature of copy, cut & paste on my computer on a qyote I wanted to transfer. Is there a feature that will help me in this. Also I like seeing the pictures people involved and the members - especially the young girl who had jaw surgery. Cudos to her, brave young woman.
Also I send a photo, I would like to replace it with a larger size. Can you tell me how to do that? And I would like a photo to accompany my posts, so that people can become acquainted with me, and me with them. How Do I do this, and get a photo on My Page.
Comment by Woolfey on February 15, 2009 at 12:06pm
In my experience weight loss was easier once I was on CPAP And as far as the Elephant nose thing going to a good sleep center could also result in your being introduced to the Resmed Mirage Swift type masks. I am always amazed when I show my mask to someone at my sleep apnea awareness group and they have never heard of one before.. Granted a lot of folks nostrils don't get along with this mask but, but when it works with your anatomy it's awesome..
Comment by sleepycarol on February 11, 2009 at 7:08pm
Remember someone always has to be at the end of their class!!
Maybe she was the last one in her class when she obtained her medical license!!
That would explain her "report". She slept through medical school!! :)
When you are sleeping who cares what you look like as long as you are alive. Yeah, that is a BS news story. Of course, Fox News. That stuff should be banned.
Barb, welcome. Let us know a little bit about why you're not able to keep it on the entire night --- is the mask irritating you, is the pressure too high or too low for your taste, etc. Once we know more about why you're having trouble, we'll all be able to troubleshoot better. Also, I will move your question to the Discussions section of the site, where it's more likely to be noticed.
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