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I have two back-up machines in case one goes down. One is an older Tranquility model and the other is a older Apap. Both work good and will do in case my main machine stops working in the middle of the night or on a holiday.

What about you?

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Ain't that the truth, tho, Dan Lyons!!!! And thank you so very much for the Tranquility Users Manual. You don't happen to have the Clinicians Manual in pdf, do you? I suspect Donna is going to need the Clinicians Manual as well.
Sorry Judy, I don't have the manual. That machine was supplied by another forum member on another forum when I got paranoid about not having a back-up machine. I truly believe in Murphy's law and when it was discussed on another forum about members having to do without because of machine failure it started bugging me.

The other machine, a 418A, was purchased off from cpapauction. It has really low hours on it and looks like it is new. I picked it up for $40.00. You can't beat that for a spare machine. It doesn't have exhale relief that I know of, but it is an apap. I have used it to make sure I could stand not having flex.

That is why having a stand alone humidifier is so great. Neither machine has a humidifier with it, but I have the Fisher and Paykel HC100 and the HC150 humidifiers.

I have had a mask break in the middle of the night and would not be without a spare mask. Fortunately, I had a spare mask on hand when the one failed. Masks and machines can be purchased from at reasonable prices. I have, also, purchased from craigslist and eBay. eBay is regulating and monitoring their site as they no longer allow machines or complete masks to be sold there -- but you can at times find one or the other where it has slipped past the monitors.

I do not have a battery back-up for storms or power outages. I need to invest in something I can hook up myself in the even of a power outage. So far have been lucky and have only had one night without power in the year and half I have been on my machine.
Amy Dudik said:
Nope, I don't have a back-up. But my machine is through a company that provides 24/7 service. I have had issues with my Nebulizer in the middle of the night and the person on call just delivers you another machine to use until their next business day. So I don't worry. Once, I was out of town and thought I was missing a power cord (I wasn't, it was just me not being familair with taking the cords off and on) and they were sending out a rep to get me set up. Nice to be with a national medical supply company!

I am with a national company at the present time, but if their service is anything like it is during normal business hours -- I wouldn't count on a helping hand from them on their off hours.
When traveling an extension cord and a surge bar are a "must" as well. So many times, especially in the older motels and hotels, the plugs near the beds are FULL and the other plugs too far away for your CPAP cord.
No backup yet.
Mike said:
i plan to get a backup machine soon. but for now, i am relying on my one lonesome m-series with a-flex. when i first started off on cpap, i had a remstar plus i believe it was -- whatever the cheapest Respironics blower is. not data capable, no auto-adjust, etc. when i upgraded, i gave it to a friend who otherwise would not be able to afford a cpap at all.
Sorry. I have been thru all the manuals, but that seems to be one I do not have. If I am able to locate one, I will make sure you get a copy.

Judy said:
Ain't that the truth, tho, Dan Lyons!!!! And thank you so very much for the Tranquility Users Manual. You don't happen to have the Clinicians Manual in pdf, do you? I suspect Donna is going to need the Clinicians Manual as well.
I did some additional reseach and have found the following that might help. I make no claims to the supplied information, but it might help.

Here are some photos I found on the web.

Judy said:
Ain't that the truth, tho, Dan Lyons!!!! And thank you so very much for the Tranquility Users Manual. You don't happen to have the Clinicians Manual in pdf, do you? I suspect Donna is going to need the Clinicians Manual as well.
Duct tape works in the middle of the night on hoses. It did for the hard plastic part of my mask too when I left it on the bed and my husband sat on it..

Ruth Himes said:
No, I don't have a back-up machine. I don't even have a back-up mask! Last Memorial Day, the plastic where the hose hooks up broke. I called my provider and it took about 15 minutes to convince him that the piece snapped off. We were going away for the day, so I had to leave it outside and he was going to stop to try and fix it. He ended up giving me a new one as the other was "defective".
I have an old machine that I keep around just in case, but have never had to use it. I only got a new one after seven years because the new one had a humidifier on it and the old one didn't.
peter stoddart said:

Many of us do not have new back-up machines, so cost isn't the major factor. I picked up one machine from a friend who had some extra and another one was purchased used. Shop around for a good used machine and then you are set. If and when I get a new machine the one I am currently using will become my back-up machine.

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