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Scheduled for evaluation and possible procedure next day

Have an appointment for an evaluation and maybe the next day a Radio Frequency Temperature controlled ablation of tongue.  It (supposedly) takes several treatments.  I am not getting excited that I may not need CPAP ...but....    I would be happier if it just lets me use the CPAP without a cervical neck collar.  My neck pain is getting worse from wearing it.  I was diagnosed mile to moderate, the MD reviewed my sleep study results and felt I might be helped.  Will see what he say son the day of the veal.  It is 5 hours from where I live, hence the scheduling the next day for procedure if he deems OK.  Appointment is 10/14.  I could have had one sooner but going on vacation in 2 weeks. 

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Thanks, Ginny, but I am unhappy with my Wisp.

5th procedure scheduled for a week from tomorrow.  Then one more.  Still feeling hopeful will help.

Mary Z said:

Thanks, Ginny, but I am unhappy with my Wisp.

Mary I stopped using the Wisp when it felt like the mask frame moved up and I felt like the Wisp was blocking air to my nose.I have never had that problem before.

Ginny Edmundson said:

5th procedure scheduled for a week from tomorrow.  Then one more.  Still feeling hopeful will help.

I hope it helps. Best of luck to you.

Had 5th one yesterday.  Further back on the tongue so had some gagging issues at first.  He said next time he will give me med prior to help control the reflex more.  But all went well and eating just about normally this afternoon.  Took only 3 doses of pain med (every 6 hours) after.  None needed now. Go next month for last one.Praying it was worth the effort!!!

Glad to hear you're almost finished, Ginny.  Are you still feeling like it's helping?

Don't really know.  Guess I won't know until the sleep study.  He says to have it 6-8 weeks after last treatment. At least I do not have to use the chin strap now.  But hope it helps more than just that!  This one has been easy.  Swallowing and eating normally already today.  Going out to eat!

Mary Z said:

Glad to hear you're almost finished, Ginny.  Are you still feeling like it's helping?

Scheduled for last procedure April 3rd!

Ginny Edmundson said:

Don't really know.  Guess I won't know until the sleep study.  He says to have it 6-8 weeks after last treatment. At least I do not have to use the chin strap now.  But hope it helps more than just that!  This one has been easy.  Swallowing and eating normally already today.  Going out to eat!

Mary Z said:

Glad to hear you're almost finished, Ginny.  Are you still feeling like it's helping?

Last procedure done!  This time he gave me meds to take before so less anxiety while waiting!  For the first time I was able to eat normal food on the way home after the procedure.  No pain after 12 hours.  If it only works.  Sleep study in 7 weeks!

Good job, Ginny Hope the sleep study shows some good results.

Thanks, Mary~  Fingers are crossed.  My pressure is one point lower than when I began (7) and AHI is some lower (7 day average).  I am anxious about sleep study as I have not slept without CPAP in 2.5 years!  

Mary Z said:

Good job, Ginny Hope the sleep study shows some good results.

I had it on the same outpatient basis.  Much pain, no long term gain.  I did not have the annual repetition - that might or might not have made the difference. Anxious to hear what your sleep study reveals.  I agree with your second comment -- especially if Medicare will cover it, I would be glad to endure this every year or two to get off CPAP -- I tolerate it well enough but my wife absolutely hates it -- the noise if the mask slips, the air stream, the cumbersome travel. 

Ginny Edmundson said:

This is not quite the same as the one that was done 10 years ago in a hospital OR.  It is done over 6 months each a month apart and then is repeated yearly. All done in an MD's office with no sedation etc. Just a local to the tongue. Took pain meds as ordered with last one needed 12 hours post procedure. If it allows me to be off CPAP for some length of time it is worth it to me.I had procedure #2 done on a Thursday and by Saturday was having no discomfort at all so the recovery is not bad at all. 

Clueless in Redwood Shores said:

I wish I'd seen this three months ago and would be the first to acknowledge that the plural of anecdote is not data, but I had this procedure a decade back and was off CPAP for a few years but it wasn't worth it.  My doctor no longer recommends it.  Wasn't as terrible as UPPP but I am a big disbeliever in surgery to relieve OSA.

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