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I was diagnosed with SA three years ago, I have tried full face masks, and now using pillow nose. It SUCKS, the doc had me try sleep aids, I can not sleep with with the mask, I did not even sleep with the aids. I have a pillow, a head clip, I used saline solution for my nose, I have a chin guard to keep my mouth closed. Nothing works. In three years I have only had the mask on for maybe 10 hours. I am mad and frustrated.

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you might try using CPAP over the weekend during the daytime while reading a book, watching tv, or doing something else that won't have your mind thinking about it. see how that goes. it's kind of like training your brain to accept this foreign, weird thing you're strapping to your face.
Well, I'd start by requesting a copy of the full scored data summary report w/condensed graphs from both your sleep evaluation and your ttiration studies as well as the doctor's dictated report and a copy of your equipment order (script).

Did you ever go back to your sleep doctor or your local DME supplier's RT for assistance w/the problems you were having? If you asked for help and neither was any help then it is time to move on to a sleep doctor who WILL take an interest and help you.

It may be that you need to be evaluated by an ENT (ear, nose, throat specialist) and/or a good dental specialist for evaluation of your jaw, mouth and airway.

How is your weight? Muscle tone? Neck circumference?
I have been using the CPAP machine for about the same amount of time, and fortunately it has worked for me. At the beginning the notion of having the mask on while sleeping was annoying. I think that your doc should be able to diagnose your issue with a sleep study like I assume you went through the first time.
Using your machine is partly mindset. It appears that you have already made up your mind about the negative aspects of using a cpap. Ten hours is not enough time to adjust to it. For many it takes weeks or even a couple of months to become adjusted to it. I doubt if many didn't have a learning curve in the beginning -- I know I had a rough couple of weeks and when I made up my mind that I was going to succeed with this -- it went a lot smoother.

Use your mask EVERY night -- no matter what. Each night increase the length of time you use your machine -- even if it is in minute steps. Extend it just a little each and every night. Make sure you are not having mask issues -- if you are --post what they are and maybe we can help. Have a positive attitude about using your machine. View as your friend and not the enemy. Try watching tv or reading a book with the mask on -- turn your machine on to get used to breathing with the pressure on.

Good luck and please keep us posted!!
Judy I was orginially diagnosed with severe SA. I was retested about 1.5 years later, results came back with moderate SA. My family doc did refer me to a sleep specialists and that is who I have been working with. He is the one that changed the mask and suggested sleep aids. I have been meeting with him every two months. I am 50lbs over weight,muscle tone except for belly is very good, neck size is 17.5. I am 5'10" 246Lbs

Judy said:
Well, I'd start by requesting a copy of the full scored data summary report w/condensed graphs from both your sleep evaluation and your ttiration studies as well as the doctor's dictated report and a copy of your equipment order (script).

Did you ever go back to your sleep doctor or your local DME supplier's RT for assistance w/the problems you were having? If you asked for help and neither was any help then it is time to move on to a sleep doctor who WILL take an interest and help you.

It may be that you need to be evaluated by an ENT (ear, nose, throat specialist) and/or a good dental specialist for evaluation of your jaw, mouth and airway.

How is your weight? Muscle tone? Neck circumference?
sleepycarol said:
Using your machine is partly mindset. It appears that you have already made up your mind about the negative aspects of using a cpap. Ten hours is not enough time to adjust to it. For many it takes weeks or even a couple of months to become adjusted to it. I doubt if many didn't have a learning curve in the beginning -- I know I had a rough couple of weeks and when I made up my mind that I was going to succeed with this -- it went a lot smoother.

Use your mask EVERY night -- no matter what. Each night increase the length of time you use your machine -- even if it is in minute steps. Extend it just a little each and every night. Make sure you are not having mask issues -- if you are --post what they are and maybe we can help. Have a positive attitude about using your machine. View as your friend and not the enemy. Try watching tv or reading a book with the mask on -- turn your machine on to get used to breathing with the pressure on.

Good luck and please keep us posted!!

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