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Dan Lyons's Comments

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At 12:27pm on December 29, 2009, Renee said…
Dan ~
Stopping by with Holiday Greetings and all Good Wishes for a fine, healthy, splendid (and well rested) New Year !
At 10:06am on November 17, 2009, Victor Tamosaitis said…
I downloaded the clinicians manual that you posted for the SleepStyle 600, but it appears to be missing the last page (A-6). I am interested in finding a guide to the error codes that the unit generates (I am getting an E32). Thanks for your help.
At 1:42pm on August 25, 2009, Judy said…
I know. And I almost feel ashamed riling Rock Hinkle. He is such a GREAT guy and such an asset to this forum! And I was so pleased w/Cindy Brown's comments. Actually, all of the comments, come to think of it. There is so much to be said in favor of each viewpoint. We've really go some great people and great pros in this forum!!!
At 8:30am on August 25, 2009, Judy said…
Now, now, Dan! You and I know that. BUT the post "was" aimed at sleep professionals. *wicked grin*

Really kind of unfair of me to put "our" GOOD sleep pros on the spot but like I said, I'm feeling crochety this morning.
At 4:09pm on August 14, 2009, Connie Lyons said…
That's right! Us Lyons" gotta stick together! :)
At 6:21pm on July 31, 2009, susan mccord said…
Dan, thanks for the Friend Beginner's Permit!!

Susan McCord :-)
At 6:17pm on July 31, 2009, susan mccord said…
Every time I start to type CPAP, my fingers want to hit CRAP !!!!!!!!!!!

Could this be a Freudina Slip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????? LOL
At 6:04pm on July 31, 2009, susan mccord said…
Dan, having worked in the mental health/healthcare system for many years, I'm sorry to say that, for the most part, I agree with you. It's a sad commentary of this wonderful country of ours.

Glad to have your input--I hadn't remade this connection re: DME till I got your message. Forgot they work for ME, not the other way around.

-Susan :-)
At 12:34pm on July 27, 2009, Susan M. Nelling said…
Dan .I'm new to the computer also, did you want me to email you personally? please send me an address mine is
At 6:04pm on June 13, 2009, BeeAsleep said…
Dan, What does the term "Setteling "mean on the cpap?
At 6:40am on May 24, 2009, john wagner said…
Past history prior USAF
At 8:30pm on May 19, 2009, Mike said…
any comment on this report about alcohol driving and sleep apnea?
At 12:22am on May 12, 2009, Mike said…
dan, thought you might be interested in the guy who sleeps in pressurized box to help his cpap therapy
At 11:05pm on May 6, 2009, Judy said…
Thanks, Dan.
At 7:39pm on May 6, 2009, Judy said…
Hey, Dan, it wasn't your imagination. I just deleted the cable reader thread I started. I just read about the item at cpaptalk, got excited and went off half-cocked and posted at sleepguide. Thank God, it caught Mike's attention right away. I checked it out. That cable reader CAN be made to work for the RESMED data card. You have to take an old credit card and cut it to use as a guide for the Resmed data card. Directions, dimensions, etc. have been posted at cpaptalk several times.

Anyway, other than you, Mike saved my bacon and caught it soon enough I was able to delete the entire thread. $24.50 is NOT a good buy. I can buy that cable reader for $27 when NOT on sale locally. I should have known too - when is a Buy Now price ever a really great buy at eBay??? Duh.

Are you hoping to buy the cable reader and ResScan 3.7 software? I got mine as a BUNDLE (both items) for under $100. If you are looking to buy and I'll tell you where I got mine.
At 7:34pm on March 23, 2009, sleepycarol said…
Welcome to the forum!!

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