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How long did it take for you to start feeling better after starting CPAP?

I've used my equipment for three nights now (plus naps). I am pretty "foggy" this morning and am wondering what experience other people have had and how long before you started feeling better?


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The mammas and the Pappers
Jan, I know you want to feel better. We want you to. We can't determine that for at LEAST 30 days. You need to work the bugs out of your mask, pillows, room, getting the isolation you need is important. In my opinion, any way you can reduce your burdens from work, household, would be good. If the mask is not leaking (you should hear that) you're good to go. If you can't bear it, put it aside, for the next day, but continue. In the 2nd month you might have dreams. In the 3rd month, you'll know better if this is working. Play around with your room setup, it takes experimentation. I'm 3 1/2 years using CPAP , & I still am messing with my machine, I switched the air supply to the other side last night (goes in either side of nasal pillows) but for some reason, in the last week I am only sleeping 6 hrs, uninterrupted, and waking refreshed. I don't know what to make of that, nor can I say this will happen to anyone else. Keep us posted, ok?
Thanks Gordon. Tonight is night 6. Last night was a difficult night but I have worn the mask for the entire night since the first day. I'm on a respironics auto cpap using swift nasal pillows. Last night I woke up because my nose really hurt and it felt like I was in the middle of a tornado. The mask seemed to have slipped a bit and the pressure on the machine was all the way up to 15, which is the highest I've seen it go. Not sure if the mask slipping causes the pressure to go up on an auto titrating machine...

Also have another question. Do lots of people with Sleep Apnea physically wake up during the night? I usually wake up in the middle of the night and then can't get back to sleep for 30 min to up to an hour or two. Is that typical of Sleep Apnea or might I have something else going on also?

Hi. Jan, you're doing well. Most of us here, I would guess have awakened during the night most of our lives(or that's a bad guess?) 1/2hr is nothing. Don't worry about a 1/2 hr. Watch tv till you turn it off, I don't think my machine varies from 11, which is my Rx. The new machines adapt more to your breathing. Your nose is hurting because it's something new, the size is too big, and/or you're not lubricating it. For men, I would guess the medium size is close to most, I use it. I tried the other 2 size nasal pillows, because they give you 3 sizes when you buy a mask. Tried the small? I'm not familiar with the machines that change the pressure during the night, I don't think mine does, maybe up to 15 puts more pressure on the inside of your nose. Try and get the mask as even across your face as you can,
same with the strap tension, this all sounds normal to me, my nose was kinda raw at first.

Jan said:
Thanks Gordon. Tonight is night 6. Last night was a difficult night but I have worn the mask for the entire night since the first day. I'm on a respironics auto cpap using swift nasal pillows. Last night I woke up because my nose really hurt and it felt like I was in the middle of a tornado. The mask seemed to have slipped a bit and the pressure on the machine was all the way up to 15, which is the highest I've seen it go. Not sure if the mask slipping causes the pressure to go up on an auto titrating machine...

Also have another question. Do lots of people with Sleep Apnea physically wake up during the night? I usually wake up in the middle of the night and then can't get back to sleep for 30 min to up to an hour or two. Is that typical of Sleep Apnea or might I have something else going on also?

I am still waiting to get results. I have used the C-P for about seven years now, and stay tired all the time. but I had other isses as well such as thyroid cancer. I have to take synthroid for the rest of my life since I no longer have a thyroid.
Hey Jan, I have been on the CPAP since May. I have, after several tries, found the mask that works best for me. I commend you for being able to keep the mask on as long as you do. I still am working on keeping it on longer. However, It has only been about a month now that I noticed an improvement. My body aches have gone away and I am not falling into a coma mid day. Do not be discouraged as I believe this is a process and everyone reacts differently. I know I expected to get this machine and it would be a miracle but I think that consistency is the key....

I have been on CPAP for several years now. It seems my problem was less with getting a good night's sleep and more with snoring so loud that I couldn't continue to sleep in the same bedroom. I fall asleep rather quickly. I think you will start to feel better sooner than later.
Sali, I had trouble with the same air in the stomach as you have mentioned. I found that the only time I would get the trapped air was from sleeping on my side rather than my back. Therefore, I try my damndest to stay on my back.
As for the rest of this thread, I started noticing some differences in living just three weeks after starting CPAP. It took me quite a while to get used to having the mask on my face while sleeping. I also struggled with putting it back on after nature calls. I still have that problem and I have been on the CPAP since Nov 2003. I also suffer from all kinds of other pains such as acid reflux, pulmonary sarcoidosis (struggle to get a full breath), leg and arm pain, and coughing from the sarcoidosis.
If you feel that you are not feeling better in the mornings, keep trying to make it work. In my opinion, I would rather be above the grass than below.

Sali Gray said:
Hi Jan,
I'm geting very little use from my machine, because I wake up in pain. with trapped wind in my stomach (I've spoken about it on another thread). So, on average, I probably get one or maybe one and a half hours sleep with the mask on. I don't feel any better. However, I didn't use it on Fri and Sat, and I could hardly move yesterday because I was so exhausted. It might not be that you feel better from using it.... it might be that if you didn't use it now (after using it) that you would feel a whole lot worse... if that makes sense? I've been on CPAP for about 2 months, I think! (I can't really remember)

Jan said:
Hmmmm-- that's what I was afraid of. Though, I have heard differently on here in terms of how long it took to feel better. Interested in other experiences from SG members.

Athough i do not feel better i have just started to dream on a regular basis which is a good sign that is a positive and must be because i am enduring the cpap treatment
Sandy, the fleece on the hose will also allow you to pump more humidity if needed. I often pump the humidity as hard as I can so that my sinuses do not get dried out. Back to the fleece, if the room gets cold, the humidity will build up in the hose and you will actually get water drops rather than humid air into the mask. It is scary when this happens because where do you think that the water is going? Yes, insulating the hose is a good thing also like you said as far as keeping the cold hose from your body. It could also help with keeping the hose where you wish it to be.

Sandy Neesam said:
Hi Jan - I've used my cpap machine for almost 2 years now and I absolutely love it! When I don't have it with me for one reason or another, I know and feel like I didn't get a healthy night sleep. It took about 2-3 months before I felt really comfortable with it and a few different masks before I adjusted. I did construct a fleece blanket of sorts to fit around the hose as the hose was cold on my body, especially in the Winter months. My energy level wasn't ever really a big issue, but I've lost 35 pounds in that time period and have taken up jogging/walking/exercising every day. So hang in there, if there's leakage, noise, moisture, or pressure issues keep in contact with your representative to get it corrected.
I've used my CPAP for about 3.5 years. I think that maybe it's more of a gradual change because I don't ever remember waking up and saying, "Wow! I feel so much better!" On the other hand, if I can't use my machine for whatever reason (camping, power outage) I am miserable.

I use the Mirage nasal pillows and I love them. I use my machine when I'm in bed no matter what I'm doing-ok not for everything lol. But if I'm reading or watching tv I have the mask on. I think that's what helped me get used to it was by wearing it while I was awake.

I was pretty disappointed at the result because my doctor kind of set me up for disappointment. She told me I was going to feel amazing and I would lose weight without trying and have a ton of energy. It didn't work that way for me. Yes I'm better but it wasn't anything dramatic like that.

Good luck!
it is sporadic ...the good nights. I find my CPAP very hard to tolerate and I strugle all night with hardly any rest. I wake up in the morning and I am still tired. Then some nights I wake up in the morning with the mask on , breathing normally and feeling better and more rested throughout the day.

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