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It seems to me the cushion on my Quattro FX (or maybe it's the spring "thing" ) do not do well after one month.  I keep them clean etc.  My insurance will only pay for one every 3 months so I will have to purchase myself.  Have found 2 earlier on EBAY (unused) and will have to keep on looking. Do these cushions last longer for others???

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Masks wear out due to many variables. Pressure, reaction to cleaning solutions, physical fatigue. What are you experiencing? exessive leakage, rips, clips,cracks,motor boating ?
increased leaks

Chris H said:
Masks wear out due to many variables. Pressure, reaction to cleaning solutions, physical fatigue. What are you experiencing? exessive leakage, rips, clips,cracks,motor boating ?
Hi Ginny, Have you tried A little glycerine? Now foods product is vegitable based water soluable. It is slightly stickey and protects skin from wind burn. Just a small amount on face helps mask stick in place. Good Sleep,Chris
I could try.  The thought of something greasy on my face does not sound inviting, though. I just hate it that I can have 2-4 great nights then have such a s*#XX* night (like last night.  Someone has to invent a mask that works for ME!   :)

Chris H said:
Hi Ginny, Have you tried A little glycerine? Now foods product is vegitable based water soluable. It is slightly stickey and protects skin from wind burn. Just a small amount on face helps mask stick in place. Good Sleep,Chris
Hi Ginny ,It is very light ,not goopy or gummy.Just the smallest whisper of it I have found helpful. Good Sleep,Chris

dear guys:

i like so much reading these post because they tell me more than any physician, not to mention i am one of them. i was diagnosed of osa three months ago after having this condition for most of my adult life and being misdiagnosed as ADD, depression, anxiety, etc. indeed the process of adaptation is a journey from mouth leakage to aerophagia and now problems with my quatro. for the last week i regressed in my progress and this was very discouraging but i see other people has the same problem. the glycerine is very ingenious, i was thinking about it becuase i developed a sore in my right nasal cheek crease. i had to put a little patch to help. the quatro facial cushion  i found tends to disattach from the hard plastic  specially after repositioning during the night. if you found your mask leaks check is well attached to the base. i agree they have to improve the design. good luck

I had the same problem with the cushion for my mask.

I solved the problem by washing the cushion mask less often (weekly) and being very gentle when I washed it and letting it dry thoroughly before reusing.

Good Luck.

Kudos to Chris H!


He consisently comes up with excellent ideas/suggestions/solutions.

Chris H said:

Hi Ginny ,It is very light ,not goopy or gummy.Just the smallest whisper of it I have found helpful. Good Sleep,Chris

In my experience, the life of a cushion depends on several factors.  I've known several people that have used the same cushion for 2 years and you could not tell the difference from a new cushion.

First and foremost, the way the cushion is cared for is very important. 

In my experience, the best way to keep the cushion clean is to rinse it under good hot water every time you wake for the day.  The people that used just good hot water, and didn't use soap/detergents had their cushions last longer.  Just rinse long enough to be sure that the oils from your face are rinsed completely off the cushion.  If your body oils are somewhat "thick", you may want to gently rub or massage the cushion while rinsing under the hot water.  If you insist on using detergents, then it is very important to rinse very thoughly under running water.  You must rinse long enough to get all the residue off the cushion. I always encouraged rinsing the cushion by placing it in a bowl big enough to place the cushion completely in, and let it rinse under a warm running facuet for 5 minutes.  The cushion should air dry, on paper towels in a well ventilated area at normal room temperature, out of direct sunlight.

Those that insisted on disinfecting with anything (bleach solution, vinegar solution, or any commercially made disinfectant) had a shorter cushion life.  Again, rinsing as above if you use a disinfectant, is of ultimate importance.   

The face needs to be washed just before putting on the interface.  Removing as much body oil from the face before use will result in less that gets on the interface, and adding to the life of the cushion. 

Shaving before retiring will result in the cushion being abraded less by facial hair.  Whiskers can be as rough as sandpaper and reduce the life of the cushion significantly.

Those that use anything on the face (oils, cremes, salves, vaseline for any reason) have a much shorter cushion life.  If you need to use any of these to get a good seal, your interface is not fit properly and you should be evaluated for a better fitting interface. 

I have had people that have taken the cushion and place in a delicates garment bag and wash it in the washing machine on the delicate cycle weekly.  This, in addition to rinsing thoroughly every morning, seems to keep the cushion in the best shape longer.

Some peoples' body oils are such that no matter what is done, they only get a couple of months out of a cushion. 

In my experience, MOST people can use a cushion for 3 -6 months easily, and in many cases up to a year if they rinse the cushion daily, wash their face just before bed, stay faily well shaven, and use no foreign substances. 

John Krainik, CRT,RPSGT 


Thanks John

John Krainik said:

In my experience, the life of a cushion depends on several factors.  I've known several people that have used the same cushion for 2 years and you could not tell the difference from a new cushion.

First and foremost, the way the cushion is cared for is very important. 

In my experience, the best way to keep the cushion clean is to rinse it under good hot water every time you wake for the day.  The people that used just good hot water, and didn't use soap/detergents had their cushions last longer.  Just rinse long enough to be sure that the oils from your face are rinsed completely off the cushion.  If your body oils are somewhat "thick", you may want to gently rub or massage the cushion while rinsing under the hot water.  If you insist on using detergents, then it is very important to rinse very thoughly under running water.  You must rinse long enough to get all the residue off the cushion. I always encouraged rinsing the cushion by placing it in a bowl big enough to place the cushion completely in, and let it rinse under a warm running facuet for 5 minutes.  The cushion should air dry, on paper towels in a well ventilated area at normal room temperature, out of direct sunlight.

Those that insisted on disinfecting with anything (bleach solution, vinegar solution, or any commercially made disinfectant) had a shorter cushion life.  Again, rinsing as above if you use a disinfectant, is of ultimate importance.   

The face needs to be washed just before putting on the interface.  Removing as much body oil from the face before use will result in less that gets on the interface, and adding to the life of the cushion. 

Shaving before retiring will result in the cushion being abraded less by facial hair.  Whiskers can be as rough as sandpaper and reduce the life of the cushion significantly.

Those that use anything on the face (oils, cremes, salves, vaseline for any reason) have a much shorter cushion life.  If you need to use any of these to get a good seal, your interface is not fit properly and you should be evaluated for a better fitting interface. 

I have had people that have taken the cushion and place in a delicates garment bag and wash it in the washing machine on the delicate cycle weekly.  This, in addition to rinsing thoroughly every morning, seems to keep the cushion in the best shape longer.

Some peoples' body oils are such that no matter what is done, they only get a couple of months out of a cushion. 

In my experience, MOST people can use a cushion for 3 -6 months easily, and in many cases up to a year if they rinse the cushion daily, wash their face just before bed, stay faily well shaven, and use no foreign substances. 

John Krainik, CRT,RPSGT 


 Only wash with a safe product. and I found a cloth between cushion and skin helps. Thhese are sold on line as mask liners You should get three month or more then

I used to get  a lot of leaks like you, and they seemed to get worse as my nasal pillow aged.

Then i found the real problem it was the way the Hose going to the mask is the absolute most important thing to getting rid of leaks & providing all night sleep comfort and being leak free.


I use my Nasal pillow for longer than 6 months since I found this fix, I hope to get to about a year or longer per pillow.


I now sleep 7-8 hours every night, Very comfortable and NO Leaks, I mean NO leaks.


Holding the tube correctly to get rid of all deflection of mask or pillow is the most important thing.





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