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hiya sleepheads !


ok i am on fire ( well maybe a moderate burn - like a damp log ) but i have stayed on task this week with the weight watchers online deal ( nope I dont work for them ) i have tracked my food and not always stayed to my daily points ( 23)      but hells bells I lost 3 pounds .         I am amazed what a normal meal should look like. 1/2 cup of cereal ? 1/2 cup ice cream ?  hahhaha ! you know and I know what chubby folks eat.           Its been a good experience. It was $65 for three months.   I printed my BMI , healthy weight range , 5 % & 10 % goal weights and dates.     Its hanging over my desk for anyone to see. I also have some pictures to motivate me.    Honsetly  kids , I could have been fine just staying here .....content chubby .... another full figure gal.. but I am so tired - I cant live like this anymore.  I have made myself walk around the neighborhood .


I have been reading some people in normal weight range also suffer from apena. If this is you keeping looking for a solution.  


Maybe a weight loss will turn this tide for me. I have only pounds to lose and a life to gain back.  


so thanks for lettin  me vent .. ( spell check ??)


ps exercise is next . deep sigh ..

Views: 94

Replies to This Discussion

Candice, WAY TO GO!! 3# is a fabulous start. The hardest thing for me when I lost my weight was the in-between times when I was watching things pretty closely and didn't lose a # for days at a time. That's the kind of thing that gets people discouraged 'cause they think it's not working. It can't fail to work if you keep at it and, like you said, start moving more.

Weight Watchers is a fabulous program. (I don't work for them either). I went there a long time ago, and I have a lot of friends who have/are going. You're absolutely right--it IS about portion control. And the portions ARE small compared to what we expect in this "eat more for less" culture. But if you're like me, realizing how little it actually takes to satisfy you is quite a wake-up call.

I'm happy to tell you that getting my weight back into normal range, and keeping it off, has made a tremendous difference with my OSA. I'm humbled by how much better I feel--makes me realize what I was doing to my body, hauling extra weight around.

Keep up the good work. Hey, one thing I've done periodically, if you're using public displays to keep yourself honest with other people, I've had really good luck with a graph. It shows a steady decline if you're sticking with it, and I'm here to tell you it's a great motivator seeing it on paper that way. (It works even if you keep it behind your closet door)!! Made me proud and motivated me to see it going down again in a week. (Don't try to chart it daily--weekly works best, at least that's what was best for me). Worth a try IF you like that kind of thing.

Keep us posted re: your progress!

Susan McCord :-)


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