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80% of people with fibromyalgia have OSA

50% people with hypertension have OSA

50% of people with type 2 diabetes have OSA

38% of people with asthma have OSA


OSA leads to heart attacks and strokes as well.  Sleep deprivation is proven to cause cancer. Please pass this along if you know anyone who is fatigued.  I have been in sleep for 11 years, and have done close to 6000 studies.  Its amazing to watch people turn around in a 6 to 8 hour period. 


If you go to a lab that only shows you 1 to 2 masks, demand to see more.  Only 80% of people who are offered CPAP actually will use it.  Its my firm belief this is because they are not being given options.  I use ResMed and Respironics in my lab.  I let patients try both machines.  Both CPAPs are great with minor differences, but the differences are noticeable.  One patient will tell me the Respironics is better, next patient will tell me ResMed is better.  I use both in the same room to ensure they get the CPAP that works best for them.  I believe what CPAP you use in the lab should be used at home. 


If your tech isn't showing you the three different styles of masks, they aren't doing their job. There are nasal masks, nasal pillows and full face masks.  I usually try on 5-10 masks per patient so they know what is out there. 


Never allow the company who will give you a CPAP (HME or DME) to give you crappy equipment. Make sure you have a chin strap handy if you aren't wearing a full face mask. You probably won't like it, but you may need it in the beginning. 


1. new mask every 6 months, paid by your insurance

2. new filters once a month, paid by insurance

3. new hose every 6 months paid by insurance

4. new CPAP every 5-7 years paid by insurance


hope this helps atleast somebody!



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I just told you the websites to go visit.  I am not going to go out of my way to pull up each article when you have the same resources I do.  If you don't want to believe it, then don't.  Doesn't change that its factual. There are alot of different researches done, they all vary a bit.  These averages will change slightly depending on which report you read, but its a good overall average.

Banyon said:

So you don't have anything to back up the statistics you quoted.

Bravo Brenton!

Brenton Johnson said:

I just told you the websites to go visit.  I am not going to go out of my way to pull up each article when you have the same resources I do.  If you don't want to believe it, then don't.  Doesn't change that its factual. There are alot of different researches done, they all vary a bit.  These averages will change slightly depending on which report you read, but its a good overall average.

Banyon said:

So you don't have anything to back up the statistics you quoted.

Thanks I am some what new and don't know all the turns. I will look for the faq (don't normally get along with faqs).

Mary Z said:

Richard, OSA is Obstructive Sleep Apnea.  It's a standard acronym and is used often.

It is also in the glossary, prominent in the FAQ.

I'm with Banyon on this.  If Brenton is going to post "factual material" then he can't just pull numbers out of his ass.


The "80% of people with fibromyalgia have OSA" looks to be a perpetuated tabloid number.


That said: 


RockRpsgt said:

Bravo Brenton!

Brenton Johnson said:

I just told you the websites to go visit.  I am not going to go out of my way to pull up each article when you have the same resources I do.  If you don't want to believe it, then don't.  Doesn't change that its factual. There are alot of different researches done, they all vary a bit.  These averages will change slightly depending on which report you read, but its a good overall average.

Banyon said:

So you don't have anything to back up the statistics you quoted.

It does have a "tabloid" ring to it, but really it is just typical internet forum quoting of statistics.

95% of internet forum statistics, including this one, are merely inventions of the writer to support a point or defend a position.

Reply by Brenton Johnson 

"Doesn't change that its factual."

Horse hockey!

If Brenton have prefaced these "statistics",

80% of people with fibromyalgia have OSA

50% people with hypertension have OSA

50% of people with type 2 diabetes have OSA

38% of people with asthma have OSA

with a phrase such as "some people claim", then his OP would have been less objectionable.

And no Brenton, I don't believe your statistics are anywhere close to bona fide.

However I do believe that everyone with one or more of those conditions should be screened for sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). In fact I think everyone should be screened for SDB as part of routine physical exams.




Since when has SleepGuide become cpaptalk?? A good informative forum but one that feels free to dig into to visiting professionals w/abrasive, abusive comments and challenges??


Dare to differ but for crying out loud at least have the decency to be tactful!


SleepGuide has been fortunate to attract some dedicated and caring professionals but they aren't going to bother hanging around long if we can't be civil to them. Why should they bother?

Judy, right on !!! That is the main reason that I am on this forum, because it has been non-abusive and tactful !! Please do not ruin this forum that has been a great place to find out information and where you can share experiences and ideas with out being yell at.  I might not reply a lot on this forum, but I do read it and send a number of others here to get fairly good information and also a great listing ear when you have lots of questions and no other place to go.

Judy and RichM don't specify which posts they are talking about but I am all for questioning any suspicious statistics that are presented as facts without any source for the data.

I am sure there are thousands of casual readers who are not members here who might see the data and thousands who will find the data through a search engine. That they would see the data and take it as an official factual position of SleepGuide would be a disservice.

I just looked outside and the sky is not falling.

i like questions without being confrontational

Averages are "just that" .. averages - and the statistics quoted ARE on websites stating the same thing.  I for one, like that I was able to see those statistics and didn't HAVE to go searching for them on my own.  I just wouldn't have done it. 

I like being able to LEARN a lot on this forum; it's answered a lot of questions I hadn't thought of or heard of.

This past weekend I thought I was having a heart attack or a stroke as it HURT TO BREATHE.  I could breathe, but it HURT in my chest area.  It was so bad I went to the Walk In Clinic & he said I have "inflamed lungs" due from straining .. which turned out to be my new routine using water dumb bells in the pool.  My CPAP was running at 18 which is way high for me, it's usually between 8 and 12.  Had I not had the Dr. tell me I had "inflamed lungs" I wouldn't have known what the high numbers were about.  And, the reason it was hurting even more, was the CPAP pressure.

Thanks for ALL POSTS because I usually learn something from them.

"Inflamed lungs from straining"???

Very strange sounding diagnosis.

I  agree with Judy.I think there are ways to question someones statistics, or to suggest that forum members may want to check the validity of statistics, without being abrasive.  One thing I love about this forum is it's usually positive.  When people just drop in every now and then to jump on anything they take issue with, without contributing to the forum in other ways is unfortunate.  I don't need to name which discussions or which people.  I encourage dialogue, but please don't let us lose our civility.  Perhaps some things are better handled with a personal message without calling posters liars on the forum. Or again, if you don't believe someone's statistics, support your own reasoning with your own statistics.  That you state your own beliefs without facts to back them up is like the pot calling the kettle black.



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