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I am seeing the Sleep Dr tomorrow,(Monday) because I have had an increase in stopping breathing, even with the machine. It was horrible. Waking me up with the adrenaline rushes from telling my brain to BREATHE!!! I already wake up about every 2 hours anyways, even WITH the machine.   Made my heart rate go up and my BP. When I called and asked for appt they told me they could only see me in 4 weeks. Well, I couldn't live like that for 4 more weeks.  So I raised the setting up to 11, it got a tad better so I raised it to 13. It is better, but I am still having apnea.  It has gotten so bad, due to the hormonal issues causing lack of sleep that I am taking Doxipen. AND I HATE to take sleeping pills. I have gone 7 years without taking them with this waking up every 2 hours mess.



I did have some central apneas with my sleep study. I was wondering if I didn't need a bi pap machine. And if anyone would please give me some ideas on what to ask the dr.

I would surely be appreciative (A little late I know, but just how thought about it).

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Peggy B, make sure you take your Simcard from your machine so they can see what has been happening, they should be able to tell from that what pressures you require. Do you know what you AHI was from your sleep study and what was the original pressure setting. I assume you have a fixed pressure CPAP, I use a different brand to you but have what is called an autoset, which adjusts my pressures as I need them, so I have a minimum of 5 and can go up to 15, so if I get prolonged apnea's it goes up to what I require not always 15, then as I start breathing normally it will go back to 5. You do need to take a lot of this in your own hands, learn up on sleep apnea then you can do a lot yourself or ask the questions needed.

Yes, I know a little bit. But am not thinking to good due to lack of sleep these last several years.  I'm serious. I am so fatigued and plain tired that it has my thought processes slowed down. Which is why I was trying to get prepared ahead of time.

How can they tell what pressure I need from my machine? would that be from the AHI? And since I have changed it myself, that might affect it some.

Thats good Peggy, it's always good to write down your questions especially if your tired. It does sound like your settings maybe incorrect, how long have you been on CPAP now?

Peggy, hope your visit to the doc went well, please let us know what the doctor said.


Thanks Mary. I needed a remineer. :During the night I thought, I need to give an update on this site. Then, during the day, I can't remember. This happens a lot.


He says he doesn't know why I am doing this, so he is going to do another sleep study. Have one scheduled for  Feb. 2. I hate to say this, but I have had such bad experiences with doctor's, and most seem to want to be able to give you a pill instead of fix it, that I just wonder what's the point?

But I guess we shall see. Thank you again....

Peggy, Terry hit the nail on the head when he said write things down.  Even I think of something at night that I want to take care of the next day and forget by morning.  More fun still, get a micro cassette tape recorder and tape things as you think of them.  Listening to the tape may jog your memory about other things/ideas, too.  I went through a spot like you're experiencing after a deep, debilitating depression, a "Nervous Breakdown".  I thought I had a stroke because I forgot so many words, couldn't do my own finances for two years at least. I couldn't drive I always got lost.  This was three years before CPAP. I've gradually gotten better, but not to be dramatic, that period damaged me for life.  I don't think I'll ever regain cognitive function like before that period.  I even take Aricept- the dementia, alzheimers drug. Does anyone have experience with Focus Factor?

That is a good idea, Terry. But to be honest with you, I mainly wanted to make sure I didn't leave anything out. Because I am so tired from not sleeping, that my thought processes aren't working quite right. Not to mention, thyroid, and adrenal and all kinds of hormonal issues going on. That interfere with thoughts. 

I've been on the machine for about 2 years now. HATE IT! I am such a light sleeper, and it bothers me, with nasal pillows.  Going on 2/3 for another study. Wanting to know if I need a different type of machine, ie bi-pap. Thanks
Terry Vella said:

Thats good Peggy, it's always good to write down your questions especially if your tired. It does sound like your settings maybe incorrect, how long have you been on CPAP now?

Mary, I am not in a deep depression, Thank God for that. I am so sorry that you are having problems with that. I have problems with my memory. I believe it is due to multiple things going on. Hormonal issues, Thyroid and adrenal issues. Have to take meds for seizures, plus the sleep apnea. All those work against the memory. I just pray that God will give me the strength to endure.  

I haven't tried the Focus Factor, but I do use Gingo Biloba, double the dosage, and that seems to help some. Getting these hormones back in sync will be great in helping that as well. Hope you sleep well!

Mary Z said:

Peggy, Terry hit the nail on the head when he said write things down.  Even I think of something at night that I want to take care of the next day and forget by morning.  More fun still, get a micro cassette tape recorder and tape things as you think of them.  Listening to the tape may jog your memory about other things/ideas, too.  I went through a spot like you're experiencing after a deep, debilitating depression, a "Nervous Breakdown".  I thought I had a stroke because I forgot so many words, couldn't do my own finances for two years at least. I couldn't drive I always got lost.  This was three years before CPAP. I've gradually gotten better, but not to be dramatic, that period damaged me for life.  I don't think I'll ever regain cognitive function like before that period.  I even take Aricept- the dementia, alzheimers drug. Does anyone have experience with Focus Factor?

Peggy, do you currently use straight CPAP, I use a auto machine and find it more comfortable.

Peggy B. said:

That is a good idea, Terry. But to be honest with you, I mainly wanted to make sure I didn't leave anything out. Because I am so tired from not sleeping, that my thought processes aren't working quite right. Not to mention, thyroid, and adrenal and all kinds of hormonal issues going on. That interfere with thoughts. 

I've been on the machine for about 2 years now. HATE IT! I am such a light sleeper, and it bothers me, with nasal pillows.  Going on 2/3 for another study. Wanting to know if I need a different type of machine, ie bi-pap. Thanks
Terry Vella said:

Thats good Peggy, it's always good to write down your questions especially if your tired. It does sound like your settings maybe incorrect, how long have you been on CPAP now?

Yes, I use a regular c-pap. I was wondering if I needed something different. I am not your typical c-pap user. I don't snore, and have the episodes of stop breathing then starting back like some do. Which is what I don't understand. Sounds to me more like central apnea, but the dr says its not. Oh well..... Just continue searching is all I know to do.  

Will check into the auto pap machine. Sounds like it would be more for central apnea. Which kind do you have, apnea, that is.

Peggy, Auto machines are about twice the price as a normal CPAP then Bi Level are dearer again. The auto is probably more for comfort, for example mine is set at a low pressure of 5 and a high pressure of 15, I hardly ever reach 15 but if I need it my CPAP detects what I require and raises it, when I start breathing again, after a few minutes it will reduce again to 5 and stay around there till I have another Apnea. I have complex sleep apnea or both obstructive and central, I find that fixing my obstructive helps my centrals probably because I now get the much needed oxygen to my brain. My AHI is down from 30 to 3 and of those left 2 are central and 1 obstructive per hour or 66% to 33%. I started with a straight CPAP and found the constaint pressure a bit overwelming and now only get the pressure I require.

Real central or mixed apnea should be treated with an ASV machine.  Please look at Phillips Respironics or ResMed web sites for a thorough explanation of ASV machines.  They cost between $4,000 and $5,000 unless you buy one second hand.  I believe ASV would be better for everyone, but because of the expense insurance companies need proof they will work for you and that you need one. I had a sleep study done with the ASV, it has brought my AHI from a six month average of 18.6 to a 9 month average of 4-8.  You can ask your doctor about an ASV.  They are programmed much like a Bilevel, but the softwear is different and more complicated.   Did you know sometimes raising the pressure  can cause centrals when the pressure is too high.  For a year I tried CPAP, AUTO, and Bilevel (I was diagnosed in March 2008 and went on straight CPAP which I liked).  My apnea  worsenened, probably because of the many medicines I take.  I urge you to take the time to watch the five YouTube Videos Zollistar recommended.  The Doctor is a neurologist, pro CPAP abd talks a lot about vitamin D, and the need for restorative sleep because that's when our bodies heal themselves.  I have said it before, but it's worth repeating.  Good, restorative sleep (meaning getting to the deep stages and REM sleep) is absolutely necessary for you to feel good and succeed with CPAP. If you haven't worked on sleep hygiene please think about reviewing that and working on your sleep.  I know it seems  simple, but it's not, getting good sleep can be real work as you experiment to find out what works for you and what doesn't.  For instance an example is coffee, some people are exquisitely sensitive to caffeine.  Working on the computer until bedtime can disrupt your sleep because of the light from the monitor and the  awake state it leaves you in. Sorry to be so longwinded.  How did your visit with the doctor go?  Good luck,



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