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Another question for you veterans: What mask did you start with? And what mask have you finally found works best for you.

Nasal Masks

I started with the mask "issued" to me: a ResMed - FX for Her. I liked it overall BUT finally the leaking became a problem (I found this wonderful site too late to know about liners). Another problem: the skin chaffing irritation on the bridge of my nose. As a result, I'm considering one of these nasal masks:

Then, happily, at a support group meeting (that our estimable Chris H urged me to attend), an RT recommended a nasal pillow style mask. I seized his suggestion.

Nasal Pillow Masks

I have since been switching between two nasal pillow masks: a ResMed Swift FX and a ResMed Mirage Swift II. The blowing air annoys in both. The headgear on the Swift FX tends to shift more; the Mirage headgear is better and more stable, but the blowing air is more annoying. I'm a side-sleeper, and both masks seem to stay in place throughout the night.

Phillips Respironics' GoLife mask seems to be an interesting option. The headgear (in the photo) appears to be less likely to shift.  I haven't bought it yet, but I'm seriously considering it.

Full Face Mask

Finally, here's a full-face mask that I'm considering. It's expensive. The advantages (so far as I can tell from the photos and discription) are that it doesn't cover up the eyes (I like to read at night) and its headgear appears to be less likely to "jostle" or shift during the night thus dislodging the mask itself. Also, since I'm a mouth-breather, I hope I can dispense with my #&^$%#^* chinstrap!

Not only would this newbie appreciate hearing the experience of the veterans, I bet a lot of newbies would be interested -- and even some veterans.

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I started with the Quattro.  It worked well for about a year then the bridge of my nose broke down.  I tried various masks and settled on the Respironics FitLife Total Face Mask.

I like the FitLife too - no more nasal bridge sores or strap marks.  However, a lot of people on nasal masks are finding a benefit from these that we sell on our website Nasal Soft CPAP Cushions which I'm sure you'll be able to get in the US.

ZolliStar, the liberty isn't really a FFM but a hybrid, I tried a number of nasal pillows, nasal masks then FFM until I decided to stick with the Resmed Mirage Quattro. It took me a bit of getting used to but now get hardly any leaks. I also use a chinstrap because I found that when I fall asleep my mouth will still open when I'm in deep sleep and the mask will leak. I know it's a lot to waer but I am now comfortable with it. I am also sensentive to light and sound so guess what I wear ear plaugs and an eye mask as well. Maybe I should be called a 'mummy'LOL. Let us know how you go and use the mask liners and have the hose coming from above your head.

Thanks for the detailed clarification re: the Liberty, Terry.

I, too, am light sensitive but can't tolerate the "weight" of an eye mask. So annoying. One thing I really like about the ResMed FX for her is that I can throw a black scarf over my face and eyes and block all light 100%. Love that.

I'm a side sleeper. I looked at the ResMed Mirage Quattro and read some of the comments on  The few commentators who mentioned that they are side-sleepers said this mask worked fine for them and had high praise for it. 

And, yes, I'll take your advice and buy the liners if I get the Quattro.

I look forward to comments from others about their preferred choices. These discussions and comments are very helpful.

Terry Vella said:

ZolliStar, the liberty isn't really a FFM but a hybrid, I tried a number of nasal pillows, nasal masks then FFM until I decided to stick with the Resmed Mirage Quattro. It took me a bit of getting used to but now get hardly any leaks. I also use a chinstrap because I found that when I fall asleep my mouth will still open when I'm in deep sleep and the mask will leak. I know it's a lot to waer but I am now comfortable with it. I am also sensentive to light and sound so guess what I wear ear plaugs and an eye mask as well. Maybe I should be called a 'mummy'LOL. Let us know how you go and use the mask liners and have the hose coming from above your head.

I have been on the Resmed Quattro for about a year, that was the only mask they gave me because, being that I breath through my mouth.  The quattro was fine for a year and I take good care of my mask, but as of the last couple of months.  the mask has been leaking into my eyes, I get kind of a rash around the nose area of my face and dry mouth.  I am going to see a sleep doctor on the 2nd of Feb.  I have also not slept well since the mask is leaking in my eyes.  It's very frustrating.  I'm thinking about talking to the dr about going to the fit life mask, since I breath through my mouth.

Let us know what your sleep doctor suggests/recommends. Meanwhile, here are some thoughts:

1. Do you use a chin strap? It's essential equipment for me because I, too, am a mouth breather.

2.  Is your seal good? Nothing is more irritating that air leaking into the eyes.

3.  You might consider a nasal pillow-style mask.

I was surprised by how much I like the nasal pillow masks, btw. But I now switch between them and my original ResMed FX for Her mask. The big problem with the FX is the skin chaffing and irritation which force me to stop using it until my skin heals

I'm ordering a new mask today: the SleepWeaver mask which gets lots of nice reviews and is currently on sale at with free return privilege. Still, I hope I love it and don't end up returning it. For more information, click below:.

Again, let us know what your sleep doctor suggestions/recommends.

Kenneth Lorino said:

I have been on the Resmed Quattro for about a year, that was the only mask they gave me because, being that I breath through my mouth.  The quattro was fine for a year and I take good care of my mask, but as of the last couple of months.  the mask has been leaking into my eyes, I get kind of a rash around the nose area of my face and dry mouth.  I am going to see a sleep doctor on the 2nd of Feb.  I have also not slept well since the mask is leaking in my eyes.  It's very frustrating.  I'm thinking about talking to the dr about going to the fit life mask, since I breath through my mouth.

I think with my condition, I was diagnosed with asthma, the year prior to myself getting diagnosed with sleep apnea.  The dr had put me on a full face mask, because of my throat swelling, which they suggested was part of the reason why the put my cpap setting to 14 which, if I did some research, I've heard that the nasal pillow may not work at that setting that it would kind of get blown off of my face.  The resmed quattro did get a good seal at first, but then started losing weight, which is one of my goals this year, also being italian, my facial hair is annoying.  I usually have to shave in the morning and sometimes at night.  The only problem with shaving at night is my facial hair still seems to breake the seal on my mask.  Again, it's kind of frustrating and I'm feeling sleepy during the day, like before I was diagnosed with sleep apnea.  My wife gets irritated becaus the valve on the quattro blows air in her face.

ZolliStar said:

Let us know what your sleep doctor suggests/recommends. Meanwhile, here are some thoughts:

1. Do you use a chin strap? It's essential equipment for me because I, too, am a mouth breather.

2.  Is your seal good? Nothing is more irritating that air leaking into the eyes.

3.  You might consider a nasal pillow-style mask.

I was surprised by how much I like the nasal pillow masks, btw. But I now switch between them and my original ResMed FX for Her mask. The big problem with the FX is the skin chaffing and irritation which force me to stop using it until my skin heals

I'm ordering a new mask today: the SleepWeaver mask which gets lots of nice reviews and is currently on sale at with free return privilege. Still, I hope I love it and don't end up returning it. For more information, click below:.

Again, let us know what your sleep doctor suggestions/recommends.

Kenneth Lorino said:

I have been on the Resmed Quattro for about a year, that was the only mask they gave me because, being that I breath through my mouth.  The quattro was fine for a year and I take good care of my mask, but as of the last couple of months.  the mask has been leaking into my eyes, I get kind of a rash around the nose area of my face and dry mouth.  I am going to see a sleep doctor on the 2nd of Feb.  I have also not slept well since the mask is leaking in my eyes.  It's very frustrating.  I'm thinking about talking to the dr about going to the fit life mask, since I breath through my mouth.

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