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At 8:05am on November 18, 2009, sleepycarol said…
Welcome to the SleepGuide community!!

The forum contains topics dealing with sleep apnea and various treatment options and methods of treating obstructive, central, and complex sleep apnea, as well as other sleep disorders. It is possible to have more than one sleep disorder, and this is why it is typically recommended that one have a sleep study to rule out other sleep disorders that maybe present.

The forum is made up of members that have one or more sleep disorders and professionals that contribute their time through the forum to help patients, family members, friends, and others to learn and cope about the various sleep disorders.

For many patients, we are given a diagnosis and left on our own to deal with the adjustment period getting used to the treatment option(s) chosen. For those with sleep apnea, the gold standard in treatment options is the cpap machine. In order for the cpap to be effective, the patient must use some type of mask to deliver the air to the airway. Typically, many of us find that we are not educated on how to deal with the many issues that plague many users. This site helps educate patients to take control of their own therapy and learn ways to cope with the various issues that may arise.

The professionals that participate in the forum are invaluable with their expertise and advice on different treatment options and explanations of what is happening. They give their time freely, and are greatly appreciated among SleepGuide users!!

Due to the nature of internet forums, each forum member is responsible for their own postings. Any information that you may find on this forum is the sole opinion of the writer and should not be construed to be medical advice, nor take the place of your medical doctor.

I hope that you find the forum useful and will participate in the discussions and groups.
At 2:30am on November 16, 2009, 99 said…
hi anita welcome try and get hubby here so he does not get info second hand as you may explain something in detail and miss an important point
see you soon
At 11:37pm on November 15, 2009, susan mccord said…
Hi Anita--welcome to SleepGuide. We're happy to have you join us! This an excellent site where you'll find a great deal of information and support. There's no question you can't ask. And any question you have will surely reach someone who can be of help to you. It appears you're here on behalf of your husband. That's great! The more you learn about apnea as a spouse, the more you'll be able to support both him AND yourself.

There's a good mix of patients and professionals who lend us their free time to be of assistance with all kinds of issues. The patients, many of whom have superb knowledge of equipment and are willing and able to lend support are irreplaceable, certainly to me. I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea the end of June this year. I don't know what I would have done, in these first few months of treatment without all the support I've received on SleepGuide. I feel certain you'll find that true for yourself, and for your husband if he decides to come onboard.

Again, welcome, and feel free to jump right into the Forum with any questions or concerns you may have.

Susan McCord :-)

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