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What do we do for a living?  Are we in high stress jobs, jobs that make us want to fall asleep, somewhere in between or all of the above?

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I am in a very stressfull office and handle complaints. I am exhausted at the middle of the day, let alone at the end of the day.
I work shift work, 12 hour shifts either from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. or vice versa. I work in a chemical plant rotating through 3 skills(control room operator, field operator, or packaging and handling) Stress level is medium. Since using cpap I do have more energy and sleep somewhat better. However, a back injury 8 years ago wakes me from time to time. If were not for pain, believe I could sleep all night. Do get rather tired when working nights due to not sleeping good through the day. If I get 3 to 4 hours sleep, I am doing good.
OSA is an fully equal opportunity condition spanning all age groups and occupations. I am a housing Inspector and always on-the-go. After 7-months on the machine I'm starting to get my energy levels up, my disposition is much better, more relaxed and I don't stress out if things don't go a certain way. I focus on my work more easily which makes me a better inspector. And because my weight is coming down, consequently, my overall general health and conditioning is improving.
I am the owner and operator of an insurance agency. I have been on Cpap 2 years. Per my choosing I get 4 1/2 to 5 hours of good sleep per night. I try to catch a nap for 1/2 to 1 hour after lunch but still feel tired most of the afternoon and night. I am 70.
I am a Mechanic for a fleet of vans. They go out early and then late in the day. I work a split shift, with a 2 hour break in the middle of the day. Just enough time to get lunch and fall asleep after. It makes for a long day.
I am a Clerk Typist 3 with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Unemployment Compensation. I really like my job, except when getting reamed out by employers who owe money or reports. I guess it can be stressful, but definitely not boring or making me want to fall asleep.

My "other job" is being a paranormal investigator (all volunteer work) - this is the only time that I can stay awake past 9:00 p.m.!
I am a maintenance technician at a retirement village. Some days are non-stop, and some are looking for something to do. I hate the ones where I have to sit and concentrate for long periods.

Bob Barton
King, NC
I taught high school special education for 14 years, went to the elementary level teaching special education, and next year will be doing it solo, meaning kindergarten through 12th grade. We are a small rural school and with budget cuts, etc. admin decided to do away with one position in the special ed department.

My job is stressful as I am responsible for all testing, paperwork, referrals, etc. plus teaching. It can be rewarding, but very tiring.
Mayor of a west coast suburban city. Don't have much time to think, let alone fall asleep. After 8 years of this, and two campaigns, I am pretty certain I am the high stress kind of person. But, I don't have time to think about it!
My occupation for over 18 of the 22+ years of service to the United States Navy was as an Aviation Structural Mechanic (Safety Equipment) or AME in Navy shorthand. I maintained ejection seats and canopy pneumatic operating and jettison systems, cockpit environmental control systems (aircond/heating/pressurization), aircraft engine and accessory fire extinguishing systems, liquid/gaseous oxygen systems, and radar waveguide pressurization systems on C-1, S-2, A-6/KA-6D, S3-B and F-14A(PLUS) aircraft. The short time I was out of my rating I did a tour as a Navy drug/alcohol counselor.

Now that I am out of the Navy I maintain all the the ejection seat/canopy jettison systems, diluter demand oxygen regulators, as well as liquid and gaseous oxygen systems and aircraft/accessory fire extinguishing systems on several aircraft as a DoD civilian.

I love my work.

IT Specialist here, too.

And I sometimes noticed the "Z Fairy" has filled my screen with a single letter...several times over.
Funnily enough, I'm a mattress salesman and try to help people find the right sleep surface for them. We are trained in sleep disorders and reccomend our customers to see their doctor if they have sleep issues. Since my job is 100% commission based, and the economy hasn't been great lately, the stress level is very high. I've been on ym CPAP for about 3 months now and am just starting to see a difference

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