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I'd like to get a sense of what other disorders people are suffering from other than Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea usually causes a lot of other problems.

I found out recently that i am prediabetic.  I think that if i had gone another few years without treating OSA, i would have been a full blown diabetic by now.

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Balance problems sent me to a neurologist, who said I had peripheral neuropathy. Tests showed no underlying disease, such as diabetes, causing the neuropathy. As an aside, I remarked that I was not sleeping well and getting up every hour to urinate. After questioning me, he said I probably had sleep apnea. Overnights in a sleep lab disclosed Central Sleep Apnea, Severe PLMS and RLS. Other than those ailments, I am healthy - good blood pressure, etc. For an 80 year old female, I am in great shape, except for the Peripheral Neuropathy and the Sleep problems. I use a Respironics BiPAP auto SV with Encore Smart Card. Medications help me sleep and I no longer get up frequently to go to the bathroom.
LOL!!! I do find that most of us still have a good sense of humour now we're on treatment. Mind you, we have to seeing as we're willing to go to bed looking like Darth Vader :-D

Banyon said:
OCFP - Obsessive Compulsive Forum Posting.
Don't really know how long I have suffered Sleep Apnea. I always thought my other symptoms were caused by Spinal Meningitis in 1989 (18 months locked up in Psych Ward, Reno VA Hospital). About the same time I began serious snoring, began headaches -took large amounts of Tylenol, developed Diabetes (Type 2), -Insuliin 4 TID+ Metformin (blood sugar); Neuropathy (Pain & cramps in extremities) - Gabapentin; Depression - Fluoxetine X 30 + Divalproex X 1500; HBP -Lisinopril; Hypothyroid - Levothyroxine; Cholesterol problems - Simvastatin;; and ED - Vardenafil. Got cataracts and eyes changed - lens replacement surgery; multiple heart attacks - double bypass; Loss of hearing -progressive but dealing with excessive Tinnitis (buzzing, whispering or humming in head); Allergies -
Has a lot of trouble sending this, but have I got a reply for you.
First I had a problem convincing my doctor I had high blood pressure. She told me to sop taking my blood pressure. I went to her boss and now I have a different doctor.
Second, you are prediabetic. How did you convince them you had a problem with sugar? Surely their stupid a1c test didn't help you. I pass out two hours after a sugar insult. I also almost killed my x wife during one bout of low sugar. I still can't walk into friendly's because of the super sweet smell of the place.
lastly we both have sleep apnea. Other problems could be a heart attack. I sleep with a mask on all night so I can keep my oxygen level up. There is no end to the problems it can give one.
I could go on all might but I wont. I'll just say good luck for now.
I have diabetes, coronary artery disease, previous heart attack, high blood pressure, pulmonary hypertension, diastolic dysfunction, arthritis, Mrsa, Charcot foot, neuropathy, fibromyalgis, angina, allergies to drugs, foods, and indoor and outdoor allergens, hystory of congestive heart failure and 2 episodes of acute kidney failure, also have high cholesterol and restrictive breathing problems which I use oxygen for and use it at night with my C-PAP machine, also use inhalers and several nasal sprays for allergies and breathing problems, taking allergy shots now, have mild depression, have low VitaminD levels and low Iron levels which I take supplements for, also have GERD and Barrett's Esophagus. I'm sure i've probably forgotten something, bit that's just what comes to mind right now.
I am pre-diabetic. I have a whole following of problems------fibromyalgia, scheroderma, raynouds, nueropathy, IBS, high cholestrol, blood pressure issues, 3 bad discs in my neck with bone spurs on the vertabrea, 1 bad disc in my lower back and sciatica. I suffer pain in my hips, knees, ankles, feet and hands. I also have the cells in my blood that cause Multiple Myloma and I am being tested on regualr basis for this. On top of all this I feel like I cannot remeber half the things I should. The doctor said, "get a rash on your face and I will change your diagnoses to Lupus".

OH did I mention I have OSA and CSA? HA HA
High blood pressure, obesity, unknown red scaling on my arms
Who really wants to be reminded of the health problems they have?? *sigh*

I have COPD, that's the major culprit. I have Crohn's disease currently in remission or symptomatic remission. Osteoporosis, glaucoma, cataract surgery implant in one eye, benign nodules on thyroid, secondary pulmonary hypertension, OSA. Ooops, forgot the latest: atrial fibrillation.

And I felt one h*ll of a whole lot better before I recited this list than since. Sheesh!
I am 63, I am overweight, have type II diabetes (controlled by diet, previously on metformin) high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and pulmonary hypertension. Anxious to see the results of your survey.
Asthma, high cholesterol, Stage 4 osteoarthritis in both knees and insomnia.

Without my pillow, I would definitely snore and most likely have an apnea, as I have in the past.

By getting about two good REM sleep intervals during my 6 to seven hour sleep every night and controlling my sleeping posture, I am able breath easily, and wake up fresh. This balances out my pressure, and heart rate. I am 66 years of age, and I, (as yet) do not have high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart problems. I do have a family history with these conditions.

I personally believe that high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart problems are degenerative conditions and are initiated from the outside, creating a problem or condition on the inside. Rushing away to the doctor to get treated is a good start, but it is not the solution. A medical professional can control a condition and buy you time, but the solution or cure is within each one of us.

I have heard doctors say if you have diabetes, it is almost certain you have a heart problem; it then extends to macular degeneration, kidney failure, etc. Rather than resigning to these factors, learn to reverse them. It can be done.

So, rather than knowing ‘what else’ people suffer from besides OSA, ask them ‘what else’ are they trying to do to reverse their condition.
I Use to take multiple naps during the day. I would be very close to falling asleep while driving.
I used to wake up after "8 hours sleep" and want to take a nap a couple of hours later.
I have early hypertension my heart rate was 70/140 The first number was fine, but, I am told the second number should anything lower than 140.
Very low energy, I did not want to do anything, I was too tired.
I had the multiple piss disorder (going to the bathroom 5 or more times a night.
really grouchy.
My mom died at 60years young, She snored excessively and Very Loud!!!! (that must be where I get it)I think if we would have known then what we know now she may have lived a longer life.

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