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Has anyone wondered why there are so many people with a diagnosis of Sleep Apnea these days - or have a theory as to why? I know I sound a bit conspiracy-theoried, but I am a bit suspicious, as there are an awful lot of sleep centers cropping up. Maybe it is because I am denial about my own diagnosis, but it seems that nearly everyone I meet needs the  C-PAP too.


Sorry about my rant,



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irradiated food
common everyday milk as it has usually antibiotics in it
bacon has nitric

Rooster said:
99 blurted out, "moderrn food are denuded of nutrients and sometime are downright harmful or of no value at all also we are treated with medication which are used to decide which of the evils are a better course to choose"

Care to provide any common examples?
salt has hydroxycyanide or something spelt like this
butter spreads have hyrogenated vegateable oil

oh by the way those words you accused me of blurting out were mostly yours

99 said:

irradiated food
common everyday milk as it has usually antibiotics in it
bacon has nitric

Rooster said:
99 blurted out, "moderrn food are denuded of nutrients and sometime are downright harmful or of no value at all also we are treated with medication which are used to decide which of the evils are a better course to choose"

Care to provide any common examples?
Thankyou Rooster You seasoned PaP ers have opened my eyes

Rooster said:

chris h said:
Their are many more people in general.We do not work (physically) like our ancestors did .No computers or microwave ovens or things we can not pronounce in our food. The fix ...Yeah it is an odd thought to strap a compressor on your face to sleep . IT sure beats waking up drenched in swett heart pounding feeling like a buss ran you over. Read labels, learn about making better choices with food , exercise and CPAP treatment.The world isnt out to get you ...untreated apnea Will !
Good sleep, Chris

Good one Chris!

99 said:
oh by the way those words you accused me of blurting out were mostly yours

In that case, it wasn't an accusation, it was a bestowing of honor. ;)
Let me add that I disagree to some degree with 99 and Rooster on the specifics of food and will get back to you when I have more time.
This may create an uproar, but I believe that much of the increase has to do with a heavier America. I am one of those people. About 3 years ago, while on a CPAP, I underwent a hospital weight loss program. I went from 287 to 178 pounds. While at the low end I took it upon my self to experiment with my CPAP. I stopped using it. I was not aware of any episodes and my wife told me that I no longer snored. Foolhardy? Maybe. I had intended to ask my PCP to schedule a sleep study for me. At any rate I am now totally depressed, using my CPAP and back up to 270. I really believe that a good part of the national increase of the CPAP being prescribed is due to being overweight. Not to say that everyone that is in need of a CPAP is over weight, or that everyone that is over weight needs a CPAP. I am totally speaking from my experience.

straw berri said:
Hi Becky,
Many of my patients have the same concerns as you...but I take the time to share my husband's story, which I hope you will read.

And to comment about one of the other replys....there is an age old debate about obesity and how it relates to OSA. After much research, I explain to most people - it's a common belief that a person gains weight and then develops the symptoms of OSA, but after being in sleep medicine for over 5 years....I believe the weight gain is a result of OSA...there are many links to reseach this....just go to Google and type in weight gain + OSA or obesity and OSA...there are arguments on both sides...but like I said...I have heard many more say they gained weight after the sleeping problems began than vice versa.
I don't think the number of sleep apnea patients have increased " all of a sudden" .. I KNOW it has been around a LONG time
and the doctors were all just untrained to recognize it ...OR.. the ones who did.. were not trained in HOW to treat it. There were NO CPAP machines.. but there were STILL a LOT of people with sleep apnea. A LOT of people DIED of sleep apnea in the past. When my son died... ( at age 22) from it..the ER nurses and DR.s said.. " oh wow.. he really has sleep
apnea!"... moved him near the nurses desk to " keep an eye on him" since he was not breathing more than he was breathing..but NO ONE .. said.. GET him into a sleep clinic ASAP..strap on a CPAP mask..(I had never heard of them then)...get this young man some help as he is literally DYING from his sleep apnea. IT is not a case of " all of a sudden" all these people have sleep apnea.. it is .. NOW there is finally a way to treat it.. to diagnose it.. to help people survive who have it.
Pleople used to accept 'crib death' as a natural occurance as well.
Wonderful story Straw Berri, and thanks for sharing. Also, fantastic that you've changed your career to help people as a result of almost losing your hubby. Totally agree with you re the weight issue too, and if people stopped being told their weight is causing their apneas rather than the other way around, more people might be willing to seek a diagnosis without guilt.

straw berri said:

straw berri said:
Hi Becky,
Many of my patients have the same concerns as you...but I take the time to share my husband's story, which I hope you will read.

And to comment about one of the other replys....there is an age old debate about obesity and how it relates to OSA. After much research, I explain to most people - it's a common belief that a person gains weight and then develops the symptoms of OSA, but after being in sleep medicine for over 5 years....I believe the weight gain is a result of OSA...there are many links to reseach this....just go to Google and type in weight gain + OSA or obesity and OSA...there are arguments on both sides...but like I said...I have heard many more say they gained weight after the sleeping problems began than vice versa.
After Antony Van Leeuwenhoek discovered the 'wee beasties' he opened the door to development of antibiotics. Now we treat everybody with antibiotics. I'm sure people once asked, 'why do we not treat the ill humours anymore'? It's progress. We learn about a new treatment that works and we use it.
Sorry to hear how you're feeling just now John, but on reading your story it more points to the fact that apneas can cause the weight gain rather than the other way around (seeing as your weight came back when you kept off your machine). Hopefully, now you're back on CPAP the weight will come off again, and the depression will lift. Good Luck!

John Douglass Paul Jr. said:
This may create an uproar, but I believe that much of the increase has to do with a heavier America. I am one of those people. About 3 years ago, while on a CPAP, I underwent a hospital weight loss program. I went from 287 to 178 pounds. While at the low end I took it upon my self to experiment with my CPAP. I stopped using it. I was not aware of any episodes and my wife told me that I no longer snored. Foolhardy? Maybe. I had intended to ask my PCP to schedule a sleep study for me. At any rate I am now totally depressed, using my CPAP and back up to 270. I really believe that a good part of the national increase of the CPAP being prescribed is due to being overweight. Not to say that everyone that is in need of a CPAP is over weight, or that everyone that is over weight needs a CPAP. I am totally speaking from my experience.

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