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I can wear my mask for a couple hours fine no leaks no problems. Then the air starts coming from around my mask. It gets so bad every time i exhale loud like farting noises come from the side of my mask..My stomach hurts i feel very bloated and painful. I get incredible gas i did read that in some people there is a flap of some sort that stops the air from entering your stomach i think i have this problem anyone else.

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You've got two distinct problems. The farting sounds (I try to politely refer to them as "raspberries" at SomniHealth) often happen with Full Face Masks. I read on your page that you are using the HC432. About the only thing you can do is to tighten the lower straps just a little bit. When you do that, remember to loosen before you tighten, otherwise you'll wind up making it way too tight, which sets off other problems.

The bloated feeling is called aerophagia. Sometimes that will go away on its own once your body becomes more acclimated to breathing pressurized air. Sometimes it doesn't. You could ask your provider to increase the ramp time on your device, as that may help. I see you have a REMstar Auto, so if your minimum pressure is anything above 4 cmH2O, you could talk to your doctor about reducing the minimum as much as possible. That has been the most helpful thing I have seen.

There's also a great deal of folklore about elevating the head of the bed, taking antacids or Gas-X, but I personally don't put much faith in those solutions. If nothing helps and you've suffered for a few months without improvement, you may want to speak to your doctor about switching to BiLevel.
How long have you been using your cpap?

The reason I ask is that you may want to try a different size in the mask. I was given a size small in the HC431 (very similar to the 432) and have better luck with the medium size cushion. With the small I have to cinch it down so tight it is uncomfortable and with the medium it doesn't have to be so tight.

Daniel's suggestion of lowering the pressure some is a good idea until you have become more adjusted to therapy. Have your DME lower your pressure settings some and see if that gives you relief.

The other suggestions don't cost much and might help so they are useful to try. If they work for you great and if they don't you haven't spent a lot. Try raising your head some at night. I used a pillow wedge for short while. Gax-X and other anti-gas medicine can be purchased over the counter relatively cheap.

Good luck.
I am in what I consider a great situation which causes a bit of friction with my alleged omnipotent equipment provider.. My Doctor insists that patients should be able to adjust their machines ... the doctor feels that this will increase compliance.. I have had my machine for over three years and have not used it for less than ten nights.. For me it is actually hard to get to sleep without it.. I fiddled with the ramp for the first couple weeks I had it but now I don't use it all all..
I use a dogbone pillow that was a project my wife found in a crafts magazine.. it is triangular in cross section and works wonders .. I will try to get a copy of the pattern, scan it and post it wherever you do that on this forum..
Thank you for your response. I have had many visits to my doctor and was deemed by her that the current settings are best for me. I do not have the ramp active because i do not have a problem falling asleep with my mask on. My machine starts at 10 cmh20 and according to her my best sleep is around 11 cmH20 i think my machine will auto up to 15cm. I did what you rec as far as the mask adjustments and seemed to help. about my abdomen pains.. They do not go away i have been to the doctors who have checked my blood have had my gallbladder looked at , Hyda scans , ultra sounds no outcome my pain stays in the same spot right about where my gallbladder is this pain can range from mild to severe and go thru times where it last for months without going away.Like i mentioned i have been to several doctors and the only info i get is it must be muscular skeletal.. i would be interested if anyone else has had unexplained constant pain
Woolfey, there really aren't many rules on this forum, so go ahead and post the picture wherever you'd like. One good place to post it would be in response to this discussion. You'd just click the icon for 'add image' in the toolbar that appears when you respond to a post. you might also add it under the Community Photos section. i'd recommend you post it to both places.

Woolfey said:
I am in what I consider a great situation which causes a bit of friction with my alleged omnipotent equipment provider.. My Doctor insists that patients should be able to adjust their machines ... the doctor feels that this will increase compliance.. I have had my machine for over three years and have not used it for less than ten nights.. For me it is actually hard to get to sleep without it.. I fiddled with the ramp for the first couple weeks I had it but now I don't use it all all..
I use a dogbone pillow that was a project my wife found in a crafts magazine.. it is triangular in cross section and works wonders .. I will try to get a copy of the pattern, scan it and post it wherever you do that on this forum..
So if I read your last post -- the pain is consistent and doesn't go away after being up for awhile.

Have you had a gall bladder function test? I am told this test is used if they feel that your gall bladder is not functioning properly. I was having chest discomfort and they couldn't figure out why since my heart checked out fine -- x-rays, ct scans, stress tests, etc. They did a gall bladder function test after the sonogram didn't show any stones. Showed my gall bladder doesn't function properly and is the cause of the chest discomfort.

You might want to check to see if this test has been performed. I doubt that you cpap treatment is going to have much impact on easing this discomfort since it doesn't appear to be cpap related but more likely caused by other health issues.
They did all those test with my hyda scan they said no stones no sludge working fine. Ive gone to three doctors with no explanation. I had a colon resection three years ago from chronic diverticulitis and that too was looked into. I have no idea what to do now
I'm a Newbie!! I have suspected, for many years, that I have sleep apnoea but the doctors wouldn't check me because they said I wasn't "big enough". Finally I was given a 'test' machine to take home. The test was inconclusive, but all of my symptoms pointed to sleep apnoea. They gave me a machine for a week's trial. I had huge problems - including the raspberries (!) but they replaced my mask with one which fits under my bottom lip which has helped enormously. It also has a double seal and there are two suction pads, which go on the forehead, with a wheel which, when turned, adjusts the tightness of the fit, to avoid leaks. How thankful I am that I live in England and get this for free on the NHS.
The week's trial showed I was having apnoeas. I now have a CPAP with a pressure of 10. The first night was ok but last night I awoke with the most severe pain in my HUGELY extended stomach. I really thought I was going to die!! I have never experienced anything like it. I also had a severe pain in my right shoulder - does anyone know what caused the shoulder pain? I rang the hospital today, to ask whether blowing up like this could be dangerous. I didn't really get an answer, but they've booked me an appointment on Thurs and told me to refrain from wearing the mask until I'm seen. They said they would probably reduce the pressure, but the level of 10 was set to prevent the apnoeas, so surely reducing the pressure would mean that I still get them?
Please can anyone offer any advice?
Thank you.
The air in the stomach is a pretty easy fix. Check out the link below.

With regards to the mask sounds, I would be $1 that it's a ResMed Quattro. (If I'm wrong, the check is TOTALLY in the mail)

With your CPAP on and mask attached, try tightening the bottom straps. I've had a great deal of difficulty with some people in trying to get this farting (a clear party foul) to stop. A more rigid cushion on a mask like the ComfortFull Gel mask usually works. You may want to give that a try if it's feasible.

Thanks Jason....

I have looked at the link, but can't play the video clip :-( I've forwarded it to my son in the hope that he can get it to play!

I note the sleeping position (45 degree) and will try it. I found the pain I experienced really scary. It was severe - far worse than drug free childbirth! Do you happen to know why I also had a severe pain in my right shoulder, please?

Many thanks for the advice - hugely appreciated...


J. Sazama RPSGT said:
The air in the stomach is a pretty easy fix. Check out the link below.

With regards to the mask sounds, I would be $1 that it's a ResMed Quattro. (If I'm wrong, the check is TOTALLY in the mail)

With your CPAP on and mask attached, try tightening the bottom straps. I've had a great deal of difficulty with some people in trying to get this farting (a clear party foul) to stop. A more rigid cushion on a mask like the ComfortFull Gel mask usually works. You may want to give that a try if it's feasible.

First and foremost, I would do what your physician/medical staff is suggesting. They've actually examined you and know your medical history, so they are making better decisions.

I have no idea what would cause pain in your arm. We can't even say for sure that it is caused by air entering your stomach. Definitely keep the follow up appointment.

With regards to the CPAP pressure being dropped, that's also difficult to say. It sounds like you didn't have an overnight sleep study and instead were sent home with an AutoTitrating CPAP machine as a diagnostic tool and to set the pressure when it appeared positive. If this is the case, then maybe 8-10cmH20 looked good and so lowering it isn't a problem.

This is all very difficult to know for sure since it sounds like you didn't have a "proper" study that would give us information about your sleep without CPAP and with CPAP.

Is there any more information that you can provide about the take home CPAP machine you were tested on?

Sounds like you have the ResMed Quattro mask from the description. This is a very good Full Face Mask, well designed.


Sali Gray said:
I'm a Newbie!! I have suspected, for many years, that I have sleep apnoea but the doctors wouldn't check me because they said I wasn't "big enough". Finally I was given a 'test' machine to take home. The test was inconclusive, but all of my symptoms pointed to sleep apnoea. They gave me a machine for a week's trial. I had huge problems - including the raspberries (!) but they replaced my mask with one which fits under my bottom lip which has helped enormously. It also has a double seal and there are two suction pads, which go on the forehead, with a wheel which, when turned, adjusts the tightness of the fit, to avoid leaks. How thankful I am that I live in England and get this for free on the NHS.
The week's trial showed I was having apnoeas. I now have a CPAP with a pressure of 10. The first night was ok but last night I awoke with the most severe pain in my HUGELY extended stomach. I really thought I was going to die!! I have never experienced anything like it. I also had a severe pain in my right shoulder - does anyone know what caused the shoulder pain? I rang the hospital today, to ask whether blowing up like this could be dangerous. I didn't really get an answer, but they've booked me an appointment on Thurs and told me to refrain from wearing the mask until I'm seen. They said they would probably reduce the pressure, but the level of 10 was set to prevent the apnoeas, so surely reducing the pressure would mean that I still get them?
Please can anyone offer any advice?
Thank you.
I will keep my appointment for sure..... thank you.

I have checked and the mask IS, as you predicted, a RESMED (Mirage) Quattro. The machine is a Sleepstyle 200.

The pervious machine was much smaller. They showed me a printout which was a bar chart. I had the previous machine for a week and most nights the bar reached 10 (one night it reached 11.5) so they set the new machine at 10, which they said should prevent me getting apnoeas.

There is a crank button.... The first night I slept with it, I was fine. I used the crank button. I woke once (feeling a bit sick and burpy) but went back to sleep. I usually sleep on my stomach, but managed to get to sleep (within seconds) on my side. I usually sleep the moment my head touches the pillow!! The second night, I was very tired and I'm wondering whether I forgot to use the crank button.... do you think this would have made a difference?

I did originally have a sleep test, with their equipment, at home. I had straps around my chest (which kept falling off) and tummy, a clip on my finger, and a plastic pipe in my nose. I had it for one night. The specialist said that although there was slight apnoea, the test was inconclusive, so the best thing would be to give me a test machine for a week.

On the score chart, my answers were mostly 3's. I can't read, watch TV, sit in quiet places etc. I have (in the past) fallen asleep driving too, so have had to change my whole life aound the problem. I now work mostly at home and only drive very short distances alone.

I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my questions..... Thank you.

J. Sazama RPSGT said:
First and foremost, I would do what your physician/medical staff is suggesting. They've actually examined you and know your medical history, so they are making better decisions.

I have no idea what would cause pain in your arm. We can't even say for sure that it is caused by air entering your stomach. Definitely keep the follow up appointment.

With regards to the CPAP pressure being dropped, that's also difficult to say. It sounds like you didn't have an overnight sleep study and instead were sent home with an AutoTitrating CPAP machine as a diagnostic tool and to set the pressure when it appeared positive. If this is the case, then maybe 8-10cmH20 looked good and so lowering it isn't a problem.

This is all very difficult to know for sure since it sounds like you didn't have a "proper" study that would give us information about your sleep without CPAP and with CPAP.

Is there any more information that you can provide about the take home CPAP machine you were tested on?

Sounds like you have the ResMed Quattro mask from the description. This is a very good Full Face Mask, well designed.


Sali Gray said:
I'm a Newbie!! I have suspected, for many years, that I have sleep apnoea but the doctors wouldn't check me because they said I wasn't "big enough". Finally I was given a 'test' machine to take home. The test was inconclusive, but all of my symptoms pointed to sleep apnoea. They gave me a machine for a week's trial. I had huge problems - including the raspberries (!) but they replaced my mask with one which fits under my bottom lip which has helped enormously. It also has a double seal and there are two suction pads, which go on the forehead, with a wheel which, when turned, adjusts the tightness of the fit, to avoid leaks. How thankful I am that I live in England and get this for free on the NHS.
The week's trial showed I was having apnoeas. I now have a CPAP with a pressure of 10. The first night was ok but last night I awoke with the most severe pain in my HUGELY extended stomach. I really thought I was going to die!! I have never experienced anything like it. I also had a severe pain in my right shoulder - does anyone know what caused the shoulder pain? I rang the hospital today, to ask whether blowing up like this could be dangerous. I didn't really get an answer, but they've booked me an appointment on Thurs and told me to refrain from wearing the mask until I'm seen. They said they would probably reduce the pressure, but the level of 10 was set to prevent the apnoeas, so surely reducing the pressure would mean that I still get them?
Please can anyone offer any advice?
Thank you.

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