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Pre-surgery through 6 weeks post op.

Views: 865


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Comment by Ginny Edmundson on March 27, 2011 at 6:07pm
Why will they not do on someone older than 60?
Comment by sha on March 27, 2011 at 3:27am

Believe me, I totally understand the concern. Being able to breathe/sleep, or to like the way you look. Its a tough call. For me, I reached a point where there just wasn't a choice anymore. And while I tend to avoid mirrors now, I sleep REALLY well.


The way you look post surgery is very dependant on how you look before hand, and what you are having done/how much things are moved. I believe both jaws were moved 12-13mm for me, which is on the high end. And I will say this: having your jaw moved forward is instant plastic surgery for *under* the jaw.  Smooth and tight! :)


You should absolutely try other things before jumping into this. It is a HUGE surgery with a long, slow recovery. Also make sure you are aware of possible side effects. For me, I still have and probably always will have some nerve damage in my chin and lower lip. Not life threatening, but a possibility nonetheless.


Good luck with whatever you choose!

Comment by Shoshana on March 24, 2011 at 4:39pm

I have been advised that I need this surgery...trying other things before we take such a drastic measure. But you look great in these photos! Besides having been told this is a BIG surgery, I am concerned as to how it will alter my appearance. I only a one year window in which to have the surgery as they won't perform it after the age of 60 though.


Comment by Lori D on February 9, 2011 at 7:27am
Can you tell me anything about what you had tried before this and who did your surgery--if you feel comfortable releasing that information. I wondered about this surgery, but they say to try surgery as a last resort.
Comment by sha on February 9, 2011 at 1:54am
Yes, I had MMA surgery to move both my upper and lower jaw forward to open my airway. And yes, it helped immensely (with a little fine tuning afterwards by having my tonsils removed.)  I am also looking into some surgery to have the nose and chin reshaped; not so excited by the new profile, but the sleeping is GREAT!
Comment by Lori D on February 8, 2011 at 1:13pm

Wondering if you found the surgery helpful. Was this a repositioning of the jaw?

Comment by sandman on May 12, 2009 at 7:39pm
Sha, Those are amazing photos! Thank you for posting them. How are you doing post-op? Has the surgery improved your symptoms? I ask because I feel that I have gotten to the end of all other possibilities and am considering surgery.
Comment by Mike on February 21, 2009 at 10:01pm
if any others members have had this surgery done, please post your before/after photos.

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