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What do we do for a living?  Are we in high stress jobs, jobs that make us want to fall asleep, somewhere in between or all of the above?

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i am on the sick at the moment and wiil semi retire on 6july
I manage the Southeastern U.S. and Puerto Rico for an electronics component distributor. The job entails lots of travel, by car and plane; long days, short nights, a hectic pace, and lots of customer, supplier, and coroporate interface. It can be quite stressful at times. Mostly it is a function of time, tolerance and attitude.
I am retired as of 2003. I retired early due to stress from having the worlds worse boss. She was a Micro Manager Extra Ordenaire (spelling?). My doctor at the time prescribed a change or more exercising. I tried the exercising but that did not change my boss's attitude. So I retired. After that, most of my aches and pains and problems disappeared. In late 2008, I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea. I had it for more years than I will admit, just did not do anything about it and did not have good doctors to advise me. My current doctor educated and convinced me to have a sleep test. And since treatment started, I have felt better and quit snoring and loss most of my RLS. So I am happy as well as my wife.
I work evenings in a public library. Sometimes stressful, sometimes boring to tears. Also am bi-polar, so that may add to the sleep apnea. I don't have the high blood pressure or any of the other stuff associated with apnea - I just snore very loudly and get short of breath - it's because I'm overweight.
I am also in IT and unfortunately it is extremely sedentary. I literally pass out 2 or more times a day. Especially when entering data into spreadsheets, and doing research on the web.
currently unemployed due to relocation. I have been in the customer service end of many businesses for most of the past 30 years. There may be some stress, but the interaction is enough for me to stay alert most of the time. Though I doubt anything is stress free, I have tried to remain in a low stress environment since being misdiagnosed with narcolepsy and discharged from the US Navy in 1984. That was my first sleep study, which showed some sleep apnea. But I was unaware (as it seems were the doctors) that sleep apnea alone could cause the problems I was having. I do not recall a time in my life when I was not a "tired person". In 2005 after my apneas became very apparent to me and the woman I was living with at the time, I had insurance. I went for another sleep study which showed that I had more than 40 episodes in the first hour. They put me on a c-pap and prescribed same. Unfortunately, my insurance denied that claim and ran out before I could get the prescription filled. I have been uninsured since then, so I am still untreated. If it was just the process of buying the c-pap, I would have saved to purchase my own. Doctors' visits, however, are much more costly than the treatment. And there you are ... no work .... no treatment. (currently)
I'm a retired rural letter carrier. Stress depended on the office you were working in and its management. And the weather. I was fortunate most of my career to have good management. We did have a few years in the 80s that felt like we were fighting WW II all over agan. I had a real Nazi for a PM and hubby's job was threatened by the Japanese auto industry. *weak smile*
I work in IT/Web Development, I have to stay busy or I tend to fall asleep, I have pulmonary hypertension as a result of my sleep apnea not being diagnosed for a long period of time, COPD (non-smoker) and type 2 diabetes all of which can challenge my work day ;-) I am stressed through out the day but try to not let things bother me waiting for the day I can retire!
I was an iirracible pedagogue until I was medically retired after 30 years. Then I decided to become a profesional artist. Many of my paintings can be seen after a search on Google. Medical problems have stopped me painting.

Am I the only "elderly" here on sleepguide?
I teach at the high school and college level and I am a powerseller on eBay. I feel like I like in a stressed out place all the time.
Retired neurologist. Wrote a book, 'Deadly Sleep: Is Your Sleep Killing You?' after recovering from obstructive sleep apnea myself. Plan to work part time as soon as I finish my latest project, 'How To Prevent Alzheimer's Disease.'
How elderly is elderly, Gordon??

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