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So I have been having some bouts with initial Psychophysiological insomnia. i am sure that this is compounded with a mild case of shift worker syndrome.

Also sometimes knowing about sleep can be overwhelming when you are trying to go to sleep. A sleep techs curse.
My windows are blackened, and my room is cooled by 2 fans and airconditioning.

Now this is my schedule for the week. Sunday sleep till noon. hang out with family play volleyball at 2-5pm. Work by 7pm. Work till 7-7:30am. I am usually home just in time for my wife to go to her 40 hour a week job. In the morning it is my wife's job to get the baby's things ready for the babysitter. it is my job to get her up, feed her, and have her at the babysitter by 9am. the baby and I usually eat together. After I drop her off i unwind until around 10 am and go to bed.

On Monday and Tuesday I try to sleep until 5pm. my wife get's home at 5:30 with the baby we eat I go to work. the mornings through Wednesday are the same as Sunday's. the difference is that on Wed. I only sleep 4-5 hours so that I can go to bed at a decent time and get up with the baby on thurs. and Fri. This saves us money. Family day on Sat. start the process over again on Sun.

this has been the norm. for me until recently I have been working an occasional Fri. Lately I am having trouble getting to sleep on my workdays. I am finding myself up at 12-1pm and having to get up by 5pm.

What do you think?

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LOL, thanks Cindy. Pretty much what I thought. i don't really think about going to sleep though. Usually it is everything else that I think about.
Well, I recognize the mind is busy and will NOT sleep despite the bod is more than willing to call it a day and RELAX and really wants to sleep. (((hugs))) to the sleep techs of the world who must be awake and alert as we sleep and trying to sleep as we go about our daily chores and fun activities!!!
I find that if I schedule my time while working and try to keep my studies as close to 6 hrs as possible. I can get home at a reasonable time 8-9:30 or so. I try to sleep @ 10-10:30 am on the week days. and wake up between 4;30-6;00pm. on the weekends I sleep @ nights! It works for me but I loose a 8-12 hours of sleep a week. I try my best to think of nothing while Trying to sleep I clear my mind by thinking in pictures not words. Do you remember the band Missing Persons? no more words. Peace Out .....Duane
Hi Judy!

Judy said:
Well, I recognize the mind is busy and will NOT sleep despite the bod is more than willing to call it a day and RELAX and really wants to sleep. (((hugs))) to the sleep techs of the world who must be awake and alert as we sleep and trying to sleep as we go about our daily chores and fun activities!!!
My daughter in law decided a few years ago that she would work nights to help save on babysitting costs. She is an LPN and worked 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift. She found that she wasn't up to it. She tried unsuccessfully for nearly a year to get a sleep pattern down that would work. Hubby works days. They ended up having to still pay a babysitter so she could try to sleep during the day (duh -- we told her it wouldn't work to save on costs but hey what do old folks know -- :). She darkened the windows, modified her diet, etc. She finally switched back to days.

I admire those that can work nights -- I know I am one that would not be able to do it after watching her struggle with it.
Yo, Duane! Nope. I don't remember the band Missing Persons. Do you remember Duane Eddy and his Twangy Guitar or Santo and Johnny? *wicked grin*
my Mom named me after him , I got a chance to play with Duane in the late 70's. My guitat twanged a bit.

Judy said:
Yo, Duane! Nope. I don't remember the band Missing Persons. Do you remember Duane Eddy and his Twangy Guitar or Santo and Johnny? *wicked grin*
Hi Rock. My brother has always worked shift work. 30+ years....Swing shift, then night shift and back again for years. I have never understood how he was able to have a "normal" life. I will email him and see if he has tips, seems he is an expert in this area.

Kind of a goofy question, but do you meditate or do stretching before bed? This helps my husband when he gets mentally wound up from work. He actually learned TM meditation when he lived in CA. It does help calm the mind down. Just a thought.
Ha, ha! I know'd there was a reason I so liked you, Duane McDade!!!! Your momma had good taste! YOU had a chance to play w/Duane Eddy??? Whoo hoo! May I touch your hand? *wicked grin*

Do you have a brother named, Chet, after Chet Atkins, one of the greatest of guitarists???
My brother just gave me a book on meditation. I'll have to read it. I only have trouble on my work days, and it has been the last couple of weeks. i think the 4th day has been throwing me off. The switch back to nights is easy.

BeeAsleep said:
Hi Rock. My brother has always worked shift work. 30+ years....Swing shift, then night shift and back again for years. I have never understood how he was able to have a "normal" life. I will email him and see if he has tips, seems he is an expert in this area.

Kind of a goofy question, but do you meditate or do stretching before bed? This helps my husband when he gets mentally wound up from work. He actually learned TM meditation when he lived in CA. It does help calm the mind down. Just a thought.
I work shifts. They are varied each week and repeat after six weeks, so there's no dependable pattern of sleep. I also stay up during the day sometimes to save on childcare. My shifts are either evening or overnights, with a few day shifts here and there. We are an "after-hours" service, so basically, when the regular office closes, mine opens. We work evenings, overnight, weekends and holidays.

My toughest period is when I work two overnights, back to back. I will get up at 8:00am or so, go to work for 7:30pm, and work until 8:30am, so by the time I sleep, I have been up for over 25 hours, given travel time. Then, I sleep from 9:30am -ish until about 5:00 or 5:30 pm, and go to work for 7:30pm again. It takes me about two days to get over this.

The only sleep aid I have used is earplugs. I started using them when I have to sleep during the day on weekends, and my husband is caring for the kids. If they are in the house and I can hear, momma bear don't sleep. I am amazed at how deeply I sleep with the earplugs in, my husband has to pretty much wake me every time, I rarely wake on my own. I don't use them though, when I am alone in the house because I am afraid of not hearing the smoke detector or something like that, so when I'm sleeping on a weekday, I don't get as good a sleep as I do on weekends, because I wake at lunchtime.

Of course, now that I use my CPAP machine, I can hear the whoosh of the machine "in my head" when wearing the earplugs, but I can tune that out and fall asleep pretty quickly.
I have not used ear plugs yet. I am usually home alone when I sleep. I have a 130lb dog with anxiety problems to wake me up if any alarms go off.

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