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How To Properly Fit a Mask. From a Techs Point of View.

First get your bed comfortable. Gather all of your creature comforts and make your nest. this reduces unwanted trips out of bed after the you have the mask on. This is important as you could wake your self up.

TURN YOUR MACHINE ON. Your mask should be filled with air when fitting.

Next I prefer to put the mask on sitting upright. Put the mask on just so that it rest on your face. It should be leaking at this time. (if you have a Resmed adjustable mask crank it out so that the forehead is pushed out as far as possible.)

Now I lay down on my back and listen to my mask leak for a second. Doing this trains your mind to hear them. Adjust the bottom straps first. Undue them and pull them straight out from the mask(the mask will want to slide down the straps). this is to even out the straps. If they are not even stop and fix it! Now evenly tighten the mask down just enough to form seal around your mouth(FFM) or the bottom of your nose(nasal).

Next do the sam with the top straps. Remember the top strap is more of an ancher. It should rest on your forehead rather than dig into it.(At this time if you have a Resmed adjustable mask crank it down. it should hug the bridge of your nose and finsh the seal).

Stop listen. you should not be uncomfortable and you should not here any leaks. The mask should be resting on your face at this point not digging or rubbing but resting. If it hurts loosen it.

If you hear leaks you have to options. 1 pull it straigh up off of your face and set it back down. this will sometimes fix it.
2 you can run your finger in between the seal and your skin all the way around the mask to ensure that the seal is folded under to do its job.

once you have these steps down the others are easy. Turn on your right, and left sides and adjust to rid leaks as well. This is important because the seal won't be the same on your sides as it is on your back. Set your self up for success and adjust for all positions.

Remember it only has to be as tight as you can handle comfortably. If you can't form a comfortable seal then you need a different mask.

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Tried the nasal pillows and the ones that actually fit in the nostrils. The pillows leaked badly and the ones that fit in my nostrils made them very sore within a couple days.

Chris said:
Ill have to give that a try. About a week ago I bumped up my pressure and I have been having nothing but problems with leaks. It looks like the pressure increase might be working well but sometimes I will wake up because of a leaks blowing air into my eyes. When I go to sleep everything is fine but for some reason in the middle of the night things go wrong. I have been thinking of looking for a better mask or nasal pillows. Any recommendations?
Thanks for the help Mike the humidifer is broke. light on it started flashing so I just have to figure out a way to get to the center to have them give me a replacement one.

Mike said:
When you wake up is the humidifier chamber empty and do you use a room humidifier also? A room humidifier can help.

Hope Sadler said:
I have always had that set at 5. I was just wondering if there was any way to get the machine to go higher or if there is something else that will help?

Mike said:
there should be a little dial on top of the humidifier chamber that adjusts it. just turn it higher..

Hope Sadler said:
How do you change the humidity level? I am really tired of waking up and drinking about 10 galons of water and still being thirsty

Rock Hinkle said:
Try Ayr Saline Nasal Gel.

Also, cut a piece of Dr Scholl's moleskin to fit the bridge of the nose area of your mask, stick it to the mask. That should both pad and protect the bridge of your nose and the moleskin has texture to it to help avoid leaks in the area.

A Mack's Silicone Ear Plug (silicone, NOT wax) rolled in the palm of your hand to form a rope or tape then laid on your mask cushion also helps to eliminate or greatly reduce mask leaks.

For mouth leaks your best bet is a full face mask or an oro-nasal style mask such as the Liberty or Hybrid.

kim smith said:
That sounds like a real good idea, thanks for sharing !! Personally I have always had air leaks and not even known it. Just recently my new RT and very smart guy, has given me 3 different masks to mess with. He said I am between a small & medium and that is the problem. What I first did was my husband took a marker, and sitting up before bedtime we put the mask on comfortably, he marked the velcro where it was at that time so I would know to put it there when uncomfortable. Well, just recently we realized I open my mouth while sleeping, so it was pulling the mask down and squeezing in on my nose. I tell you when I mean irritation, I would have such problems across the bridge of my nose that it would stay all day. My neurologist suggested some type of gel, which I am supposed to get from him and it will seal the suction. I will let you all know how this works out !! I guess its just trial and error until we find the right fit for each of ourselves.

Judy said:
Loretta, what mask are you using? I have successfully put a fold or pleat in too long a headgear strap and held the fold in place w/a strip of velcro until I got the fit just right over the period of several nights and then when I had the length and fit right I cut the fold out and put the two cut ends back together w/velcro. This velcro fix has held long past the 6 months allowed before replacement of the headgear. Sometimes you just have to get a little innovative.

I also have 2L of 02 supplementing my xPAP. Actually I'm on a bi-level PAP. A Resmed VPAP Auto. I have COPD.
Hi, I am brand new here, and found this helpful.
I am really glad.

Peggy McGalliard said:
Hi, I am brand new here, and found this helpful.
I have a Res Med Quattro Mask and at my last follow-up appointment, they said that my mask needed to be replaced; however, it hasn't been a whole year yet...but that's what the doctor said. I have massive leaks. Could it be the oil on my face that is ruining the seal? Should I wipe my face with a wet cloth before putting the mask on? I hear leaks when I wake up the morning...I'm a little fatigued during the day...provigil can only do so much...I will try your technique...thanks...
No one should expect a mask cushion to last a full year!!!! It is possible to replace JUST the cushion on most masks, including the Quattro. HOWEVER, many el cheapo local DME suppliers do NOT keep a supply of cushions on hand, won't tell you that you CAN order just the cushion and often won't order a cushion for you or will tell you that your insurance won't pay for a new cushion or even tell you that the cushion can't be replaced. I ran into that w/my first local DME supplier, a real sheister. I wasn't long replacing them w/a much better local DME supplier. My new supplier has been very helpful and excellent to work with.
That was good instructions and it works good.I have the nasal mask at times it is very uncomfortable at times
Rick -

Thanks for this info. Much appreciated as a new member of the forum. My original post here a few days ago is about fitting the mask and my revelations after finding a tech who explained the very same technique. Lordy, I've been doing it wrong for nearly a decade!!! Check out my post. You'll like it. Or it'll make your blood boil, one of the two. I suspect you'll be incensed upon hearing my story about lack of service and care from doctors, labs, providers and technicians. Like every other industry, there is both good and bad. I got caught up in the mill, but this forum and others like you have made the world of difference.
Rock, you are always right on. We need more of you out there....
Thanks Mark! It is good to have you and Joe as well.

I have a question: when my mask leaks, it is always on the sides of my mouth kind of by the cheekbones.  something starts "flapping" and wakes me up.  Could that indicate the mask is too big?  I have a hard time fitting the nose properly (Italian noses are so 'large' lol), that sometimes I think maybe the mask is big to fit that, but too big for the rest.  I think it's a comfort gel full face mask.


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