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Good (?) Morning all. I just found this site and would be most pleased if I could share my misery with some like minded people and hopefully learn what this is really all about.
My story, and trying to be brief.. I have been off work for over nine months after finally accepting that falling asleep randomly at work while operating machines and walking about wasnt safe or normal. A month or two and my doc took me seriously and sent me to a sleep specialist. A portable test concluded no apnea, possible narcolepsy.. wait 8 weeks for proper testing in hospital. After failing to get the reqired amount of night sleep the test was re scheduled. Next test concluded that I possibly have both, apnoea and narcolepsy. More waiting, another test, I now have spent 5 nights on my shiny new cpap machine, banished to the spare bedroom may I add! (My partner wont look at me with my mask on)
I feel like hell in a chaff bag! Is this normal? Although I am doing the same things, up 2 or 3 times a night, I do feel like im sleeping deeper. None of the fiddling with my face to try and breathe clearly like before, or waking up choking. All of my muscles ache like I have run a marathon and as this whole thing has cost me a good 30kg.. Im feeling like illl never climb out of this mess alive.. Words of wisdom, Please!!

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Jerri Mathis said:
I'm having a self-pity party right now and trying not to cry......I just got my CPAP this afternoon......I keep trying to convince myself how lucky and fortunate I am but all I really want to do is cry.......I'm trying to focus on the positive. Thanks to you on here I knew what type of machine to insist on and I got exactly what I want......partially due to my doctors who insisted on a monthly report of my apneas, snoring, hours of use, etc., etc. As happy as I am about my machine, I feel miserable! I'm not a nervous person but I sure feel so now......I'm not a self-pity person but I sure feel so now......I'm not a negative person, but I sure feel so now......I'm not a complainer, but I sure am one now......I don't normally lack confidence but I sure do now.
I think I'll just go hide now!
Please don't beat me up too bad.......sometimes you guys get pretty rough with people. I know in my heart how fortunate I am but at this instant I just don't feel that way.

Oh my, Jerri. Please don't you beat yourself up. I don't have my prescription or equipment yet and I know how you are feeling. I felt that way in the sleep lab and have been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster (not usual for me at all) since my titration test while waiting for results and to get the equipment. I know that it will feel weird at first. What I keep reminding myself is that I am happy that I have something that can be treated. I have felt so poorly healthwise for a while and my big fear was that I had something that there wasn't a good treatment for. Others here can better speak to their experiences and how they got through it. For now, I'm sorta right there with you.

But, I really do think we have come to the right place, Jerri.
so crazy emotions are normal?
There is nothing wrong with being emotional over your therapy or health. it shows that you care about yourself. Take baby steps. Put it on to read or watch tv. Shoot for between 1 to 4 hours of sleep per day with the mask on for the first week. It took most of us years to get to this point. We can't expect to turn it around over night.
Hi Glenda, how are you? I hope you're sleeping and can't read this.:~) Let us know when you are rested, mask or no mask, ok?

Rock Hinkle said:
There is nothing wrong with being emotional over your therapy or health. it shows that you care about yourself. Take baby steps. Put it on to read or watch tv. Shoot for between 1 to 4 hours of sleep per day with the mask on for the first week. It took most of us years to get to this point. We can't expect to turn it around over night.
Hi all.. just woke up from a 6 hour stretch.. mask on!! just had to tell someone! Im so happy with myself. Now I know I can do it, theres going to be no stopping me.
I have always found that if I have a good daytime nap, I seem to have a better nights sleep. Is that a wierd? I even had an hour yesterday arvo with my mask.
Wow, hope I can get something done today now im all rested.. starting with last nights dishes!

Note to self- emotional 'high'

Glenda- All of us here don't want you to get despondent over this, and any way we can help, with comfort, equipment, setup, doctors, insurance (we need a special link, moderator) and how you feel about trying this breathing apparatus, nobody said it is easy, but if you get the right advice, Glenda, and realize, after about 3 months, and 1 year, you will not feel it on your face, so tell us you you are doing and remember every 6 hour sleep with the mask where your oxygan is not cut off, is a victory. :~)

glenda brown said:
Hi all.. just woke up from a 6 hour stretch.. mask on!! just had to tell someone! Im so happy with myself. Now I know I can do it, theres going to be no stopping me.
I have always found that if I have a good daytime nap, I seem to have a better nights sleep. Is that a wierd? I even had an hour yesterday arvo with my mask.
Wow, hope I can get something done today now im all rested.. starting with last nights dishes!

Note to self- emotional 'high'

Way to go, Glenda!! Good for you--you've beaten back the demon!!!!!!!

Susan :-)

gordon nelson said:
Glenda- All of us here don't want you to get despondent over this, and any way we can help, with comfort, equipment, setup, doctors, insurance (we need a special link, moderator) and how you feel about trying this breathing apparatus, nobody said it is easy, but if you get the right advice, Glenda, and realize, after about 3 months, and 1 year, you will not feel it on your face, so tell us you you are doing and remember every 6 hour sleep with the mask where your oxygan is not cut off, is a victory. :~)

glenda brown said:
Hi all.. just woke up from a 6 hour stretch.. mask on!! just had to tell someone! Im so happy with myself. Now I know I can do it, theres going to be no stopping me.
I have always found that if I have a good daytime nap, I seem to have a better nights sleep. Is that a wierd? I even had an hour yesterday arvo with my mask.
Wow, hope I can get something done today now im all rested.. starting with last nights dishes!

Note to self- emotional 'high'


I am so happy that things are finally going your way with your cpap therapy--like you I was off work for 13 months due to my sleep apnea (not diagnosed at the time) my doc said it was depression related to stress in my life. I was literally bumping into walls, falling asleep if I sat down too long!!! I couldn't function at work or at home, I couldn't even move most days--Finally after many months of arguing with my doctor (I demanded a sleep test) my mother has severe SA which I told my doc about.....

Sure enough I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and set up with cpap therapy, couldn't sleep with my machine for the longest while, like you waking up throwing my mask against the wall ending up in tears all the time.....thought I was losing my mind at one point--but even with all the problems I had with many different masks, and allergies, congestion issues....I didn't want to end up like my mother-she nearly died several times this year due to her sleep apnea.....she is obese, has diabetes, has congested heart failure and spent many weeks in intensive care in comas...again all due to sleep apnea and not using her machine...every time I wanted to give up I would think of her and push on after many months and many tears and frustration I am very happy to say that I am finally on a full face mask and not having leakage like I used to with my other mask (I am extremely claustophobic) so using this mask was a big challenge for me...I would have given up if it weren't for the kind people on this site to encourage me and offer good advice.

I count my bessings each day that I am able to sleep without choking and that I am still here to see my kids grow up....please don't ever lose heart.....even if we have future challenges with our cpap therapy we have each other.....I may not post alot on this site but, I visit this site everyday just to remind myself that I'm not alone with this...I do enjoy reading your stories thank you so very much.

Belinda :)
way to go Glenda!
Thought I should update- Im feeling much better now thank you all :)
Im getting better at the whole thing and have had a few good (ish) sleeps now. I wake up much better, not so scared of the thing now. Im snorting and snoring when I do take it off though (?) . I have great naps with it on too. Muscle soreness is going, but I still cant make myself get motivated to do much, just little bursts.. but I wouldnt call them energy bursts by a long stretch. I think i may have to force myself into a bit of an excercise program to regain some staying power. Watching my horse tearing around the paddock (its springtime here) wishing I could get motivated to climb up on him!
Belinda, you should be our new cheerleader!!!! I'm happy for you!!

Susan McCord :-)

Belinda Haman said:

I am so happy that things are finally going your way with your cpap therapy--like you I was off work for 13 months due to my sleep apnea (not diagnosed at the time) my doc said it was depression related to stress in my life. I was literally bumping into walls, falling asleep if I sat down too long!!! I couldn't function at work or at home, I couldn't even move most days--Finally after many months of arguing with my doctor (I demanded a sleep test) my mother has severe SA which I told my doc about.....

Sure enough I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and set up with cpap therapy, couldn't sleep with my machine for the longest while, like you waking up throwing my mask against the wall ending up in tears all the time.....thought I was losing my mind at one point--but even with all the problems I had with many different masks, and allergies, congestion issues....I didn't want to end up like my mother-she nearly died several times this year due to her sleep apnea.....she is obese, has diabetes, has congested heart failure and spent many weeks in intensive care in comas...again all due to sleep apnea and not using her machine...every time I wanted to give up I would think of her and push on after many months and many tears and frustration I am very happy to say that I am finally on a full face mask and not having leakage like I used to with my other mask (I am extremely claustophobic) so using this mask was a big challenge for me...I would have given up if it weren't for the kind people on this site to encourage me and offer good advice.

I count my bessings each day that I am able to sleep without choking and that I am still here to see my kids grow up....please don't ever lose heart.....even if we have future challenges with our cpap therapy we have each other.....I may not post alot on this site but, I visit this site everyday just to remind myself that I'm not alone with this...I do enjoy reading your stories thank you so very much.

Belinda :)
Jan, just my personal opinion, but it struck me when you said "others know more" (or words to that affect) that your ability to share your own experience with being overwhelmed, and your commitment to being "right there with you" is one of THE most powerful things about SleepGuide---people who get it "being there" for each other. Everyone has that to offer and more. So keep up the good, encouraging work!! You'll have it back in spades whenever you need someone.....

I love SleepGuide..............!!

Susan McCord :-)

Jan said:
Jerri Mathis said:
I'm having a self-pity party right now and trying not to cry......I just got my CPAP this afternoon......I keep trying to convince myself how lucky and fortunate I am but all I really want to do is cry.......I'm trying to focus on the positive. Thanks to you on here I knew what type of machine to insist on and I got exactly what I want......partially due to my doctors who insisted on a monthly report of my apneas, snoring, hours of use, etc., etc. As happy as I am about my machine, I feel miserable! I'm not a nervous person but I sure feel so now......I'm not a self-pity person but I sure feel so now......I'm not a negative person, but I sure feel so now......I'm not a complainer, but I sure am one now......I don't normally lack confidence but I sure do now.
I think I'll just go hide now!
Please don't beat me up too bad.......sometimes you guys get pretty rough with people. I know in my heart how fortunate I am but at this instant I just don't feel that way.

Oh my, Jerri. Please don't you beat yourself up. I don't have my prescription or equipment yet and I know how you are feeling. I felt that way in the sleep lab and have been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster (not usual for me at all) since my titration test while waiting for results and to get the equipment. I know that it will feel weird at first. What I keep reminding myself is that I am happy that I have something that can be treated. I have felt so poorly healthwise for a while and my big fear was that I had something that there wasn't a good treatment for. Others here can better speak to their experiences and how they got through it. For now, I'm sorta right there with you.

But, I really do think we have come to the right place, Jerri.

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