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I think sleep testing should be part of preventive medicine for both children and adults. I've had pediatric patients that were on meds for reflux, adhd, and congestion when they really had sleep apnea.

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I agree, all children should be tested by age 5. This could eliminate many of the behavior problems are schools are facing.

Hi Jackie, The heart atacks ,diabeties ,obesity ,strokes and general crankieness that would be stopped sure would make many lives better. I vote yes to your idea. Not that that makes a hill of beans difference. Good Sleep,Chris

This is true! We need a like button on this website. lol
RockRpsgt said:

I agree, all children should be tested by age 5. This could eliminate many of the behavior problems are schools are facing.

Yes, So much money would be saved from preventing these illnesses rather than treating them w/meds and surgery. Not to mention all these meds have side effects and don't always work.
Chris H said:

Hi Jackie, The heart atacks ,diabeties ,obesity ,strokes and general crankieness that would be stopped sure would make many lives better. I vote yes to your idea. Not that that makes a hill of beans difference. Good Sleep,Chris


I think it starts with the sleep techs getting out into the public. The majority of the knowledge lies in the labs.

what does bump mean? :)

ike said:


I concur but more doctor's need to be educated on it as well. The lack of patient education is unreal.

I think it starts with the sleep techs getting out into the public. The majority of the knowledge lies in the labs.

Jackie, "bump" is used to push a discussion back to the top of the active discussion  list.

We use it when a good discussion has fallen down the line on the active discussion list, or if a query has not received any responses.

Jackie S. on May 3, 2012 at 12:08pm in

I think sleep testing should be part of preventive medicine for both children and adults. I've had pediatric patients that were on meds for reflux, adhd, and congestion when they really had sleep apnea.



Oh, thanks for filling me in Mary. I don't even know how to do that.
Mary Z said:

Jackie, "bump" is used to push a discussion back to the top of the active discussion  list.

We use it when a good discussion has fallen down the line on the active discussion list, or if a query has not received any responses.

Mary Z said:

Jackie, "bump" is used to push a discussion back to the top of the active discussion  list.

We use it when a good discussion has fallen down the line on the active discussion list, or if a query has not received any responses.

Do you realize that a search of the word "bump" on the forum yields 2292 results?


This makes the most popular post on sleepguide, by far, "bump".

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