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Software to Read Data Off Respironics Machines

plugging with a purpose here: if anyone has a Respironics data capable machine with a smart card and wants to be able to know whether their machine is working to treat their sleep apnea, you might consider buying the Respironics software and Respironics smart card reader.

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I have the software and card reader - and was bummed when I realized my machine does not have a smart card, but an SD card. As expected, the software will not recognize the SD card.

Does anyone have a fix for this? Is the only solution purchasing the high-end Respironics software?
Mike is correct that Respironics is doing (or I should say NOT doing) all they can to make the use of this software as hard as possible for the CPAP user.
EncoreViewer 2.0 or EncorePro 2.2 software are needed for the PR SystemOnes. You only need a standard card reader for the PR S1 data card. In fact, even the data card is the same SD used in digital cameras.

For the Respironics M Series you need EncoreViewer v.1 or EncorePro 1.8 and the Mako Infineer DT 3500 reader cable.

For the pre-M Series you need the same card reader as the M Series but can use earlier versions of EncorePro and the MyEncore and EncoreAnalyzer freeware to provide data clarification if desired.

Why on earth would you do this when you can use the cardreader on you PC and free open-source software like Sleepyhead?

Because, ghashley, this thread was started in 2009 which was prior to the release of the PR SystemOne series of PAP devices. The Respironics series of PAPs prior to the S1s required a proprietary card reader and entirely different data card in addition to which SleepyHead wasn't even in existence.

Also, Sleepyhead is BETA software. it has not even reached version 1. So being BETA software, it is much more likely to have bugs and will need the user to be diligent  about loading updates. There probably is something to be said about using the Respronics software as it will provide the info in the same way that your doctor gets it.

That said, I like what SleepyHead is doing, and support for consumers using the Respronics product is pretty poor.  I have both, I could take a look at what each provides and see if there are any major differences.

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