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What is an AVERAGE pressure? My doctor and sleep lab person was shocked at mine...I am at 18. I am guessing that is bad....booo!

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First off, the severity of your OSA really has no bearing on your titrated pressure. Some of those w/very severe apnea only require a low to medium pressure setting while some w/mild OSA require a relatively high pressure setting.

I "think" I've read that 8 cms to 10 cms is pretty much the most common titrated pressures needed amongst the CPAP using population. But that's not gospel - just my not always so reliable memory.

Most xPAPs have a pressure range of 4 cms to 20 cms. There are a few with an upper pressure range of 25 cms and even 30 cms. Needing a pressure setting of 18 isn't bad, if that is the pressure you need and its working for you it is a GREAT pressure!

Rob, the pressure that brings you good, comfortable, restful sleep is the ideal pressure for you. Pressure needs are very individual.

Gordon, thank you, I hadn't realized that the finer "allergy/pollutant" filters might cause the need for a SLIGHTLY higher pressure setting!

Woolfey!!! You have a WONDERFUL sleep doctor! I envy you. Would that we could all have such an enlightened sleep doctor! She's a keeper.

BPuf, ask your DME supplier what your pressure settings are and while you are at it you might as well ask for a copy of your equipment order (prescription) and the doctor's dictated results of your sleep evaulation and titration and the full scored data summary report w/condensed graphs and ask that somone, either the DME supplier's RT or the sleep doctor, go over those results w/you and explain things to you.

Wow, Darillyn!!! That is REALLY a low pressure setting, many can not breathe comfortably w/a pressure less than 6! Hey, if you can breathe and sleep comfortably and feel rested in the AM 5 is the RIGHT pressure for you!!!

Spencer, the Resmeds tend to score hypopneas more aggressively than other brands. The first thing to do is to get the AI down and then minor pressure changes, maybe 0.2 cm increments at a time, should get the HI down to where your AHI is <5. Talk to your DME supplier's RT or your doctor about this. They are the ones who can best advise you. One important factor is how high your Leak rate is as that can influence your pressure requirements. You may need to get Leaks under control and not need any pressure adjustment at all.

Rock Hinkle said: "Are you using a full face mask. Sometimes because a full face mask will cause jaw protrusion. this is where because of the straps it causes your lower jaw to move forward and slightly open your mouth, which in turn causes your throat to close a little bit more. On the average a person titrated in a full face mask will be 2-4cmwp higher than someone on a nasal or nasal pillow mask"
"when we titrate we start all pts at 5cmwp and watch and count. each time your ahi/rdi goes above five events per hour we raise it by 2. We continue to do this every 20-30 min until events are gone or at least under 5, and snoring is at a minimum level. That short of a mask orientation and paper work sums up a cpap titration."

THANK YOU, Rock! That is INTERESTING information. I really appreciate your sharing them w/us!!! I had no idea that a full face mask could change our pressure needs. It just never occurred to me nor have I even seen that mentioned before. I've just recently downloaded a couple of articles on titration procedures but hadn't gotten around to reading them yet.

I was started on CPAP at 8 cms that worked fairly well for me. But I have COPD and was switched to a bi-level at IPAP 13, EPAP 8. I did pretty good at those pressures in auto mode, but when they switched me to straight bi-level mode it was a disaster, a real disconcerting "puff" at the end of inhalation, beginning of exhalation. Another in-lab titration came up w/IPAP 10, EPAP 5 and insistence on straight bi-level mode. Another disaster, still the "puff". We are experimenting now, staying in auto mode but starting at IPAP 13, EPAP 5 and working our way thru what I need now. I'm sure it is the COPD that causes the fluctuating needs in pressure as some days I'm less or more SOB than others. The doggone pressure support is what confuses me. It seems like it locks the pressure at one set pressure, half way between the IPAP and EPAP pressure.
It appears I am in good company. My pressure setting is 18, resulting in < 4 AHI. 4,6,10 or what ever your setting, if it allows you to sleep better and wake rested, the setting is worth it. The alternative was not good. Happy Hosing!
I am in the range of 8 to 10. I am impressed that you can handle 18!
I'm at 20.
holy cow, AsianImage, Sandra Frederic is leaving you in the dust... 20?!

Sandra Frederic said:
I'm at 20.
im at a 7 and my ramp is at a 4 what i dont use at all
Mine is 11 and c-flex is 3
Sandra Frederic said:
I'm at 20.

I bow down to the 20....

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