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I've been using a Fisher & Paykel FlexiFit HC406 nasal mask since July of last year. It irritates my skin under my nose and sometimes get a rash that looks like I have a red mustache, lol. I've been putting some Mary Kay extra emollient cream on it before I put my mask on at night that helps some of the time, however I read somewhere that I shouldn't use any products that have petroleum in it, and this stuff does.

Does anyone have any product suggestions on what I can use so my mask doesn't irritate my nose and face? I saw this product at my DME yesterday, but it would be used on the bridge on the nose, whereas, my problem is the bottom of my nose. 

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Hi Michelle, I work for a company in Scottsdale, Az . and we sell a product called ROEzIT, it is a non petroleum based moisturizer that works great. If you would like to contact me i can send you out a free sample so you can judge for yourself. Also as far as the mask causing irritation on your face have see if your DME would be willing to fit you with a mask from another company. Try a ResMed Micro or Activa LT. The mask really shouldn't be sitting on your lip so, have you tried using a nasal pillow mask like the Swift Lt for Her or the Swift FX ( also ResMed ). Hope this is of some help.
I can't use a nasal pillow because my cpap is set at 16. Also, my insurance company is not willing to pay for another mask until May, so I just need a quick fix for now :)

Francisco G. Leyva said:
Hi Michelle, I work for a company in Scottsdale, Az . and we sell a product called ROEzIT, it is a non petroleum based moisturizer that works great. If you would like to contact me i can send you out a free sample so you can judge for yourself. Also as far as the mask causing irritation on your face have see if your DME would be willing to fit you with a mask from another company. Try a ResMed Micro or Activa LT. The mask really shouldn't be sitting on your lip so, have you tried using a nasal pillow mask like the Swift Lt for Her or the Swift FX ( also ResMed ). Hope this is of some help.
I have an open sore on the bridge of my nose for the past two months from my current mask. I have had three others which we not as bad. I do use a bandaid on it at night, but... I have not heard of a nasal pillow. I am a 14 and keep the mask very tight so I do not get the air escaping onto my face and eyes.
Hi Michelle , the 406 is a very small mask, your nose is small but where on the bridge of your nose does it rest?? A slightly larger mask like the fisher paykel zest or a medium softgel mask from resmed may work.. i work in canada at a sleep company, usually we give the pt a week on a mask and if there are any issue's we switch the mask for a different one. I don't usually recomend anything on the face if the mask is causing you irritation it usually isn't the right one. But i have used roezit but usually for the inside of nostrils for nasal pillow masks.. even if you are on high pressures. nasal pillow masks can work if it is the right one..good luck... steve
You might want to contact Pad-a-cheek. She makes various cpap products and is always looking for new ideas. She makes hose covers, mask liners (don't know which masks though) and strap covers. Her products are great and have helped many overcome obstacles such as what you describe.
Hi Michelle,
Perhaps I missed it, but what are you using to clean your mask, hoses, humidifier? I have spoken with many folks who have issues like yours due to cleaning their equipement with products that she shouldn't be using. Just a thought.
That ROEsIT might do the trick for you. Ayr Saline Nasal Gel is easily available at most any pharmacy or Wally-Mart, etc. and is reasonably priced. Its not pretroleum based and is safe to use in and around the nostrils. Once applied it is just a shade sticky which helps to prevent leaks in that area as well as soothe and toughen the skin there.

I wonder if there isn't moisture causing some of that irritation. I've found sometimes, moreso when I first started using a nasal cushion mask, that my snozz would tend to drip a bit when I donned my mask and turned my PAP on. Perhaps its a bit of condensation causing moisture and irritation in that area? Maybe not so much as to be considered rain out but enough to do the number on your lip. Maybe try turning your humidifier down just one notch.

I had a devil of a time w/the "barrel" of the Swift allowing moisture to accumulate on my upper lip under the nose.

The thought occurs too, that maybe the 406 is a shade too long for you. I wish I had an extra Respironics Simplicity simple nasal cushion I could send you to try. The two I have here are much too well-used to loan to anyone. I used both well beyond 6 months each. Still I keep them as an emergency backup.
I have heard good things about the Sleep Comfort Care Pad,

Michael F. O'Brien said:
I have an open sore on the bridge of my nose for the past two months from my current mask. I have had three others which we not as bad. I do use a bandaid on it at night, but... I have not heard of a nasal pillow. I am a 14 and keep the mask very tight so I do not get the air escaping onto my face and eyes.

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