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Curious how old we are as a group . . . if you're comfortable responding, please do.  I'm 36 and have Sleep Apnea.

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I am 31.  I was diagnosed at age 28 but suspect that I had it since I was a teenager.  I am a thin, asian female whose OSA is caused by cranio-facial abnormalities specifically a receding chin, small narrow jaws and high-arching palate.  I had mma surgery but I still have OSA
Hi Loren,  In 21 years how many machines have you worn out? Good Sleep,Chris

loren wolsh said:
i am 70 and have been on cpap fo 21 years
What is the "life span" of a CPAP machine on average?
I'm 60 and was diagnosed with sleep Apnea last year. My friend, who's sister has had it for a long time, wanted me to get tested years ago. I suspect my mom had it also.
I am almost 51 and got my first machine at age 42.5.  Initial sleep study showed I stopped breathing over 225 times in 6 hours!
I'm just about midway between 59 and 60.  (My photo was taken 20 years ago.  That's not how I look now.)
reply to chris h: i have had three machines. the first, i believe a respironics older model (grey box), for twelve years, second a respironics for eight years, and for the past year an s9, and am loving it.

I am 59


I am a 28 year old woman and was diagnosed a couple months back.  My OSA was severe.  My AHI was 41 and my O2 Sat was going down to as low as 83%  Interestingly, most of my problems are from hypopneas and not full apneas.  I was told my respirations are slow and shallow while I sleep.  I had asked one doctor several times for a sleep study and he never would order it so I switched doctors and asked the new one on 3-4 different appointments for a sleep study but he, like the other, thought my problems were due to depression and the stresses of being a full time working, single mom.  Finally I just put my foot down and said I was tired of being tired and that I respected his thoughts/opinions on what he thought was wrong but that I really believed there was more to it than just stress & depression.  I said I want a sleep study and I want a referral/prescription to have one and I was not leaving his office without one, lol.  I said it jokingly, but I also reminded him that that was part of the reason why I left my other doctor, because he wasn't listening to me.  Thank goodness I insisted!

so glad you did put your foot down, we have to do that, the same thing happened to me. i kept for a year telling my doctor about my sleep problems and she did not act like she heard me. after seeing this was not working i started keeping a sleep diary and the next time i went to see her i showed it to her and told her i needed something done, she saw i did not sleep but 17 hours in 7 nights and when she saw that she said i say you do have a sleep problem. she wrote me a prescripton for generic ambien. i tried taking them and they worked so well for about a month then they got to not working at all so i took it on myself to find a sleep specialist and saw him and he ordered a sleep study and found out i had suginficient obstructive sleep apnea , 38 episodes in one hour plus hypoapneas and increased leg movements. he told me taking those sleepomg pills was the worst thing i could have oxygen dropped to 82 % at it's lowest during the sleep study.  

i doctors do not know enough about sleep disorders nor do they want to admit they do not know or understand sleep disorders. i am just starting on this new afventure myself and am having problems getting to sleep with the mask on but it has only been a week since i got my cpap and put it on every night trying to get used to it

SO GLAD YOU TOOK YOUR HEALTH CARE ON YOURSELF , i lost a brother to this disease and know the seriouness of this illness. i did not realize it was such a misundrstook disease until i started this journey myself . we have to stick together and suppost eachother.  

Pennywisezzz said:

I am a 28 year old woman and was diagnosed a couple months back.  My OSA was severe.  My AHI was 41 and my O2 Sat was going down to as low as 83%  Interestingly, most of my problems are from hypopneas and not full apneas.  I was told my respirations are slow and shallow while I sleep.  I had asked one doctor several times for a sleep study and he never would order it so I switched doctors and asked the new one on 3-4 different appointments for a sleep study but he, like the other, thought my problems were due to depression and the stresses of being a full time working, single mom.  Finally I just put my foot down and said I was tired of being tired and that I respected his thoughts/opinions on what he thought was wrong but that I really believed there was more to it than just stress & depression.  I said I want a sleep study and I want a referral/prescription to have one and I was not leaving his office without one, lol.  I said it jokingly, but I also reminded him that that was part of the reason why I left my other doctor, because he wasn't listening to me.  Thank goodness I insisted!
I'm 59, and was just diagnosed with OSA in February of 2011.  I'm otherwise healthy, have a thin build, and have never smoked.  Got my machine in March, and wonder how I ever got any sleep in the last 7-10 years without it.  It's great to be out of the fog of fatigue at last.
what type of mask do you use?

Jazz Angel said:
I'm 59, and was just diagnosed with OSA in February of 2011.  I'm otherwise healthy, have a thin build, and have never smoked.  Got my machine in March, and wonder how I ever got any sleep in the last 7-10 years without it.  It's great to be out of the fog of fatigue at last.

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