Gina, as a member of the SleepGuide Crew I would like to welcome you to the forum. I'm glad you've found The New Users Group and Kath's UK group. We are a support group for people and families and friends whose lives are impacted by sleep apnea. Any question is a good question. A forum is only as friendly, lively and interesting as it's members. I am encouraging all members to post, a short intro would be great or just responding to threads. Of course lurking is fine, too.
It takes all of us to keep the forum active, helpful and alive. I don't know how long you've been on the machine, but we have so many new folks who are lost in problems any insight is appreciated.
I too have sleep apnea and am also from the east riding of yorkshire, my profile pic is of me on a boat on Hornsea mere.I used to get depressed having to use cpap every night and thought it would limit my lifestyle.I am an entertainer and toured Finland,Germany,Luxembourg,Holland and Belgium,with no problems last year[apart from being frightened to death I lost my european mains adapter]I still felt embarassed about my condition though having to explain about my condition to new band members with whom I shared hotel rooms.I always think someone could be worse off than me.Sitting driving test March