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Do you experience frequent urination at night? Or did you experience frequent urination at night before getting treated for Sleep Apnea? If you have Obstructive Sleep Apnea, it is very likely the cause of your urination problems. Treat the Sleep Apnea problem, and you will find yourself waking up to go to the bathroom less often. Here's how come:

When the airway is blocked or partially blocked as it is during an apnea or hypopnea event, the body must exert more effort to pull air into the lungs, causing a change in pressure and more blood to flow toward the heart. The heart interprets this increased blood flow as an alert that there's too much fluid in the system. It then sends a signal to the kidneys via a hormone, the essence of which is "we have too much fluid in here; it's time to dump some overboard." The body's way to dump liquid overboard is to urinate.

When the airway is clear, as it would be when Positive Airway Pressure is acting as a splint to keep it open, this whole chain of events isn't set in motion. As if there weren't already enough good reasons to treat your Sleep Apnea, this is one more. Save the trips to the bathroom and sleep easier at night.

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Comment by Mary Z on February 19, 2012 at 5:40pm

"Umlauf explains that during episodes of sleep apnea, the soft structures in the throat relax and close off the airway, setting into motion a chain of physiological events. "Oxygen decreases, carbon dioxide increases, the blood becomes more acidic, the heart rate drops and blood vessels in the lung constrict," says Umlauf. "The body is alerted that something is very wrong. The sleeper must wake enough to reopen the airway. By this time, the heart is racing and experiences a false signal of fluid overload. The heart excretes a hormone-like protein that tells the body to get rid of sodium and water, resulting in nocturia."


Just from a link, not a research study.

Comment by Oya Seiichiro on February 19, 2012 at 6:39am
The reason of relief of night time urination problem by using the CPAP is that their brain get enough oxygen supply by the machine, in the result, the brain can take a rest to rectify the imbalance of autonomic nerve system. It means that their sympathetic nerve used to get an upper hand of parasympathetic nerve in asleep due to insufficient oxygen to the brain by conditions of sleep disorder.
As far as brain enable enough rest with good quality of sleep with oxygen, autonomic system maintains parasympathetic nerve superiority over sympathetic nerve within 7 days or earlier and stop waking up to go to bath room in the middle of the night and then, the deep sleep built up immunity at same time.
From a different standpoint, if users of CPAP or any devices whichever for sleep disorder after a while still go to rest room during sleep, some other factors disturb deep brain rest that I think.
Comment by Charlene J Haucke on October 4, 2011 at 5:40pm
After only being on my CPAP 6 days I am not getting up for potty...I was getting up 5/6 times a night before get my CPAP...Now none..
Comment by PJ Bear on June 24, 2010 at 12:28pm
I used to get up 2 or 3 times a night for a loo stop, I have been on my CPAP for just 7 nights and during that time I have not had to get up at all - what's more I haven't reduced my liquid intake of approx 2-3 litres per day either. The sleep technician did say that this does happen for the majority of people using a CPAP.
Comment by J Murphy on January 4, 2010 at 10:43am
I am concerned. I was previously diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. I underwent surgery about 3.5 years ago. I was not the typical patient as I was only 29yo and not overweight. Apparently I had very large tonsels and a deviated septum that resulted in approx. 375 nightly arrousals. I used to get up 4-8 times a night to use the bathroom. The surgery seemed like a dream come true. My follow-up sleep study showed me to be cured and the night time bathroom trips went down to 1 or 2, which I could live with. I also lost a good amount of weight and my thinking and memory were much clearer. However, my sleeping has become not as restfull and my nighttime bathroom visits has increased to 3 or 4, which is starting to scare me. My weight has also increased. Any thoughts as to what I should try? I wonder if the surgery helped but didnt completely treat the sleep apnea. The weight increase seemed to increase the bathroom visits. I am a 32yo male, athletic build, 5'6" 192lb (was down to 175lbs and feeling great). Any help is appreciated!!!
Comment by Mike on February 1, 2009 at 4:08pm

Yes. Untreated sleep apnea can lead to diabetes. There's much scientific research to back up the connection between the two disorders, and more is emerging all the time. On your reversal question, I know that the severity of diabetes fluctuates depending on how well it's treated. I believe that along with proper diet and exercise, proper sleep can of course minimize the adverse effects of diabetes. By the way, I am slender and don't have any relatives with diabetes. But i have pre-diabetes, which i attribute to years of going without treating my sleep apnea.
Comment by Darillyn Patterson on January 28, 2009 at 8:19pm
I have an identical twin sister. We've both been diagnosed with sleep apnea. She recently started CPAP therapy. My doctor faxed a script for the machine to the company, but it was too late for me. We lost our health insurance just before that. My husband lost his job last week, so now we're going to have the state health insurance. I'm looking forward to being able to have the sleep apnea treated, since I know it's bad for my health. I'm hoping to convince my husband to get tested. I suspect he also suffers from it because I've seen him stop breathing, and he snores at times. He was diagnosed with diabetes a couple of years ago, even though he's slender, exercises, and doesn't know of any relatives with diabetes. Can untreated sleep apnea actually lead to diabetes? Can it be reversed if the sleep apnea is treated?
Comment by Karen on January 22, 2009 at 5:39am
Whatever the reason, I am looking forward to not getting up 3 or more times a night to use the bathroom. I pick up my cpap (nasal pillows) tomorrow.
Comment by Terri Wilkes on January 21, 2009 at 10:35pm
Well I still think mine is because I drink alot of liquid all day long, even up until bedtime.....and that could also be the reason for frequent urination too. Right? :) I go in a couple of weeks go get my consult with the Sleep Doctor. Wish me luck. I think my husband needs to go too. He had one done a couple of years ago and they called him "borderline." Wonder if that can change through the years?
Comment by Daniel on January 21, 2009 at 9:28pm
It's certainly true that nocturia (frequent nighttime urination) can be caused by untreated sleep apnea, and I've met dozens of people who have been pleasantly surprised to find great improvement by regularly using CPAP.

The posted explanation of why untreated OSA causes nocturia isn't the explanation I heard. I have often wondered why my crate-trained dog doesn't pee in the crate all night, but during the day, she has to pee every couple of hours. I was told that when we reach stage 3 and 4 slow-wave sleep, the brain releases a hormone that helps concentrate urine. That's why it can be a bright yellow color in the morning. With untreated OSA, our sleep is so fragmented that we often never reach the stage 3 & 4 sleep for any significant amount of time. The hormone is never released, urine builds up, and we have to get up and pee more frequently.

For whatever reason, it is a definite benefit of CPAP therapy.

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