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Hello everyone:


I am pleased to report that I am doing very well with my full face mask, what has been happening for the past few weeks is after sleeping sound for three hours I wake up and have alot of difficulty getting back to sleep it usually takes anywhere from 45 min to an hour.....I am so tired once morning comes.  I have to be up by 5:15 am during the week.


Has anyone out there had this similar problem????  Can anyone make suggestions for something to protect my nose at night, the FFM is making the top of my nose red and very raw-very painful.  I have tried band aids not working very well.....Makeup is not hiding it anymore.


I appreciate any feedback.


Meegwetch :)

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I also had problems waking after a few hours and then had trouble going back to sleep. I think I was deprived of oxygen so long before I went on treament that once I started treament when I woke in the middle of the night I was wide awake because my oxygen levels were much higher than what was used to. The longer I have been on treatment the longer I sleep before I awake. It may take awhile for you to adjust.

I think the problem with your nose might be better addressed by trying another mask. I had a horrible sore on my nose from a FFmask. I almost lost my nose, the infection spread all through my nose and face. My eyes swelled shut more than once. It took several weeks for my nose to heal. My doc tried to get me to tough out that mask. I could not do it. I am now using the liberty hybrid type mask. I am adjusting well and no sores.

I hope all goes well for you


This is good to know, I am wide awake when I wake up after the three hours....I do not think using another mask is an alternative for me as I have tried them all without success....after years of choking finally I am sleeping and feeling like a real human being, so I think I will opt to tough it out, can any of the lab techs out there recommend anything for that raw soreness... I thank you for your feed back Carl.

Belinda :)
Have you tried using moleskin on your mask. It is typically found in the foot care aisle at WalMart, etc. This will help protect your nose while it heals. If you don't want to do that have you tried padding your mask with something?

Karen, has some masks liners that are great to help the pressure points some mask put on sensitive skin.
I have given up on the mask ..just cannot adapt .and I might add I am a retired firefighter used to wearing self contained air and a mask . Its just to cumbersom ....I am concerned about my amount of sleep but not sure what is to little . Always having to get up in the night to have to go to fires never bothered me retired i get at least 9 to 10 hours of sleep but in fractions...nowt sure how damaging that is .and sleep doctors seem to be prima donnas ......cant get a streight answer out of them with out a sleep study .had 3 ........ or making an appointment a month ahead and waiting an hour and a half in the office not blessed with a lot of patience.
Doctors CAN be inconsiderate sheisters, can't they? There is really little excuse for the overbooking they have their office staff do. I'm not the most patient patient either. I've been known to walk out of a doctor's office making sure everyone in the office knew WHY I was leaving before seeing the doctor - and that I wouldn't be back.

Don't give up on using your CPAP, Len. Try something lightweight, maybe the Resmed Swift LT nasal pillows, then there is nothing at the bridge of the nose if that is a problem. Or the ProBasics Zzz-Mask which is a very lightweight full face mask, or the Respironics Simplicity simple nasal cusion which is a very lightweight mask. I like and have had good success w/all three of them.

Belinda, the Dr Scholl's Moleskin that SleepyCarol suggested is an excellent suggestion, cut it to form and put it on the mask before putting your mask on. Usually it will last 2-3 days. Also hanging your hose above your head reduces the tugging of the hose on your mask when you change positions during the night. And the Padacheeks is also a good suggestion by SleepyCarol. Karen (Padacheeks) offers a good variety of colorful pads for just about every mask out there.
There is a new product out designed to prevent nose soars. you might want to try this website www.sleepcomfortcaresystem
Andy, I could not bring up the website with that address. Any ideas?
Mary Z.

andy lahti said:
There is a new product out designed to prevent nose soars. you might want to try this website www.sleepcomfortcaresystem
Interesting find Andy. Has anyone had experience with this product? If the mask moves does the pad stay put? Any info on cost? I doubt insurance companies would pay for this item so if it isn't too crazy expensive it might well be worth trying out.
Brian Judy, I have seen it on the online CPAP stores for $13- $15. The web site itself ( says it's medicare reimbursed and gives a reimbursement code. I tried it and thought it was a good idea, but I'm prone to breaking out and I guess the material used in its prduction made my nose break out. If you are not predisposed to little pimples, or even if you are I think it's worth trying. I'm the only one I've read about that has had any trouble with the product. I have read some good reports on it. I bought a small and still had to cut it down a bit on the sides as it caused my mask to leak whre it stuck out from under the mask (but, I'm a leak prone kind of person).
Good Luck,
Mary Z.

Brian Judy said:
Interesting find Andy. Has anyone had experience with this product? If the mask moves does the pad stay put? Any info on cost? I doubt insurance companies would pay for this item so if it isn't too crazy expensive it might well be worth trying out.
Thank you for the website Andy I have put in my order....thanks to everyone for your feedback
I would take to your provider to try a different ffm . there are more then one brand and style you might also want to try the lifefit from respironics it is a full face mask that covers the whole face. So there is no pressure on the nose.

There is also a new product I have seen around that is a guard that goes over the nose. And my friend from straparatus is testing a new nose guard. But the gel one i saw online probably would be closer to what you would need.

If you have any questions it is my pleasure to help mail me at or twitter me at amykr. that way i will get it faster.

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