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So I had an interesting day. I woke up at 4:30am this morning. For those of you that know me you might realize how odd this is. Anyway I over slept. I went to my first ever sleep conference in New Albany In. which is near Louisville. My ride was a co-worker from Egypt. He is actually getting ready to take the boards to get his medical license. Which is baffling because all day long I felt like he thought his GPS was the smartest thing in the car. Never missed so many rights, lefts, and exits in my life.

So I got to the conference just in time to walk in on one of my favorite topics of late. Yep jnk you guessed it "The chicken and the egg debate". It was as if they had planned this event for me. Let me tell you at this point I knew I had spent my money wisely. What better topic to start of with than the predisposing factors of apnea: Mcdonalds and Pizza Hut, or a faulty anatomy? Good times I tell you. I got to see actual video of a patient with Narcolepsy with cataplexy. This is when your body goes into instant REM due to high emotion brought on by laughter or anger. The effect is sleep paralysis. It was crazy. The Dr. told a joke and the patient went limp. He was trying to talk and it sounded like a bad ventriloquist. I could actually see stage REM sleep in the PSG yet the patient looked totally awake.

The next patient had narcolepsy with hypnogogic hallucinations. This is vivid hallucination during sleep onset brought on by immediate stage REM. This patient, once again with his eyes wide open, thought he had an out of body experience. He actually said “I just left my body flew around the room and back into my body”. Had this not been recorded in a PSG this man might have been thought of as senile (Judylol).

The final patient had REM behavior disorder. Once again the PSG showed REM. He sit up and looked like he was driving something. This patient actually screamed out “Get the F%^K away from my truck or I will shoot you through the G%^&$#n windshield.” Then he made a gun with his hands aimed and fired. The gun even kicked. He actually made the sound of a gun going off like kids do when they are little. OMG I have never had more fun at a lecture in my life.

This part was not as much fun, but I did get to see some video and PSG data of the first and I believe only recorded death caused by apnea. The lecture was by a Marc Dyken MD. Out of the University of Iowa. He has some amazing research going on.

On the way home we had a flat tire. That my friend is another story.


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I've actually seen a dog with narcolepsy go into a narcoleptic episode --- the excitement of a lot of treats brought him into the episode. it was one of the strangest things i ever saw.
I have seen Dr. Dement's study on narcoleptic dogs. They would be playing and just fall over.
I almost forgot. We had a discussion on the early warning signs of Parkinson's. Why arm and leg movements can be so important for a doc.
Oooh, oooh, Rock Hinkle!!! YOU are cruising for a bruising! Mention senility and then me in the same breath, eh? Just remember, I don't get mad, I get even!!! And I owe you BIG TIME for that one!!!
It only took you 2 days to catch it. LOL
Yo Rock, Though I have not gotten my results back from the MSLT I took on Friday, October 16, I am 100% positive I do not have narcolepsy, especially from what you've described above. I think maybe I just have a lazy brain. I think I just looooooooooooooove napping more then I love life itself. I mean, is there anything better then snuggling up with a sweet italian greyhound, in a warm pair of comfy pants and t-shirt, with a fuzzy soft blankey, and a 4 inch think memory foam mattress???? I think not. Ahhhh, life is good.

I do have to tell you, I ended up leaving the MSLT test before my last scheduled nap. Surprisingly, I could not handle it. I say "surprisingly", because I'm usually very calm, collected, and able to maintain control. However, I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo unbelievably aggravated. I had gotten there at 7 in the morning, with no morning coffee mind you, by the time noon came along, I was ready to fight someone for some freakin sleep, a cigarette, and some g**d#$m chocolate. I couldnt handle them waking me up anymore and they wouldnt let me outta the room for a smoke break or candy bar. I know it sounds completely ridiculous now, but at the time, I was seriously considering ripping the tech's face off. I had enough. But I stayed, until 4:00 p.m. My last nap was supposed to be at 4, the tech was late. By 4:10 I had pulled out all the cords attached to my head, had my shoes on, and was putting my jacket on when she walked in at 4:20. I said to her, " I cant do this anymore, I'm done, I'm outta here". I was sooooooooooo frustrated and pissed off, all I wanted to do was get my lil bucket home so I could smoke my brains out, eat some chocolate chip cookies and sleep without hearing that stupid freakin voice over the speaker..."Ms Lala, it's time for you to wake up. Did you sleep? Did you dream?". UHHHH, I WAS GETTING READY TO, JUST LIKE THE LAST 10 TIMES YOU'VE ASKED ME, BEFORE YOU WOKE ME UP WITH YOUR ANNOYING QUESTIONS. Anyway, I'm supposed to go back on Nov. 11 for my results. I hope they dont tell me the results are inconclusive because I didnt finish the test. I will not take it again......EVER!! Geeez, just talking about it stresses me
You should be alright. Did you dream? If so were they odd? was I in any of them? Don't lie! The results are based on how fast you fell asleep and whether or not you hit REM. Ms. Lala sounds so funny.
I believe I only dreamt once........very odd dream about YOU, you were this kinda like superhero cartoon character, a cross between porky pig and goofy.....LMAO.

Seriously, I think I actually fell asleep twice. I dont remember dreaming. But what does dreaming have to do with anything? I hardly ever remember dreaming. I thought alot of people dont remember dreaming. So why do they even ask that?

Rock Hinkle said:
You should be alright. Did you dream? If so were they odd? was I in any of them? Don't lie! The results are based on how fast you fell asleep and whether or not you hit REM. Ms. Lala sounds so funny.
LMAO. People whom are narcoleptic go into immediate REM at sleep onset (SOREM). One of the side effects or symptoms of narcalepsy is a hypnogic hallucination. These are very vivid dreams while falling asleep. usually they include your sleep environment. Some scientist are blaming the UFO abduction phenomenon on narcolepsy.

My theory is that you only remember the dreams that you wake up during. the ones that are fresh in your mind. Typically even these you forget after time. Dreaming is basically your brain defragging or deleting cookies like a computer. Dreams are useless memories or perceptions that are meant to be forgotten.
Oh ok, ya, I'm definitely not narcoleptic. I think maybe I have idiopathic hypersomnia....<---- HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT MR. ROCK!! See, I can come up with some big thingama jiggys. Impressed? Yes, I I believe your theory is along the lines of my thinking.

Rock Hinkle said:
LMAO. People whom are narcoleptic go into immediate REM at sleep onset (SOREM). One of the side effects or symptoms of narcalepsy is a hypnogic hallucination. These are very vivid dreams while falling asleep. usually they include your sleep environment. Some scientist are blaming the UFO abduction phenomenon on narcolepsy.

My theory is that you only remember the dreams that you wake up during. the ones that are fresh in your mind. Typically even these you forget after time. Dreaming is basically your brain defragging or deleting cookies like a computer. Dreams are useless memories or perceptions that are meant to be forgotten.
I hope you like provigil/nuvigil with that diagnosis.

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