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*sigh* Last nite was horrible. I truly found out how hazardous it is to your sleep to forget to make sure your humidifier has sufficient water. I woke up several times and couldn't breathe. My mouth was rather dry so I'd have to assume that my mouth was probably open despite my chin strap. It took me several wake ups before my brain engaged and I realized what the problem was. At around 5 AM. Gotta wake up at 6 AM. Grrrr Nasal congestion just flat sucks.
So I figured my data would look horrible. Nope. Best readings all week. .11 AHI, can't remember what RERAs were but it was way low. I can't remember if I checked pb or clear airway. Definitely didn't reflect how I slept. Truly wished I had an oximeter. Just would have to think levels were down but things being weird, maybe not.
Although I am feeling some better now, when I woke up I was dizzy in all capital letters. I've noticed some dizziness off and on since I've been using the cpap but nothing that lasts or is bothersome for any length of time. It's almost 11:30 and the dizziness is finally fading. I do have vertigo off and on but seldom this persistent or severe. And also, usually when I have vertigo, I can't walk a straight line even if my life would depend on it and that really wasn't a problem. I was just plain dizzy as all get out. I was really thinking of calling my brother (Afraid to drive although I did drive to work) and seeing if he would take me to my GP who is about 30 miles away. (He used to be in my town but was moved by the clinic he's affiliated with. I hate the way the medical clinic is run in the town I live in so I drive the distance rather than dealing with them)
So my question is, does anyone else have problems with dizziness with their machine. Is a frequent thing? How long does it last for you? Is it the machine and being so unable to breathe through my nose or probably unrelated. Should I be concerned? It is really kinda of freaking me out. I'm dizzy which won't be the first time (I'm blonde and many who know me would say I'm dizzy all the time LOL) but it just didn't feel like vertigo. Can't figure it out.

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I'm very interested in learning what the veterans have to suggest.

I had a bad, bad cold and congestion. It really made sleeping/living with my mask...challenging.

I actually wondered if I should buy myself a full face mask (I was using nasal pillows). So, as I said, I surely look forward to reading what others' experience is and/or what their advice might be.

There are a lot of conditions with vertigo/dizziness is a symptom.  I would say if it impacts your daily life  see your GP.  I don't know if it's associated with therapy, but it's a complaint I hear now and then.

Zollistar, I have heard of a lot of members who keep a FFM for times like this when your nose is congested.  
ZolliStar said:

I'm very interested in learning what the veterans have to suggest.

I had a bad, bad cold and congestion. It really made sleeping/living with my mask...challenging.

I actually wondered if I should buy myself a full face mask (I was using nasal pillows). So, as I said, I surely look forward to reading what others' experience is and/or what their advice might be.

Hi Lynn, How long have you been on pap? Humidity for me the more the better almost to the point of getting rain out is good. Getting used to pap takes some time stay with it. Are you on any meds that may be contributing to vertigo? Call your Doctor if upping your humidity does not help you.Good Sleep,Chris

I'd think about the ffm except for one thing. I tried for 3 weeks to use a nasal mask which I finally ended up slinging it against the wall in a fit of insurmountable frustration. Never knew how claustophobic I really was until I encountered a nasal mask. I figure if a nasal mask does that to me, what would a ffm do? But being a mouth breather sometimes, ffm would be a perfect solution except for the claustophobia. Keep coming back to that!


Actually, once the dizzines finally completely wore off I didn't feel half bad. Not sleepy or groggy or muddle-headed. I even came home and walked for 30 minutes.

ZolliStar said:

I'm very interested in learning what the veterans have to suggest.

I had a bad, bad cold and congestion. It really made sleeping/living with my mask...challenging.

I actually wondered if I should buy myself a full face mask (I was using nasal pillows). So, as I said, I surely look forward to reading what others' experience is and/or what their advice might be.

I've been cpaping for years. Just got a new machine with a lot higher settings. Original cpap 7, new cpap 12 to be exact. I never realized how important the humidity was until just recently. Never made the connection between congestion, room humidifiers which were part of my early growing up years because of sinus/allergy/asthma stuff and the humidifier on the cpap. Once the light came on, I've turned it up with very good success. Of course, if you let the well run dry, humidity setting doesn't help.

Chris H said:

Hi Lynn, How long have you been on pap? Humidity for me the more the better almost to the point of getting rain out is good. Getting used to pap takes some time stay with it. Are you on any meds that may be contributing to vertigo? Call your Doctor if upping your humidity does not help you.Good Sleep,Chris


Lynn, how are you doing with the dizziness?  Are you having better nights?

Sorry, I just saw this. This site is blocked at school. It keys off of sleep and I guess their definition of sleep isn't the same as ours. Thing is for awhile, it let me on so who knows. Have been much better. Called doc for a round of prednisone and he gave me some antibiotics also. I think that is helping a lot. I don't know what was with all that dizziness. It hasn't repeated itself quite so vigorously. I still sometimes get a bit dizzy at the beginning of the nite, particularly if I forget to ramp but other than that, I've been fine. I'm on the second nite of prednisone so tonight I may be restless, insomniac. I hated to ask for it but not only was sinuses going, but I was starting to have mild asthma attacks. But for now, I'm better.

Well, I hope the meds help.  Please keep us posted, we don't want to loe track of how you're doing.

To my knowledge no machine on the market can distinguish a RERA out of any other event.

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