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Hi - I am Pam
I was diagnosed in 2008 and used a cpap for a year. Actually I was so dumb and poor that I used a used machine and just replaced the tubes and mask. I didn't understand how serious it was or what it could do for me.
I lost 75 lbs while I used the machine and then I stopped using it. I told my Doc I didn't need it and he didn't argue.
Since then I've switched medical providers, had a radical right nuphrectomy, appendectomy and bowel re-section. It has been six months since that surgery and today i saw my NP to complain that I've gained 30 lbs, I am tired all the time, foggy, on and on. She said "we need to do a sleep study"
My first study showed I had 60 apenas an hour.
I wish someone had helped me understand the importance of taking this seriously. I am now reaching out here while I wait for my study and results.
Pam, welcome, you probably now know that losing weight won't necessarily cure sleep apnea, in fact the chances of curing it are remote. Your Dr should have probably done the sleep study when you decided to go off it. Hopefully you can get a sleep study done as quickly as possible and get some results. Do you still have your CPAP? You could satrt using it again, it won't hurt. You probably just don't know what pressure you need. Keep us posted. I think you will find that thing have changed in the last few years and you can get support here if you do have to go back on CPAP permanently.
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