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I'm sure that many people here have had experience with both continuous and blow-out leaks as well as pressure marks on the face from various CPAP gear. The Annals of Internal Medicine reports that "many CPAP users never continue therapy beyond the first night...because they find sleeping with a mask on the face uncomfortable." Since compliance is linked to comfort, there is a new product on the market that seeks to increase compliance and comfort by decreasing leaks and skin irritation. The product is a cloth mask liner called RemZzzs. At first it might seem a little non-intuitive to put a cloth liner on a silicone mask cushion, however, the magic of RemZzzs is that it just works. For most people leaks are dramatically reduced and overall comfort is increased making a full-night's sleep on CPAP much more common. Has anyone here tried this product? What do you think about this?

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Interesting. I primarily use a nasal pillows mask, and so it wouldn't apply to those I'm thinking. But I do have one other mask that does leak and I wonder if that would help. If I can find the missing cushion for it I might look into that. (My now 3 year old apparently found and hid an important part some time ago.)
@amott1973 I think it may help with the other mask if it is either full-face or nasal (not nasal pillow). Quite a few people have reported that they have finally slept all night long on CPAP for the first time in years, if not whole decades. The nice thing is that the liners also feel more natural against the skin than the silicone.
I'd be happy to try it. I am trying to fix some mask leak issues with my ResMed Activa mask. would the product work out well for that?
Yep, my other one is the activa also. I have it leaking down at the corners all the time. I think it's because my face gets oily during the night (even though I use an astringent before bed) and so it slips or something. Maybe the cloth would help that. But the part my son took? It was the forehead cushion! Can't really use it without that lol
what I need more than anything is something to keep my darn mouth shut at night. my wife wakes me up sometimes because of the horrific gargling sounds coming out of my mouth when i open my lips and the air rushes out in my sleep.

amott1973 said:
Yep, my other one is the activa also. I have it leaking down at the corners all the time. I think it's because my face gets oily during the night (even though I use an astringent before bed) and so it slips or something. Maybe the cloth would help that. But the part my son took? It was the forehead cushion! Can't really use it without that lol
I was afraid that would be a problem for me since I even breathe thru my mouth when awake, so they gave me a chinstrap. I actually never needed it though as I guess I get enough air with the nasal pillows I usually use. Have you tried a chinstrap already?
yeah, i tried a chinstrap, but it was kind of a crummy one in retrospect. i hear respironics makes a top notch one that might work out for me. but as a general matter, from all i've read and heard from others, chinstraps rarely work. my own theory is that the key to avoid mouth breathing is to keep the nasal passages as clear as possible (WITHOUT resorting to Afrin, the crack cocaine of sleep apneics) so that you won't need to breathe through your mouth -- you can breathe through your nose, the way nature intended it ;-)

amott1973 said:
I was afraid that would be a problem for me since I even breathe thru my mouth when awake, so they gave me a chinstrap. I actually never needed it though as I guess I get enough air with the nasal pillows I usually use. Have you tried a chinstrap already?
I agree! I have found that my nasal pillow masks (used the swift I and now the swift II) seem to really help me breathe better than my activa. I've wondered if it's because they're literally pushing the air right up in there.
Mike said:
I'd be happy to try it. I am trying to fix some mask leak issues with my ResMed Activa mask. would the product work out well for that?

Mike, the ResMed Activa is a supported style, and it should work out fine. It seems that usually the full-face styles like the Mirage Quattro benefit the most from the liners. I think it's probably due to the increased surface area on a full-face mask, as well as the fact that there is more fabric material involved with the larger mask liners. Here is a discount code for a free sample pack:


You can use the code at the following url:

Note that you will still be charged a few dollars for shipping. If you would like a completely free sample (no shipping), I could have one sent to you, just send me your details like mask size and address to the email listed in my profile. Also, if anyone reading this wants to take advantage of the free sample code feel free to use the code until this Friday, April 10th.
Just ordered mine and I can't wait to try it! I think I have most leakage under control but that's only because the mask is so squashed onto my face it leaves dents and puffy eyes. Thank goodness I only have to take the kids to school and drop them off from the car. I would hate to have to go out into the public shortly after awakening...I look awful!
Thanks Nathan. Are you a CPAPer yourself?

Nathan R. said:
Mike said:
I'd be happy to try it. I am trying to fix some mask leak issues with my ResMed Activa mask. would the product work out well for that?

Mike, the ResMed Activa is a supported style, and it should work out fine. It seems that usually the full-face styles like the Mirage Quattro benefit the most from the liners. I think it's probably due to the increased surface area on a full-face mask, as well as the fact that there is more fabric material involved with the larger mask liners. Here is a discount code for a free sample pack:


You can use the code at the following url:

Note that you will still be charged a few dollars for shipping. If you would like a completely free sample (no shipping), I could have one sent to you, just send me your details like mask size and address to the email listed in my profile. Also, if anyone reading this wants to take advantage of the free sample code feel free to use the code until this Friday, April 10th.
@Mike No, I'm not actually a CPAPer myself. I have an immediate family member with OSA who is doing CPAP therapy. I suppose I am also somewhat of a sleep industry "insider" (though I am not an expert) as I am helping raise awareness of the benefits of both CPAP therapy as well as RemZzzs liners. What about you...are you a CPAP user?

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