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The MG is not giving you any day time breathing problems that you are aware of? I'm sorry to hear of the need for long term prednisone as it is NOT a medication designed or intended for long term use. Have you had a baseline DEXA scan? By all means you SHOULD. Osteoporosis is a side effect of long term pred use despite its being thought of as a post menopausal women's disease.
You don't have much apneas or hypopneas, but you do stop breathing 29 times every hour. RERAs are respiratory event related arousals, and if the breathing pause doesn't last longer than 10 seconds, it won't get counted as an apnea or hypopnea. So you don't have any significant oxygen desaturation issues, but you to have significant breathing pauses that prevents you from staying in deep sleep. It's treated the same way as OSA since it's an anatomic breathing problem. This is along the lines of what's called upper airway resistance syndrome. Symptoms include poor quality sleep, daytime fatigue, depression, anxiety, blood pressure fluctuations, headaches, and many others.
If you can tolerate CPAP, I would continue for a while longer, making sure that your compliance numbers are good. Unfortunately, your effective AHI won't help, since it's so low to begin with. Another option is to use a mandibular advancement device, but only if your oral cavity anatomy makes you a good candidate.
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