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Hello everyone:
I am pleased to report that I am doing very well with my full face mask, what has been happening for the past few weeks is after sleeping sound for three hours I wake up and have alot of difficulty getting back to sleep it usually takes anywhere from 45 min to an hour.....I am so tired once morning comes. I have to be up by 5:15 am during the week.
Has anyone out there had this similar problem???? Can anyone make suggestions for something to protect my nose at night, the FFM is making the top of my nose red and very raw-very painful. I have tried band aids not working very well.....Makeup is not hiding it anymore.
I appreciate any feedback.
Meegwetch :)
There is a new product out designed to prevent nose soars. you might want to try this website www.sleepcomfortcaresystem
Interesting find Andy. Has anyone had experience with this product? If the mask moves does the pad stay put? Any info on cost? I doubt insurance companies would pay for this item so if it isn't too crazy expensive it might well be worth trying out.
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