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I made it through the 3 days of smoothies. Good lord! Going from a high calorie diet to a low one is rough. I do not believe that I have ever been so hungry for that long in my life. I was rewarded with a low calorie taco bar for the big game on sunday. I dobelieve that the mexican/italian twist that my wife has put on our diet has been a key to our 2 week success. The flavor combinations that these 2 cultures put into their foods makes eating healthy enjoyable. I have also found that while nuts may be a little higher in fats,that they are also very filling in small amounts. yes I am still hungry, but I feel better.

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feel free to vent here. we hear so much about easy weight loss options. it sounds much more authentic to hear it like it is: it involves pain and sacrifice and it still can be done.
WOW, ROCK!! I'm so proud of you! I know you've been thinking about doing this for a long time. So you go, boy!

Not sure you have to stay hungry all the time. Are you on a specific program? or just trying to cut back in general?

Please tell me you're not starving yourself. Rumor has it if you eat 6 small meals a day, it will keep your metabolism fired up. If you go long periods without eating, you'll not only be hungry but your body will go into automatic caregiving mode, i.e., it senses "starvation" and slows metabolism down. (If you already know this, just ignore me!) The hot ticket is thinking of the in-between meals being small, like a piece of fruit or a cup of yogurt, or some raw vegetables, etc.

Working at this way has resulted in really good weight loss success, at least for me.,,,,,

Keep up the good work! You're gonna be a lean, mean fightin' machine!!!

Susan :-D!

Mike said:
feel free to vent here. we hear so much about easy weight loss options. it sounds much more authentic to hear it like it is: it involves pain and sacrifice and it still can be done.
No I am not starving. Lol I have gone from around 3000 calories down to around 1500. That is why I have been so hungry. O would not call what we are doing so much a diet as it is eating in moderation.
Hi Rock,
Nuts are good because they have protein, good fats, and fiber, all of which help satisfy hunger. Just watch portion size. Try some raw nuts, no salt. I like to mix them with a some dark chocolate chips (60% cacao) like Ghirardelli brand, which has some good antioxidant value, and not a lot of sugar.

I hear you can loose a pound per week by cutting 500 calories a day over a week (3500 per week), by both intake reduction and burning more with some exercise. I would wonder if it is a good thing to drop 1500 calories per day so suddenly, and would probably be hard to sustain. I've never been a dieter, but do need to lose some pounds that have crept up over the years, especially the last few. I'm taking the slow approach, hoping to make changes I can stick with long term. First was passing on the office donuts. I'm also working on portion size, and having healthy snacks around to eat instead of the "bad" ones. I like the several small meals a day option, but some work situations make that difficult.

Good luck!
I would not suggest to anyone that they cut their calorie intake in half. LOL it sucks! My wife and I did a 3 day smoothie detox. Nothing but fresh fruits and water. We are now slowly adding more calories daily. We have list for foods like "foods that we can eat once a week" or "foods that we nee4d to eat at least 3 times a week. The list for foods that we can't eat at all is a little discouraging though. We are replacing our bad eating habits with healthy alternatives. I would not call it a diet as much as I would reprogramming.
Pain and sacrifice is an understatement Mike. My entire life I have been blessed with good food. My hunger never lasted longer than it took me to walk to the kitchen. Working under some great chefs I have experienced some of the best recipes. I have many memories based around food and drink. I had a few close friends pass away in the last few years for different reasons. All about my age. The last one was pretty hard. After the funeral my wife, whom is 9 years my younger, set me down and explained that her biggest fear was losing me. She explained in very detailed recall how I was my own worst enemy. the memory on that woman. How it would be a shame not to see my grandkids as was my grandfather's fate. She also told me how much fun I was. One week later we began the smoothie regiment. You know go figure. I know that some of you are thinking "cradle robber". I would have been stupid to let her go though. She did give me back breakfast foods afterall :)

Mike said:
feel free to vent here. we hear so much about easy weight loss options. it sounds much more authentic to hear it like it is: it involves pain and sacrifice and it still can be done.
My mom and dad were twelve years apart. Mom joked that since dad went grey at an early age, people would sometimes think he was her dad and would refer to him that way. LOL

I need to get back on a diet for sure!!! I haven't gained back all that I lost, but have put enough back on that I can tell a difference in how I feel. My problem is stress = eating. I get stressed and I eat. I don't smoke, though have joked that I ought to take it up to keep me from eating. Work has not been at all easy and is only getting worse. I am even toying around with going to the doctor to get something for my nerves -- which I have never ever done in the past as I have always been able to work through the stress. I feel jittery and jumpy all the time and feel it is nerves caused by the stress. I don't do caffeine as I am allergic to it so that isn't the cause of the jitters.

Will be glad when it is summer!!!!
Well week 3 starts tomorrow. I have to sacrifice yet another bad eating habit to the "never eat list". So far I have added fast food and Soda. Soda is much harder than one might think. This week I have decided to cut artificial sweeteners out of my diet. Now this sounds easy. i wasin the grocery store the other day following my girls around when I started reading ingredient list. Artificial sweeteners are in so much of the foods we consume. It is truly amazing how many foods will have to be sacrificed for this one lifestyle choice.

The other thing that has been tough on me is the change in our cooking style. Some of the little changes such as using soy milk instead of dairy milk has made little taste differences in the food that I eat. These can take a little while to get used to. Maybe more than a little while for me lol. My brother is lactose intolerent. he is also working his way through school as a fine dining chef. I am hoping that he will have some good recipes.

The last thing I want to gripe about before moving onto some of the positive things is the $price$ of eating healthy. We are spending anywhere from 10-20% more on food. All of this while eating probably 25% less. if anyone has any ideas on this please let me know. I do plan to start a garden this year. Also the dollar store is a great place to buy frozen fruits for smoothies.

Alright so it has not all been sacrifice. With every choice that we have cut out my wife and I have added a "once a month" list. To this list we have added biscuits and gravy(mmmm southern gravy), cheeseburgers, and my wife added eating out. the only set back to this is that we can only choose one. The other compromise was our weekly dinner with my family. My family eats together every wed. night. This meal can include a little more than a few (8 of us) to all of us (15-20) usually this is a big southern cooking pitch in meal. This meal is off limits to restrictions as long as it is in moderation. This allows us to eat at least one meal a week with a higher fat content. Plus it is a good reward and time with the family is time well spent.

Ihope that I am not boring any of you with my useless rambling. through sharing I find that this whole ordeal is easier. Being in the medicalcommunity does not make healthy decisions any easier. Knowing exactly why you should do something does nothing to ease the anxiety.
Pushups and sittups Rock....I swear by them... Actually, I swear while I'm doing them too! I gave up eatting at work a while ago and have found that with the first twinge of hunger doing a quick 50 pushups gets the mind of the stomach. Give it a go, it's like getting paid to exercise! Good luck in your continued course!!
Rock--listening to you talk (and it's NOT useless--it's allowing yourself, and us along with you, to process all the feelings and frustrations that come with a concentrated effort at losing weight permanently)--listening to you is like hearing every single thing I say to myself every day. As many times as it takes. Here are a few things that have helped me that you may or not be aware of.

Re: giving up soda--I feel your pain on that one! What's helped me is already being a big water lover. I drink a lot of water every day. A lot. If I get that soft-drink urge, I've begun using those no-calorie fruit-flavored powders that you can add to a bottle or a glass of water. They're actually pretty good and the citrus leaves me unaware of the no sugar/no sweetener deal. Frankly, I have no idea if there's some kind of artificial sweetener. For me, as you said, that stuff is everywhere.

The thing that's better about supplemented water is that it's not carbonated. Carbonation is really tough on kidneys. For me, whatever helps me get no-caloried, flavorful water into me is worth a little artificial sweetener. Bodies need a lot of water to flush burning fat.

Your weekly family dinner sounds okay to me. Tradition and family matter!! Once a week won't impede your progress if you watch portions and eat less dessert, or better yet, an alternative to dessert. But hell, if I really want something sweet I just have a small portion and keep going. It works as long as you don't do it all the time.

Your comment about eating healthy costs more is exactly what I've found too. If you belong to any shopping club like Sam's or Costco, etc., you can buy HUGE packages of frozen vegetables and fruits. Regardless WHAT people say, even though fresh stuff is probably the best choice for a # of reasons, frozen veggies and fruit are every bit as nutritious. Fact! I used to think that was true--recently found out it's not.

Have you noticed that recently, as people become more aware of nutrition v. junk food, fast-food places have drastically dropped their prices and now offer even BIGGER servings......there's a reason for that. And that's part of the reason it's costing even more to eat right. They make it SO EASY to just grab way too much food for way less $$. That's seductive to a lot of people......scary.

Re: cutting calories, basically, in half--it's the initial period of time that's hard. Once your body adjusts to fewer calories coming in, it'll adjust accordingly and you won't feel hungry. It takes a bit for brains to "understand" that you're eating regularly, just eating less. It's still pumping out signals, insulin, etc. as if you were still eating a lot more. It won't hurt you as long as you're putting nourishment in at regular intervals, your metabolism will stay high, and your body will adjust.

Starving ourselves is what hurts people!! At 1500 calories of HEALTHY food, you're taking in adequate calories to keep your body functioning properly, Don't skip meals for this reason. You can eat vegetables till they come out your ears and it won't affect your weight. Recall that corn, peas, carrots, etc. have a lot of carbs (I used to think vegetables were vegetables, regardless. Not so!), but some of these eaten less than other kinds will help. It's impossible to stay hungry if you rely on eating healthy stuff frequently, in moderation, just as you said.

I think you guys are doing GREAT!! I applaud your efforts being as young as you are. I, as well as maybe other older people, totally wish we'd had the courage and the foresight to change our eating habits when we were in OUR 30's. You're gonna be so glad you got after it early--it'll prevent a lot of health problems that you can't foresee right now. Promise!!

Hooray for your wife supporting you to the wall!! I don't give a damn HOW young or old she is--that kind of love and support is enough to keep anyone going. You're a lucky man--and in my opinion, she's lucky to have you as well.

I'm down here on the southside cheering you on, my friend....

Susan :-D

Rock Hinkle said:
Well week 3 starts tomorrow. I have to sacrifice yet another bad eating habit to the "never eat list". So far I have added fast food and Soda. Soda is much harder than one might think. This week I have decided to cut artificial sweeteners out of my diet. Now this sounds easy. i wasin the grocery store the other day following my girls around when I started reading ingredient list. Artificial sweeteners are in so much of the foods we consume. It is truly amazing how many foods will have to be sacrificed for this one lifestyle choice.

The other thing that has been tough on me is the change in our cooking style. Some of the little changes such as using soy milk instead of dairy milk has made little taste differences in the food that I eat. These can take a little while to get used to. Maybe more than a little while for me lol. My brother is lactose intolerent. he is also working his way through school as a fine dining chef. I am hoping that he will have some good recipes.

The last thing I want to gripe about before moving onto some of the positive things is the $price$ of eating healthy. We are spending anywhere from 10-20% more on food. All of this while eating probably 25% less. if anyone has any ideas on this please let me know. I do plan to start a garden this year. Also the dollar store is a great place to buy frozen fruits for smoothies.

Alright so it has not all been sacrifice. With every choice that we have cut out my wife and I have added a "once a month" list. To this list we have added biscuits and gravy(mmmm southern gravy), cheeseburgers, and my wife added eating out. the only set back to this is that we can only choose one. The other compromise was our weekly dinner with my family. My family eats together every wed. night. This meal can include a little more than a few (8 of us) to all of us (15-20) usually this is a big southern cooking pitch in meal. This meal is off limits to restrictions as long as it is in moderation. This allows us to eat at least one meal a week with a higher fat content. Plus it is a good reward and time with the family is time well spent.

Ihope that I am not boring any of you with my useless rambling. through sharing I find that this whole ordeal is easier. Being in the medicalcommunity does not make healthy decisions any easier. Knowing exactly why you should do something does nothing to ease the anxiety.
Well I lost 9.5 ILBS in 3 weeks by just eating less and healthy. Go figure! We added meatloaf to the once a month list. One of my favorites.

Walt- Exerxising at work is a great idea! I am not sure if I could completely stop eating at work. I am more conscience of what I eat at work. I do not eat after work anymore. That was a biggie. Thanks for the tip.

Susan-Artificial sweeteners our bad. Over a time their effects on us can rival that of apnea. Insomnia, and immune disorders are just a few. Sucralose (Splenda) was originally tested as a pesticide.
Well, then, that knocks 'em all out for me. Didn't know that. I knew they weren't GOOD for my health but didn't know (or maybe just stayed in denial) that they bad for me. Okay, I'm on it with you then. No more artificial sweeteners. HOWEVER, that makes me wonder and want to ask you about this. (Or I could get my ass out of this chair and go look for myself!...........question is: I've been using sugar-free jelly for some time. Huge cut in calories and satisfies my sweettooth. I just discovered Smucker's low-sugar jelly. I really like it better--still very few calories but has a much grapier flavor. It's GOOD! Now if I find out that stuff is full of artificial sweeteners, I'm not sure I can d/c it. Do you know? or do you just want me to go check it and let you know??!

Susan :-P

Rock Hinkle said:
Well I lost 9.5 ILBS in 3 weeks by just eating less and healthy. Go figure! We added meatloaf to the once a month list. One of my favorites.

Walt- Exerxising at work is a great idea! I am not sure if I could completely stop eating at work. I am more conscience of what I eat at work. I do not eat after work anymore. That was a biggie. Thanks for the tip.

Susan-Artificial sweeteners our bad. Over a time their effects on us can rival that of apnea. Insomnia, and immune disorders are just a few. Sucralose (Splenda) was originally tested as a pesticide.

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