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How many of you have actually talked to a Sleep Technologist?

I am not talking about the night of your study either. Forums do not count. I mean a face to face conversation with an educated Sleep Technologist about sleep.

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Well Carol, hit up a website called they can help you there!

carol bevins said:
Hi, I am taking poly class, I am in my third semester. Any hints you can give for my boards??? Thanks CB

lia deneau said:
uh, every day and night.... i am a sleep tech... RPSGT.
Not me. Even after getting the sleep study (I've only had one less than 2 years ago) and the sleep specialist/doctor giving me the diagnosis, which took probably no more than a minute (that's how long the doctor spent with me), I didn't really know anything about obstructive sleep apnea except that I stopped breathing for a few seconds several times each night while I slept. I wasn't really told how bad this condition is or how bad the consequences could be if I didn't use the treatment. What little I learned came from info I found online. This is a great site to get a lot of good, useful info on sleep apnea, especially since I'm more informed and have a better idea of what I should ask the doctors.

I'm seeing a ENT next week and will hopefully be getting a sleep study at a sleep clinic in the city soon (my cardiologist already gave me a script for it). Hopefully communication with the doctors will be better this time.
That sounds great lia. Where is this clinic located?

lia deneau said:
As the clinical coordinator for our sleep center, each patient is scheduled for a pre sleep consult before their sleep study, to register , go over paperwork, watch an educational video and discuss their night of sleep with us.... sooooo, unless the patient opts out of this...which they normally dont....our patients all get to speak to a registered sleep tech, and I even provide each one with my business card to call me if they ever have any questions.... what do ya'll think?

Sonia S. said:
That sounds great lia. Where is this clinic located?

lia deneau said:
As the clinical coordinator for our sleep center, each patient is scheduled for a pre sleep consult before their sleep study, to register , go over paperwork, watch an educational video and discuss their night of sleep with us.... sooooo, unless the patient opts out of this...which they normally dont....our patients all get to speak to a registered sleep tech, and I even provide each one with my business card to call me if they ever have any questions.... what do ya'll think?
That's the same answer I got from the sleep tech, Melinda, when I asked him to tell me the results of the sleep study, but he did tell me how many apnea episodes I had per hour (though I forgot the answer) and was nice enough to give me the mask I used to take home with me. Just wished the mask would have been the right fit for my face though.


Melinda Hertel said:
Respiratory therapists are also involved in educating the patient. I think part of the problem is that sleep techs perform the sleep study, while the patient is sleeping, then go home to get their own zzzzzz's. There isn't an opportunity for the tech to spend much time educating patients. And in my experience, when you ask questions at your study, the tech tells you that they can't say much because they are not the doctor. I work with a sleep doc and the sleep lab where my studies were done, and I still get that for an answer.
Aww, that's too far from NYC. Bummer!


lia deneau said:
If you mean the tech that tested me at a sleep lab. No, not really. About every 6 months I see the Pulmonary phsycian, who is managing my case. Does that count/

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