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I'm a fairly new user to the CPAP. I've been using the Resmed S-9 auto adjust CPAP machine for about 2 weeks now. The pressure is set to go as high as 16 at night. I've gone through three masks. I tend to have a hard time breathing through my nose so the first mask was a full face mask. The issue with that was leakage and I could never get it to fit right. I switched to a nasal mask with the same problem...too much leakage and poor fit. There is a humidifier on my machine which miraculously opened my nasal airways to allow me to breathe through my nose through the night. I was so happy about this because I've been a mouth breather at least 75% of the time for years. The mask I'm using now is the swift LT with nasal pillows. I LOVE the fit! It fits perfectly with no air leaks.


Now the downside. Since using the pillows, I have started waking up daily with sinus pain in my forehead and below my eyes at the top of my cheekbones. I've also started experiencing sore throat, along with congestion, runny (actually goopy) nose. This morning I had a sneezing fit after waking up. The headache is awful and causes pressure in my eyes. At first I thought I was coming down with a cold but then I realized that it's not getting any better and it doesn't seem to be getting worse. So my only conclusion can be it's the CPAP or mask causing this.


Could it be the directness of air coming through those little pillows (more direct or forcefull?). Could it be my humidifier is too high or low? I'm not sure if I should adjust it higher or lower! I've tried it between 80 and 86. I try not to go too low because cold air bothers my nose and throat. I just don't know what to do! I feel miserable. I took an ibuprofen yesterday morning because my head hurt so bad... but it really didn't do much to take away the pain. So now I'm sitting here trying to ignore the pain.


Any suggestions? I'm desperate for the cpap therapy to work for me. I was thinking finally I will get a good night's sleep instead of dragging through my days. Finally I will feel good and have energy. Instead I'm stuck with pain and congestion and sore throat.



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Wow, you sound a lot like me.  I went through a few masks before I found the one that solved all of my leakage and mouth opening problems.  I now have a Hybrid mask that has nasal pillows and a mouth mask that stays on because it also cups my chin.  I have slept MUCH better because of this mask!  My throat and nose aren't sore any longer.  I have a REMstar Plus and keep my humidity setting on at least 3 (it has 5 levels in all).  Good luck!

Hi Molly, I am so glad that you understand the importance of CPAP therapy  and continue to find ways to make it more comfortable.  In my experience I find that, for the most part pressures greater than 10-12 are too harsh for the sinuses when using pillows.  I have a cut off of 10cm when fitting for pillows.  You are right, the fact that it is a more direct flow into the sinuses than the nasal mask makes it more irritating to the sinuses.  It seems as if you have done everything to protect your sinuses but even those things might not be enough.  Having sinus issues is not worth it just to be able to wear pillows.  Have you tried the activa LT?  It is a great mask that does not leak if applied properly.  I think you should stay clear of any of the pillows unless your pressure needs come down a little.

Good Luck Molly, and keep up the good work and persistance

Beth McCarthy, RCP


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