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Aug 21, 2019
Anyone use Snore Stop Chewable Tablets? Claims that its "dual therapeutic action shrinks the swollen soft tissues that blocks air passages in the back of the throat and dries built-up mucous blocking nasal passages." Also says that "a well-respected peer-reviewed medical journal [Sleep and Breathing, Vol.3 No.2 1999) published the positive results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled independent clinical study. It showed the Original SnoreStop proprietary formula to be safe and effective, with no side effects reported. In fact, 79.5% of the people tested reported a noticeable improvement within the first five nights."

Sounds too good to be true . . .

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Can anyone guess my opinion on this?.... I rank this even below "Breathe Strips" for your nose, which is at the top of my CON-JOB rankings. It's position may be challenged here.
Great I was just getting comfortable in my career.
Wow! I 'm going to get some of those, for sure! I have been checking into some other chewable tablets that make you smarter and good looking. Dr. D.J . Funkinstein recomends those. He states in his testa-moan-I-ALs, That 4-7 hos be likin' des tablets da most. So I'm Down wit dat. Peace ....Out!
LOL, per usual, Duane!!

I'm gonna try this stuff. I've had off and on problems with the whole sinus irritation stuff about every 3-4 weeks since starting CPAP. I'm totally compliant. Humidification seems to be the answer and, set at 4 or 5 works most of the time. Still the recurrent "cold-like" symptoms.

The reason I'm interested is that it doesn't sound like it's touting a fix for apnea--just possible relief from the side effect of CPAP.

I'm curious to see if this helps. Will report back to SG. If I disappear, you'll know I just dried up and blew away!!!!

Susan McCord :-)

Susan McCord :-)
yeah, didn't you get the memo? this cure for sleep apnea was discovered way back in 1999 . . . you just didn't see the infomercial ;0
"a well-respected peer-reviewed medical journal [Sleep and Breathing, Vol.3 No.2 1999) published the positive results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled independent clinical study. It showed the Original SnoreStop proprietary formula to be safe and effective, with no side effects reported. In fact, 79.5% of the people tested reported a noticeable improvement within the first five nights."

Rock Hinkle said:
Great I was just getting comfortable in my career.

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