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80% of people with fibromyalgia have OSA

50% people with hypertension have OSA

50% of people with type 2 diabetes have OSA

38% of people with asthma have OSA


OSA leads to heart attacks and strokes as well.  Sleep deprivation is proven to cause cancer. Please pass this along if you know anyone who is fatigued.  I have been in sleep for 11 years, and have done close to 6000 studies.  Its amazing to watch people turn around in a 6 to 8 hour period. 


If you go to a lab that only shows you 1 to 2 masks, demand to see more.  Only 80% of people who are offered CPAP actually will use it.  Its my firm belief this is because they are not being given options.  I use ResMed and Respironics in my lab.  I let patients try both machines.  Both CPAPs are great with minor differences, but the differences are noticeable.  One patient will tell me the Respironics is better, next patient will tell me ResMed is better.  I use both in the same room to ensure they get the CPAP that works best for them.  I believe what CPAP you use in the lab should be used at home. 


If your tech isn't showing you the three different styles of masks, they aren't doing their job. There are nasal masks, nasal pillows and full face masks.  I usually try on 5-10 masks per patient so they know what is out there. 


Never allow the company who will give you a CPAP (HME or DME) to give you crappy equipment. Make sure you have a chin strap handy if you aren't wearing a full face mask. You probably won't like it, but you may need it in the beginning. 


1. new mask every 6 months, paid by your insurance

2. new filters once a month, paid by insurance

3. new hose every 6 months paid by insurance

4. new CPAP every 5-7 years paid by insurance


hope this helps atleast somebody!



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Sounds like a diagnosis in laypersons terms, rather than something like costochronditis.

At least it wasn't a heart attack.
Banyon said:

"Inflamed lungs from straining"???

Very strange sounding diagnosis.

if i asked four people do you like cheese and all four said yes

according to this poll i had a 100% success rate

figures can be manipulated but those with common sense ignore them and do not make a song and dance do their own research gently and with tact answer in a responsible way without causing  offence in  a mild way so all can learn and remember points and return time and again to our wonderful sleepguide site

Those that can, attempt to teach. Those that can't teach, criticize. Doesn't matter if I provide proof or support for my post. As the reader and post-poster it's your job to disprove it. If you can't disprove or add to it then don't post.

According to the National Sleep Foundation and the American Apnea Association somewhere between 12 and 18 million people have been diagnosed with apnea. They are assuming that an unprecidented number of bad sleepers are under/misdiagnosed. Mollete's own link shows that there are about 6mil diagnosed cases of fibro bringing the percentage of overlap cases somewhere between 50 and 30%.


In all honesty it is tough to get any true stats on either disorder or how they match up. The stats for woman with apnea and fibro are surely to be higher than men IMHO.

RockRpsgt said:

Doesn't matter if I provide proof or support for my post. As the reader and post-poster it's your job to disprove it.

Hold on there Rockmeister!

So when

Brenton Johnson said:

Sleep deprivation is proven to cause cancer. 

I have to prove otherwise?

What's up with that?

Well, I wouldn't have gone so far as to say that untreated OSA "causes" cancer but I've read quite a few articles AND research abstracts to support the findings that untreated OSA can be one of the contributing factors to developing cancer.

Good pick up on the "inflamed lungs" i.e. "costochronditis", MaryZ. That was my thought as well.

geez if i knew i was going to be harrassed by trying to help people i wouldn't of even came here to begin with.  Its hard for me to provide links when the information i use is from monthly medical journals that you guys don't have access too.  But on saying that, I found an article here about hypertension and OSA.


here's asthma.  now on posting these, these are the original documents that I was using as reference materials.  those are in my lab as I write this information to your doubting thomas's.

here's one for fibromyalgia.  For you doubters, all you had to do is type in 80% of patients who have fibromyalgia have sleep apnea.  same thing with the other posts.  I just typed in what stat I used, and there was plenty of articles to read.  This will be my last post.  I was here to help, not be harrassed by dummies who can't use search engines. (Banyon)

Brenton Johnson said:

here's one for fibromyalgia.  For you doubters, all you had to do is type in 80% of patients who have fibromyalgia have sleep apnea.  same thing with the other posts.  I just typed in what stat I used, and there was plenty of articles to read.  This will be my last post.  I was here to help, not be harrassed by dummies who can't use search engines. (Banyon)

I am still a doubter because there is no primary reference, only perpetuation of the myth.


A scientist does not use tabloids and advertisements for references.


The claims of causal links between OSA/FBM and OSA/cancer are unfounded and only serve to generate needless anxiety.

Judy said:

Well, I wouldn't have gone so far as to say that untreated OSA "causes" cancer but I've read quite a few articles AND research abstracts to support the findings that untreated OSA can be one of the contributing factors to developing cancer.

In humans or mice?

Brenton Johnson said:

I usually try on 5-10 masks per patient so they know what is out there.

BTW, how do you clean/disinfect/sterilize masks between patients?



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