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Anybody out there using a low carb diet to lose weight?  I am finding that it reduces cravings for sweets, though I do enjoy an Atkins bar as a meal replacement which would count as a sweet thing.  I have 20 lbs to lose having lost down to 153.5 from 170 (my heaviest weight), Have 20 more lbs to lose.  I was 110 lbs (had been sick and was too skinny) when diagnosed with mild OSA, but it has worsened, possibly because of the weight gain.

Mary Z.

Views: 129

Replies to This Discussion

Mary Z, The only thing that worked for me is a "cleanse" where I cut out all sugar, caffeine, gluten (no bread), and meat. I was amazed how easy it was for the first 10 days. I drank a lot of fruit smoothies (including "green" smoothies) and fresh fruit and vegetables which tasted wonderful (better than ever), whole grains and tofu. I had to leave town due to a sudden death and stay with friends for several days after the 10 days so had to stop it (and gained back the 3 pounds I lost) and am now trying a less radical approach of no sugar, caffeine or alcohol (the later two I don't do anyway). I also just joined a gym and am trying to schedule in time at the gym (hasn't beent oo effectie so far with my work schedule and long commute)... will keep you posted. --Janie
Thanks, Janie. Do keep me posted.

Janie Simmons said:
Mary Z, The only thing that worked for me is a "cleanse" where I cut out all sugar, caffeine, gluten (no bread), and meat. I was amazed how easy it was for the first 10 days. ....

Not to nit pick but grains = gluten. My daughter has coeliac (sp?) and we were shocked at what has gluten. But good job. I went on south beach and lost 55lbs. Sad to say have put it back on. But have not given up "Never give up. Never surrender."

Janie Simmons said:

Mary Z, The only thing that worked for me is a "cleanse" where I cut out all sugar, caffeine, gluten (no bread), and meat. I was amazed how easy it was for the first 10 days. I drank a lot of fruit smoothies (including "green" smoothies) and fresh fruit and vegetables which tasted wonderful (better than ever), whole grains and tofu. I had to leave town due to a sudden death and stay with friends for several days after the 10 days so had to stop it (and gained back the 3 pounds I lost) and am now trying a less radical approach of no sugar, caffeine or alcohol (the later two I don't do anyway). I also just joined a gym and am trying to schedule in time at the gym (hasn't beent oo effectie so far with my work schedule and long commute)... will keep you posted. --Janie


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