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Hi, my name is Lawrence and I got my diagnosis of Sleep Apnea on December 27th, 2008 and started CPAP on December 29th, 2008...and it has been an adventure.

I currently live in Manhattan, KS, where I work as Unix Systems Administrator at Kansas State University. Before coming here, I was living in Columbus, OH (for 8 years) and before that I was living in Alberta, Canada. Mostly Calgary, with an 8 year stint in Medicine Hat.

The Dreamer.
Hi All...Glad to see some support out there. Even though I have had sleep apnea for a while just blogged my self into a reality check:
Want to know what others thinks and things you are doing to make it better.
Hi Claire...I just had my third sleep study last night. I have had the disorder for around 10 years. The best advice I can give (which I just started taking myself) is take it seriously and work on the root cause. I too would like to be around for a while! Good luck!

pottercb said:
Hi all, My name is Claire and I have a sleep study scheduled on Aug 13 in Pensacola, Fla- I wondered if there is anything I need to know, Bring, or ask when I go to this sleep study. Been tired all the time for a long time, Worsen this year since Jan- Had MRI done of my leg in April for a knee replacement doctor and the MRI reader sent information to my regular doctor showing erythroid red blood cell, which lead me to a cancer doctor, that now is sending me to a sleep study and pulmonary doctor. I am told that I am not getting enough oxygen to my organs which will cause organ failure. Being diabetic, I am worried about this. I do try to eat right and exercise, but my knee is not allowing me to walk as much as I use too. I am overweight and gaining too. This tiredness causes me to fall asleep all the time. I try to sleep or be in the bed to sleep 8 hours a night, but my brain will not shut down. I just lay there for long periods then get up. When I do go to sleep, its short burst like 2 hours of 3 hours and then my throat seems to be raw, and I have major headaches. This has been going on for a long time. My family doctor is aware but never mention a sleep study, tried to give me sleeping pills, which I will not take- I am afraid on them. I think I have already caused damage to my heart. I am on depression pills, that really don't stop my crying jags, or help with sleep. I seem to keep high blood pressure reading. They stick me in a dark room all the time. I guess I am just frustrated that it takes so long for insurance and doctors to do the right thing.
Any advice, help , or just a comment would be greatly appreciated. I want to be around for a long time to see my grandchildren grow up. I do not fell depressed, just tired!!!!
Frank here, on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Age 61. And a half. On CPAP for the last five nights at a pressure of 16. Probably needed it for the last half century at least. Now getting used to what I take to be a normal state of daytine consciousness for what may be the first time; looking forward to being in reasonably good physical shape too. Need to get my head around the course of my life as I now understand it to be shaped by the OSA, and I don't mean the Order of St. Augustine. If you are on Facebook, feel free to connect with me at . I use the same handle on Twitter. Cheers!
Hello! Great website! Please allow me to introduce REM Sleep Disorders Center as a resource to you. We are a relatively new sleep center located at 200 East 62nd Steet (corner of 3rd Ave) specializing in the evaluation, education and treatment of sleep/wake disorders. We provide a uniquely progressive approach to sleep medicine by combining a state of the art technical lab, within a contemporary boutique or spa-like setting.....similiar to what you would find at a luxury hotel. Our focus is on treating the patient as a whole. By analyzing a patients overall health and wellness and using sleep studies as a baseline, we are able to provide superior uncompormised treatments. We combine a complete health evaluation and treatment plan for our patients with effective communication and follow up to the referring physician(s). We also put a high priority on following up with our CPAP patients and "sticking with them." We seek to improve compliance statistics and help patients not only get diagnosed, but also to be effectively treated and cared for. We believe that comes with good follow up. This is our mission, so please feel free to contact us, we look forward to hearing from you. For more information you can also visit us at Sleep Well, Live Well!
Hi Claire,

Sounds like you are taking the necessary first step towards treatment and better health by scheduling your sleep study! So, good job for taking matters into your own hands! Don't be nervous.....if the sleep lab you are going to is anything like ours, you will have a fine experience. The Technicians are very caring and helpful and will walk you through the process.

Here is a list of some of the things we let our patients know prior to the study:
1. Please plan an earlier than usual wake time in the morning of your sleep study. Usually, getting up earlier than usual will help ensure that you will fall sleep easily.

2. Avoid napping the day of the study.

3. Please shower or bathe before your study. Wash your hair on the day of testing this will help us to get the best possible recording. Do not apply any lotions or oils to your skin or hair. For males, if you are clean shaven, please shave before you come in. Please note that an adhesive tape and wax paste will be applied to your skin in order to keep the electrodes in place during your study and will be removed in the morning. Our facility is equipped with showers to remove any sticky residue.

4. Avoid alcohol, any caffeinated foods or beverages at least 12 hours prior to testing. Otherwise, there are no other dietary requirements.

5. Please bring a list of all your current medications as well as any medications that you might need during the time you are with us in the laboratory, including insulin, sleeping pills, pain medications, etc. No medications will be dispensed at the sleep lab.

6. Pack a small bag with all of the items you will need for an overnight stay away from home. Please bring whatever you normally wear to sleep in and your usual overnight things such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, favorite pillow/blanket, etc.

7. If you are in a habit of reading before going to sleep, bring a book or other reading material. We have cablevision and DVD’s available if you would like to watch television and relax before sleep. Patients are encouraged to bring their own DVD’s as well if they would like.

8. If you develop a cold or respiratory infection, this will affect reliability of study results. Please contact us immediately so that you can be rescheduled for a different night.
Once you get the test results, be sure and review them thoroughly with your doctor and ask questions. If you get prescribed CPAP and have trouble tolerating it....don't give up! Follow up with your doctor and let he/she know of your progress. Everyone tolerates CPAP differently and you may not have the perfect set up the first time. Once you get the right machine and titration and if you use it as will see health improvements! Keep a positive attitude and don't throw in the towel too easily if things don't run completely smooth. Good Luck. Lenore at REM Sleep Center

pottercb said:
Hi all, My name is Claire and I have a sleep study scheduled on Aug 13 in Pensacola, Fla- I wondered if there is anything I need to know, Bring, or ask when I go to this sleep study. Been tired all the time for a long time, Worsen this year since Jan- Had MRI done of my leg in April for a knee replacement doctor and the MRI reader sent information to my regular doctor showing erythroid red blood cell, which lead me to a cancer doctor, that now is sending me to a sleep study and pulmonary doctor. I am told that I am not getting enough oxygen to my organs which will cause organ failure. Being diabetic, I am worried about this. I do try to eat right and exercise, but my knee is not allowing me to walk as much as I use too. I am overweight and gaining too. This tiredness causes me to fall asleep all the time. I try to sleep or be in the bed to sleep 8 hours a night, but my brain will not shut down. I just lay there for long periods then get up. When I do go to sleep, its short burst like 2 hours of 3 hours and then my throat seems to be raw, and I have major headaches. This has been going on for a long time. My family doctor is aware but never mention a sleep study, tried to give me sleeping pills, which I will not take- I am afraid on them. I think I have already caused damage to my heart. I am on depression pills, that really don't stop my crying jags, or help with sleep. I seem to keep high blood pressure reading. They stick me in a dark room all the time. I guess I am just frustrated that it takes so long for insurance and doctors to do the right thing.
Any advice, help , or just a comment would be greatly appreciated. I want to be around for a long time to see my grandchildren grow up. I do not fell depressed, just tired!!!!
Hell all my name is Maria Smith and I'm looking for better treatments for Sleep Apnea. Someone I knows have and I hate to see them in this terrible mood because they are forced to live with it. I know there are treatments out there for people who have different levels of Sleep Apnea, but there has to be something better that a CPAP machine or surgery. I'm happy to see there is alot of information at this site, so I can begin my research for better treatment.

My name is Dan and I have recently been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, though the details of that diagnosis are sketchy. I would guess it is considered to be severe.

When I did my sleep study, I was told that one night would be for evaluation, and a second night would be required if it was determined I had a problem. Noone ever told me I had apnea, but I was scheduled for my second night.

They hooked me up to monitors, and put me on a CPAP machine, but I just layed there for almost 6 hours, unable to sleep. As I had an early meeting the next day, I told them that it wasn't working and I had to go home. After getting disconnected, showering all the goop off and getting dressed, I was asked to sign a waiver stating that I had been advised of the dangers and choose to refuse treatment. Nothing could be further from the truth! I never had a consultation with the doctor, the technician never said anything about danger or apnea, for that matter, until I refused to sign the document. I left because the trial was not working on a night where my sleep was important. I am also bitter because they did not ask me the certain night was acceptable, just that I needed to be there that day. I suspect they do not want the scheduling nightmare of meeting everyone's needs and desires, but to ignore them is not appropriate.

I expected to go back for another trial, but that was not an option without duplicating the charges, which I would have resisted anyways, but added to that was anger with their administration of the process.

To make a really long story shorter, I ended up in the hospital for emergency by pass surgery, stayed in ICU for two months due to complications, and am now on the mend. Now that my recovery is well under way, I think I need to address the Apnea again. I hope to find information here to guide me.

Thanks for the rant, and sorry for any rambling or misspellinmgs. I know I do that and if I don't proof-read (as I have not this time), I am usually sorry I didn't afterword.

Sleep tight.
Hi, I'm Dr. Farhad Hakimi from New York City. I am a Board-Certified Maxillofacial Prosthodontist, who is also devoted to treating patients who suffer from Sleep Breathing Disorders like Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Snoring with my patented oral appliance. My oral appliance is non-invasive, non-surgical and highly tolerable. I am very pleased to be a member of this forum and would be more than happy to provide more information to anyone who would like to know more about Oral Appliance Therapy in treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea and my very own VIAdmd oral appliance. You can also visit my website at
Hi everyone! I'm Christine. I live in a tiny town in NW Pennsylvania. I was recently diagnose with Sleep Apnea.I haven't been in to see my doctor yet since my second sleep study. The medical supply store said that I have to wait at least a month after I start using the machine to see him, so I have an appointment September 15th. I guess that is when I will find out the details of what the study showed. Until then I am doing what I can to educate myself on my diagnosis as well as about the equipment that I use. I am soooo glad that I found this site!
Oh, I almost forgot..Since I started using my CPAP I haven't woke up with the severe headache that I had been having. Also, I wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. I haven't had to take a nap during the day since I started using my machine!
Thank You Doctor. I will look into this with interest.

Dr. Farhad Hakimi said:
Hi, I'm Dr. Farhad Hakimi from New York City. I am a Board-Certified Maxillofacial Prosthodontist, who is also devoted to treating patients who suffer from Sleep Breathing Disorders like Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Snoring with my patented oral appliance. My oral appliance is non-invasive, non-surgical and highly tolerable. I am very pleased to be a member of this forum and would be more than happy to provide more information to anyone who would like to know more about Oral Appliance Therapy in treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea and my very own VIAdmd oral appliance. You can also visit my website at
Hi, I was just diagnosed and titrated and tomorrow I get my one asked what kind I wanted ..the mask I used at the sleep test seemed was the smaller one with a gel outline. I am being treated at New York Hospital's sleep clinic and medicare is paying the bills(so far). I appreciate having this venue for advice and info.

I was taking all this casually until I read the posting of the death..scarey...

In any case, my name is Carole and I live in Brooklyn but hope to attend some of the manhattan meetings.

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