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Have heard through the grapevine that this is a good oximeter, and it produces some pretty reports that can give us all additional data points to track as to whether our sleep apnea treatment is working or not. check it out:

wondering how many people have used this, or would be interested in using this?

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I have an SPO 7500. I had bought one of the first ones out. I loved the reports it can produce. I did have problems w/the On/Off button but SPO was great to work with and they replaced the unit w/o batting an eye. They then changed the method of its turning on which was a great improvement. I have no idea what new changes they may have made but this is an Israeli company that is well-known and one of the leaders in the professional oximeter field. It attaches to your wrist like a watch w/a short lead to a sensor cup on your finger. Easy to wear. I believe they have changed/improved the software since I got mine. I didn't find the software difficult to install or use and I am NOT on the best of terms w/'puters and software and installation and HATE learning new software.

The CMS 50E seems to be well liked as well. Its relatively inexpensive and the reports I saw looked pretty good. dsm uses the CMS 50E and I'm sure would provide you w/a printout to post if you asked him.
Nonin has also come out w/a wrist type recording oximeter. But Nonin is NOT ever a cheaply priced unit. On the other hand they really are one of THE best in the field of oximeters.

For a while there were a couple of online sites that were selling the SPO 7500 and the Nonin W/O the software so read the item description carefully and be sure they are offering the wrist oximeter WITH the software at the price quoted.
very helpful, as usual, Judy, thanks. i saw the SPO 7500 with software for around $450, and the Nonin W/O the software for more like $600. have you ever seen the reports that the Nonin creates, or know someone who has? I'd like to see those and compare to the reports of the SPO 7500.
actually, just answered my own question. some pretty nifty reports from the Nonin:

Mike said:
very helpful, as usual, Judy, thanks. i saw the SPO 7500 with software for around $450, and the Nonin W/O the software for more like $600. have you ever seen the reports that the Nonin creates, or know someone who has? I'd like to see those and compare to the reports of the SPO 7500.
Its been quite some time since I used my SPO 7500 but the software produces a second page similar to the Nonin second page. In fact, I'm thinking I read, maybe a year ago, that SPO 7500 was now using a software called Foxfire?? and that that software could be used for Nonin as well?? I can't always trust the dim recesses of my memory.
Told you my memory wasn't the best. It was ProFox software that I'm pretty sure both the Nonin and the SPO 7500 are compatable with now.

Oh wow!! I just went and checked out the SPO 7500 too. Doggone! They've come a long way, baby!! Up to 80 hours of data now! AND it says you can import sleep studies! And archive sleep studies. Hmmmm.

Now I've gotta go check out the CMS-50E and its capabilities!
Judy -- probably a dumb question, but in this context, what does it mean to "import" sleep studies?

Judy said:
Told you my memory wasn't the best. It was ProFox software that I'm pretty sure both the Nonin and the SPO 7500 are compatable with now.

Oh wow!! I just went and checked out the SPO 7500 too. Doggone! They've come a long way, baby!! Up to 80 hours of data now! AND it says you can import sleep studies! And archive sleep studies. Hmmmm.

Now I've gotta go check out the CMS-50E and its capabilities!
That is what I am going to ask Doni at SPO - or Eric at their software support - IF I can find what I did w/their e-mail addresses. Otherwise I will have to use their general support address.

I'm thinking maybe in comma delineated format? But, if so, that would eliminate a lot of ResScan 3.7 data 'cause that exports in pdf and not in cvs like AutoScan 5.7 did. *sigh*

I did check my SPO 7500 and it is an August 2007 model and there is an insert w/it if I want to purchase ProFox software but I just continued to use the SPO software.
By the way, a pdf of the CMS-50E wrist recording oximeter Users Manual is at

It is a Chinese product. But a lot of cpaptalk forum members are quite pleased w/it, including dsm.
guess it wasn't a dumb question. will be really interested in what Doni or Eric have to say. if you want, you can just ask them to join the site, and post their responses to this thread. might be good marketing opportunity for them?

Judy said:
That is what I am going to ask Doni at SPO - or Eric at their software support - IF I can find what I did w/their e-mail addresses. Otherwise I will have to use their general support address.

I'm thinking maybe in comma delineated format? But, if so, that would eliminate a lot of ResScan 3.7 data 'cause that exports in pdf and not in cvs like AutoScan 5.7 did. *sigh*

I did check my SPO 7500 and it is an August 2007 model and there is an insert w/it if I want to purchase ProFox software but I just continued to use the SPO software.
skeptical of chinese products, but i'll give the CMS-50E a look.

Judy said:
By the way, a pdf of the CMS-50E wrist recording oximeter Users Manual is at

It is a Chinese product. But a lot of cpaptalk forum members are quite pleased w/it, including dsm.
Do a search at cpaptalk on CMS 50E or oximeter CMS and you'll come across a couple of LONG threads by CMS-50E users - and other oximeters as well.

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