Que es la
Apnea del Sueno
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on May 12, 2009 at 7:01pm —
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Re-posting this history of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (RPSGTs) from a Discussion started by Dave Hargett, who is a member of the Board of Directors of the BRPT:
"Peter McGregor is RPSGT registry number 1, from June 1979. This year the BRPT (Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists) celebrates it's 30th birthday as the credentialing agency for the RPSGT credential. In that 30 years there have been about 14,000 persons who have become RPSGTs.
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on May 3, 2009 at 2:58pm —
Can playing a musical instrument, the Didgeridoo, help treat Sleep Apnea? Sounds like a gimmick, but there's actually some credible scientific evidence showing exactly that. The Didgeridoo appears to strengthen muscles in the airway, reducing the likelihood of their collapse and obstruction. For some serious scientific evidence on the effectiveness of the Didgeridoo in the treatment of Sleep Apnea, check out
PubMed and the… Continue
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on April 7, 2009 at 1:00am —
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What Is Sleep Apnea?
Here's a simple response to the question of what is sleep apnea: sleep apnea is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep.
Breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes. They often occur 5 to 30 times or more an hour. Typically, normal breathing then starts again, sometimes with a loud snort or choking sound.
Sleep apnea usually is a chronic (ongoing) condition…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on March 17, 2009 at 4:13am —
The Problem
The HIPAA Privacy Rule must die. Since its inception in 2003, the HIPAA Privacy Rule has been invoked by health care providers not to protect us patients as Congress originally intended, but rather as a crutch for health care providers to fall back on when they have an interest, be it laziness, financial, incompetence or whatever, in making it more difficult for patients to gain control over our own health care decisions.
A Personal Anecdote
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on March 15, 2009 at 4:30pm —
Unlike a fine wine, CPAP supplies don't get better with age. In fact, they tend to deteriorate and become less effective over time, and be replaced by ever more comfortable and innovative CPAP technologies. So we're often taken aback to hear that someone's been using the same mask for years, not having even replaced the cushions. Ditto for the machines…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on March 9, 2009 at 3:00am —
Having Moderate Sleep Apnea is like having had a moderate heart attack: while better than "Severe," it's still dead serious. Mistakenly, my first reaction when getting the diagnosis of Moderate Sleep Apnea was relief. "Well, at least I'm not too far gone," I thought, as I let my guard down and didn't get serious about my Sleep Apnea treatment.
Then I did some research and found out what Moderate Sleep Apnea means.
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on March 1, 2009 at 5:00pm —
Awareness is not yet widespread that Sleep Apnea is a disorder that doesn't just touch the lives of overweight, middle-aged men. But Sleep Apnea doesn't discriminate. Take James Simmons. He's 6 feet 3 inches tall, weighs 190 pounds and is only 23 years old. He's a top prospect to pitch in the Major Leagues for the Oakland A's, and can throw a 90 mph fastball.…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on February 24, 2009 at 7:30pm —
New scientific research indicates that an individual's anatomy might be critical in an apnea diagnosis. Researchers at the prestigious Seoul National University College of Medicine in South Korea have concluded that people with obstructive sleep apnea have soft palates that are more elongated and angled than those of people without the condition. The finding was made using sleep videofluoroscopy (a combination of X-ray images and video recording).
"Sleep videofluoroscopy…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on February 23, 2009 at 10:23pm —
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Is it possible that a pill will turn out to be a Sleep Apnea cure? Hard to fathom, but that's exactly what Cortex Pharaceuticals, Inc. of Irvine, Calif. has its sights set on with its new AMPAKINE CX1739 drug compound. Cortex says that animal studies have demonstrated that the AMPAKINE compound can stimulate the regions of the brain responsible for regulating breathing and muscle tone in the upper airway. The notion is that an increase in breathing and an improvement in upper airway…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on February 22, 2009 at 4:00pm —
In a recent
Sleep Study article, I wrote from a personal experience about the difficulty many people have coming to grips with a diagnosis of Sleep Apnea. A member of this forum then started a discussion about
sleep studies, and about the prospect of a home sleep test conducted with the assistance and oversight of a registered respiratory…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on February 20, 2009 at 4:00pm —
My wife's Sleep Study confirmed what I had suspected all along: my wife has Sleep Apnea. What I didn't bargain for is that this Sleep Study has landed me squarely within the four corners of the proverbial dog house. Here's why:
My wife has snored all night, every night since I've met her. It's so bad that I wear Macks earplugs just so I can get to sleep with all the ruckus. She's seen me go through all the stations of Sleep Apnea: the sleep study, the titration, the missteps, and the…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on February 18, 2009 at 10:56pm —
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Sleep Apnea Depression. If you're asking which one it is, sleep apnea or depression, you're in good company: unfortunately, primary care physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and patients often confuse sleep apnea and depression. Understandably so. Loss of energy, loss of interest in once enjoyable things, difficulty concentrating and fatigue are common symptoms of depression. But they are also common symptoms of sleep apnea, and new research is continually emerging to show…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on February 17, 2009 at 3:04pm —
On President's Day, our thoughts naturally turn to those who have held the nation's highest office. Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, likely had Sleep Apnea. The reason? In 1912, there was an assassination attempt on his life which left him hospitalized for a week in Milwaukee, where the assassination attempt took place. The hospital reported that his snoring was so loud and erratic that other patients on his floor complained that they couldn't sleep and were…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on February 16, 2009 at 6:39pm —
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On Tuesday, President Obama is expected to sign into law the Stimulus Bill that Congress approved last week. The 1,000 page bill is complex and multifaceted, but for the members of SleepGuide.com, I wanted to highlight that it contains a provision that may help some of our members get diagnosed and treated for Sleep Apnea. Basically, for those who are laid off from their jobs between September 1, 2008 and December 31, 2009, the federal government will pay 65 percent of your COBRA…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on February 15, 2009 at 4:00pm —
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Reprinted from a discussion on
nocturia posted by Steven Park, M.D., a featured member.
If you’re one of the millions of men and women who have to go the the bathroom far too often, or have embarrassing leaks of urine once in a while, here’s some important information that you should know. The New York Times (Feb. 3) reported on an article from the New England Journal of Medicine which revealed that…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on February 14, 2009 at 3:22pm —
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Andy Richter made an appearance recently on Late Night with Conan O'Brien sporting the celebrity's CPAP mask, which appears to be the Respironics Comfort Fusion Nasal Mask. Looks like Conan is laughing at him, but Conan's brand of humor is generally good-natured, so I'm sure this raised awareness of OSA in a good way.
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on February 13, 2009 at 11:21pm —
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Are we ashamed of having Sleep Apnea? I know the answer for myself is a resounding "no." But for others, it's not so simple. To my way of thinking, Sleep Apnea is a common disorder to which no stigma is attached. Sure, sleeping with a hose attached to a breathing machine every night is inconvenient, but I don't feel as if it's something I need to hide. But for my friend Peter (name changed for sake of anonymity), it's a black mark that he feels compelled to hide from others. When he…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on February 12, 2009 at 3:30pm —
Contributed by Dr. Steven Park, a featured member of SleepGuide.com: http://www.sleepguide.com/forum/topics/is-insomnia-really-a
Sleep doctors have always thought of insomnia as a behavioral or stress aggravated issue, and the standard ways of treating this all-too-common condition is to either give sleeping pills or have the patient undergo cognitive behavioral therapy. However, a recent study…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on February 11, 2009 at 2:00pm —
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The connection between Sleep Apnea and Diabetes is real and scary. Studies published in the European Respiratory Journal and Journal of Internal Medicine tell us that up to 40% of people with Sleep Apnea will have Diabetes. Other studies show that up to 50% of those with type 2 Diabetes have Sleep Apnea. Essentially, Sleep Apnea causes intermittent shortages of oxygen in the body and fragmentation of sleep, which in turn causes physiologic stress which then wreaks havok on glucose…
Added by The SleepGuide Crew on February 7, 2009 at 9:30pm —