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Kay Day
  • Female
  • Keokuk, IA
  • United States
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  • Mary Z
  • sleepycarol

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Profile Information

My Interest in Sleep Apnea
I have Sleep Apnea, Someone I care about has Sleep Apnea
Treatment Being Used, if any
If Machine Being Used, What Type? (e.g., Respironics M Series with A-Flex Auto-Adjusting CPAP)
Respironics REMstar M Series with C-Flex with heated humidification
If Mask Being Used, What Type? (e.g., ResMed Activa Nasal Mask)
ResMed Quattro FX

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At 10:00am on December 21, 2014, Mary Z said…

Kay, I haven't been around myself and miss the old, active forum.

At 3:31pm on September 1, 2014, Kay Day said…

September 1, 2014

My apologies to Sleep Guide for not participating in a long time. In January 2012 I started classes at the local community college (my husband is an instructor there, and my tuition is refunded when my grades are above a C. My grade point currently is 3.7 so no problem there! Not too shabby for a now almost 71-year-old broad!)

In October 2013 I had a total knee replacement. This past July I had a routine endoscopy and colonoscopy; a large polyp located in a difficult-to-get-to area was biopsied and needs removal. Should get a call tomorrow to get it scheduled. I took this semester off from school because anesthesia makes me loopy for 3-6 weeks after a procedure. 

The good news is that my AHI is down from 2.5-3 to 1-1.3. I modified my Ultimate Chin Strap so that it fits better. I changed to the Swift FX for her nasal pillows and they're working well.

Prior to my knee surgery I lost 20 pounds, but the past three months have had a sweet tooth and gained back half of it. Gotta pull out the essay I wrote for a comp class and follow my own instructions to get back to losing weight.

Thank you all for being here. The advice from other CPAP users is invaluable.

At 10:44am on January 3, 2011, Mary Z said…

Kay, thaks for your response.  Yes, with your physical problems you don't nneed to be lifting all those boxes!  I'v been on CPAP for nearly three years and have yet to get my numbers under control, very frustratings.  Glad you found a mask that works for you.

Mary Z.

At 10:56am on November 5, 2010, Mary Z said…
Kay, thanks for the friend request. I can always use a friend on the forum. Hope the moving goes well, look forward to hearing from you when you have more time.
Mary Z.
At 8:16pm on November 2, 2010, sleepycarol said…
I would be interested in any suggestions you may have.

I know I wear my sheets out near the bottom where my feet are. Even switching the sheets top to bottom (at the head of the bed one time and then after washing switching to the opposite end), they still wear out quickly. It has been suggested my my son-in-laws mother that it is due to the leg movements as her sister has RLS and wears hers out in a similar manner. My husband has complained I kick him at night, but since I am not awake, unaware of it.

I know a Kathy Page from Smithton. I haven't talked to her for a while so unsure if it is the same one. The one I know has a daughter named Kristy (unsure how they spell it since I have Kristy as well and this is how I spelled it). One of her daughter's (the older one did work at Griff's here in Sedalia).
At 10:24pm on October 31, 2010, sleepycarol said…
I know a couple of Kathy's from Smithton, but unsure if one would be your friend. RLS isn't a topic that is discussed much around here, sleep apnea gets alot more attention.

I know during my sleep study I had numerous limb movements, but no specific diagnosis of either PLMD or RLS. I never saw the sleep doctor, he just sent the stuff to my primary care doctor since she ordered the sleep test. She feels that I have at least one of the disorders and did prescribe meds for them. I never took the meds since I was unsure how they would make me feel and I am already taking meds for high blood pressure and allergies, plus hormone replacement.
At 10:46am on October 29, 2010, sleepycarol said…
Welcome to the forum!!

We are glad you joined. Here you will find information about sleep apnea, treatment options, and other sleep related disorders.

If you are fairly new to the world of sleep apnea, please check out the FAQ tab and under the Groups tab, the new users group and the collective wisdom section. You may find those of particular importance in learning the language often used on the forum, solutions to common issues patients may have, and other information you may find useful.

If you have been around the world of sleep apnea for a while, we hope you still find the site informative and of interest.

Please feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, comments, questions, etc.

Again, Welcome to the forum!!
At 7:42am on October 13, 2010, Mary Z said…
Kay, as a fellow forum member I would like to welcome you to SleepGuide. I hope you enjoy the discussions as much as I do.
Mary Z.

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