I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea a year ago (142 events an hour).
I had a titration study a few months after the initial one because I was still pretty tired.
They adjusted my air from 10 to 15, and I felt great. No more sleeping in the car, etc.
Well, for the past month or so, I have woken up with my mask leaking and I have been sleepy while driving, etc.
I had my machine card read and I have 38% leaking from my mask.
The doctor ordered a life fit full face mask and there seems to be less leakage, but I've only been using it a couple of weeks.
Meanwhile, I am so sleepy and feel bummed out, have pvc's (like my heart has missed beats), and feel muscle tension. The Dr. said the pvcs are normal, but can little good sleep cause them?
I saw my family dr who said to try the new mask and if I don't get better he wants to put me on provigil.
I would like to know if these symptoms are common for sleep apnea, if it can take awhile to get better, and if sleep apnea can get better then worse and things need adjusting.
Please tell me if any of this is familiar.